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I love this podcast
Josh Spodek's view is not observations, ideas or leadership appreciation. It's all about inspiring people to new behavior and change. Influence. That is extremely compelleing to me.

A must listen for leadership
Joshua Spodek's approach to leadership is refreshing because it comes from his heart. So happy to hear his new podcast. If you're looking for an honest, authentic approach to leadership, take the next step and subscribe to his show.

Life Changing
Through his passion and mission Josh has helped me understand my responsibility to the environment. Since listening I have become more aware and active on what I can do to preserve our world by being a leader both professionally and environmentally. Thanks Josh. This is amazing work.

Must listen!
Talk about leading by example! This should be a must listen for everybody. We can no longer pretend that we don´t care about our environment. And what better way to learn how to do our part than listening from people who are actually doing their part and leading us by example. Thank you, Joshua for putting this podcast out. It´s on my top listt o listen and get inspired now!

Powerful podcast
You have a unique set of skills- practical leadership, sharp interview style and depth of environmental knowledge. This podcast is one of a kind. As a citizen of the world, I thank you.

Green codec
Every topic discussed here is worth of thinking. Great show! Keep it like this.

Been waiting for this one
Joshua's approach is open-minded and professional, rather than brash and agenda-driven. He challenges guest and listeners to lead on environmental issues, but in a way that is apolitical and doesn't drive half the audience away.

Game Changer
Hearing someone share their story acting on the environment prompted me to eat less beef. It was easier than I expected and I'm glad I did it. On to my next challenge!