Former guest of the show, Cori Strathmeyer (Pajama Mama) joins Jester this week to share her section hike completion of the Mason Dixon Trail. Cori shares the beauty of the landscapes, the tough road walk sections, and her …
Jester shares with us a glimpse into the life of Dr. Aaron Pospisil, who practices Veterinary Medicine in the State of Ohio. Dr. Aaron reached out to Jester and asked if he could share his story on the podcast of how discove…
If you are a fan of watching YouTube, you will understand when Jester found the YouTube channel "Side Trail Adventures" she had to have the creator of the channel, Austin Wallis on the podcast. Austin shares with us his pass…
Jester updates us on her Summer 2021 Day Hike Gear list. As you will hear Jester has replaced some gear, is testing out some new gear, and will be bringing back an item that she thought she was done with! She also fills us i…
Josh "PBS" Smith is returning to the podcast for an exciting announcement regarding The MST Guide App by Pocket Trails. Josh was first introduced on the podcast back in Episode #50, where he talked to us about his service i…
Happy New Year and Welcome to 2021! Jester had a chance to connect with Kathryn Herndon-Powell, Education and Outreach Coordinator with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. Kathryn educates us on the 7 Leave No Trace Principl…