
Aug. 10, 2024

You Might Not Be One Broadcast Away From Massive Success - CPT 210

You will hear many who have reached success in the creator’s community that you could be one show away from massive success. Well, chances are you are not just one show away. Keep producing anyway and find a reason to love t…
Nov. 1, 2023

Everything Has A Format - CPT 209

If you are unsure of just how the flow of your show needs to go, don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Review some work you admire in your genre and create an early model for your work of what you like from there. There are reaso…
Oct. 25, 2023

Focus On Foods That Matter for Your Voice - CPT 208

Your larynx does much more than help you make a sound out of your mouth. It also directs food into your stomach and air into your lungs to breathe. So, any issue becomes not just a creator issue but also a health issue. You …
Oct. 18, 2023

Tell Non-Podcast Listeners About Other People's Podcasts - CPT 207

You want to sell non-podcast listeners on joining the club. Do it by pushing content from creators they are likely to listen to, not just your content.
Oct. 11, 2023

Your Podcast Has Value Beyond Plays And Downloads - CPT 206

The numbers are significant but not always the primary reason to start or continue a project. Documenting history, connecting with people, and learning from the process may be a stronger motivator to keep pushing on when the…
Oct. 4, 2023

'Make Better Content' Is Not Helpful Advice - CPT 205

You don't help a surgeon with confidence by saying, 'Do surgery without killing the patient.' If making better content (or more engaging and entertaining content) is not second nature, consider why you are producing content.…
Sept. 27, 2023

Who Do You Expect To Replace? - CPT 204

Who are your listeners not going to listen to from now on when they start listening to you? Knowing some answers to this question will help you target and capture more listeners.
Sept. 20, 2023

Drink More Water - CPT 203

I am telling you to drink more water as a creator for the same reason I tell people on my health and fitness podcasts: your basic health. Proper hydration is good for your voice (as a podcaster) and your skin (as a video cre…
Sept. 13, 2023

Yes, That Other Podcast Is Better Than Yours. So What? - CPT 202

You can not be discouraged by other people's talent. You need to define your goals, polish up your performance, and keep producing content. Because, in reality, you have little to do with the perception of 'good' once the li…
Sept. 6, 2023

Batch Work Is Your Friend (Maybe Your Savior) - CPT 201

Once you settle your content creation process, take advantage of the consistency and create more work in batches to save you creation headaches.
Aug. 30, 2023

Eventually, You'll Learn Not To Care - CPT 200

As you see the number of episodes rising, you will gain comfort in your workflow and performance and won't worry as much about the things that seemed like nonstarters when you started.
Aug. 23, 2023

There Is No Best Day To Publish Your Podcast - CPT 199

The best day to post is the day that works best for you and your content. Other than when your listeners need to hear it for it to be relevant, the day and time rarely matter, other than consistency.
Aug. 16, 2023

Other Creators Aren't Doing Better Than You - CPT 198

They are better at marketing, basically doing a better job telling you (and the world that consumes similar content) they are better than you.
Aug. 9, 2023

Three Universal Tenants To Content Creation - CPT 197

Content first. Gear Second. Audience always. These are the three universal tenets all content creators need to follow.
Aug. 2, 2023

Convert Your Original Content Into Other Formats (Plus Bonus Content) - CPT 196

Turn your audio into a YouTube video. Turn your YouTube videos into audio. Transcribe all your non-text work into text to post for newsletters and blogs. Make short clips for other social media platforms and send promotional…
July 26, 2023

Promote On Social Media In As Many Ways Possible - CPT 195

You know you need to promote yourself on social media, but are you doing it effectively and on as many platforms as possible?
July 19, 2023

Know If You Are Not Any Good Versus Not Good Enough - CPT 194

Can't get sponsors or mass adoption? Know whether you're getting a sign you should drop the project, retool, or keep pressing as is. There is a fundamental difference between seeing that you don't have the talent versus you …
July 12, 2023

Be A Good Host And Be A Good Guest - CPT 193

Ironically, the things one does to be a good guest also apply to being a good host.
July 5, 2023

Leverage Your Guest's Audience - CPT 192

You have guests on your show because they should be a draw for your audience. Find a way to ethically leverage the audience your guest has massed to help grow your own.
June 28, 2023

Release At Least 3 Episodes On Launch Day - CPT 191

This is not a necessity, but as a way to give quick validation to a new project (and give people more to watch and listen to early in the life of the project) you can launch with at least three episodes of relevant and everg…
June 21, 2023

Most Of The Good Ideas Are Taken - CPT 190

Don’t get discouraged when you find out there is already a podcast or video series that takes the same angle and approach as you have been dying to try. Just take a slight pivot and do the idea better.
June 14, 2023

Is It A Conversation Worth Listening To? - CPT 189

A project you work on as a solo creator is still a conversation playing out. Just playing out between yourself and the ‘world’ of watchers and listeners out ‘there.’ The key to success in these projects is to perform so that…
June 7, 2023

Obligations To A Sponsor Will Take Away From Content - CPT 188

As much as we complain about the glut of sponsor reads in podcasts and videos, having a sponsor helps the creator fund their operation and give them the ability to keep working. But the more you do for the sponsor, the more …
May 31, 2023

Don't Talk Bad About Your Non-Target Listeners - CPT 187

The key to success as a creator is to take good care of your target listeners, and the key to longevity is to take some consideration for your non-target listeners.
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