This is message #66 from the Project Positive. In this message, I reminder you that lying to others becomes extremely easy once you become comfortable with lying to yourself.
This is message #65 from the Project Positive. In this message, I explain why judging others in not necessarily negative, as it is a thing that will happen. Your actions are constantly being judged by others, including yours…
This is message #64 from the Project Positive. In this message, I read Ecclesiastes 3:1 1-8, the source of the lyrics for the classic song by The Byrds, Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season). I don't sing, but …
This is message #63 from the Project Positive. In this episode, hype up Dr Norman Vincent Peale and his classic book, The Power of Positive Thinking, and promote positive thinking as a way to improve your situation.
This is message #62 from the Project Positive. In this episode, we focus on how you can find personal peace through the power of prayer, meditation, and relaxed breathing.
This is message #60 from the Project Positive. In this message, we remind you of the obvious, that you can only do so much with your time, talents, energy, and resources. Then, we reminder you again.
This is message #60 from the Project Positive. In this message, we ask you if you are in a good enough place to help others. Then, we tell you what to look for in others to ensure that if you help them, they do little to cau…
This is message #59 from the Project Positive. In this message, we explain the failure that temporarily kept us away from podcasting, what we learn from it, and how we intend to grow from here.
This is message #58 from the Project Positive. In this message, we talk about clutter, and the relief you will feel when you can find ways to clear some of the physical and mental clutter in your life.
This is message #57 from the Project Positive. In this message, we give you a few definitions of the word 'guru' so that you know what a guru was meant to be, the assure you that you don't need as much assistance from a mode…
This is message #56 from the Project Positive. In this message, we go over the concept of revisionist history, and how the way you remember and share events from your past can effect how can be perceived in the present and f…
This is message #55 from the Project Positive. In this message, we remind you that the lives you see portrayed in social media is usually a one-sided facade, and I explain my philosophy of 'being boring on purpose.'
This is message #54 from the Project Positive. In this message, we bring up the old adage 'you have to give respect to get respect' because it is completely true.
This is message #53 from the Project Positive. In this message, we have to give you another show made of not-so-positive news. Some issues in life will just suck, and some of them you will just have to deal with and move on.
This is message #51 from the Project Positive. In this message, we offer up three things that may contribute to a mindset that can hold you back from properly managing your finances.
This is message #50 from the Project Positive. In this message, we pause from the message format and give some observations on where we are, what you think about where we are, and where we intend to go in the near future.
This is message #49 from the Project Positive. In this message, J Cleveland debuts a new concept for injecting a quick boost of happiness into your life.
This is message #48 from the Project Positive. In this message, we talk about change. Change is inevitable, and the only want to handle change is to deal with it.
This is message #47 from the Project Positive. In this message, we detail a technique dubbed 'the Solution of Twos' as a way to prioritize and quickly plan for tasks that you find yourself suddenly responsible for.
This is message #46 from the Project Positive. In this message, we show you how to use contingency and continuity plans to work through emergencies and challenges.
This is message #45 from the Project Positive. In this message, we ask if you are a team player, and lay out the virtues of being one, even if for selfish reasons.
This is message #44 from the Project Positive. In this message, ask you to evaluate whether you shold or should not share your ideas with others as you are working your way through them.
This is message #43 from the Project Positive. In this message, we ask you to check your reasons for pursuing your dream in order to keep your dream on track or put it in check.