Season 1

Oct. 12, 2018

SUFB 594: Court Rules Dutch Government Needs To Follow Climate Change Reduction Pledge

What do you do when your government doesn't follow up on its pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? You take them to court. That is what a group of organizations did to the Dutch Government. An appeals court ruled that t…
Oct. 11, 2018

SUFB 593: Senegal Community Working To Get Conservation Right For Survival

Local communities can be great examples of showing great conservation examples as they conserve their community in order for them to survive for generations. A recent example was brought to the forefront by . The example was…
Oct. 10, 2018

SUFB 592: What Is The Biggest Contributor To Climate Change?

I'm confused. First, an article comes out with a list of the 100 companies that contribute 71% of the Global Greenhouse Gases (the list was made up primarily of oil/gas and coal corporations). Then, an article comes out sayi…
Oct. 9, 2018

SUFB 591: What You Shouldn't Have To Go Through In A Marine Conservation Career

I've met with many people over my career you provide them with advice on how to get a Marine Conservation Career. In fact, I created an online course for it a few years back. I enjoy helping people as I got helped by my coll…
Oct. 8, 2018

SUFB 590: IPCC Says Climate Change Worse Than We Thought...Is The Report Effective?

Another IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change) report has been released and things haven't gotten better regarding Climate Change...things are worse. The report predicted that massive droughts and flooding will occ…
Oct. 7, 2018

SUFB 589: Reduce Cow Farts, Save The World From Climate Change

On of the main arguments for reduce meat content lately has been to help reduce climate change. According to studies, cow flatulence emits methane, a greenhouse gas. In fact, the meat industry is said to contribute 4% of the…
Oct. 6, 2018

SUFB 588: If A Whale Went Under Your Boat Would You Call 911

A quick episode today. This episode is based on the various reactions of a family who encountered two whales during their family adventure in Puget Sound. Let's just say some family members were enjoying the once in a lifeti…
Oct. 5, 2018

SUFB 587: Jellyfish Toxin So Bad It Makes You Want To Die

Jellyfish are amazing creatures, just ask Rebecca Helm; however, some jellies can get a little dangerous if one happens to get stung by a jelly.  In this episode, I talk about how Climate Change is causing concern about a sp…
Oct. 4, 2018

SUFB 586: Sei Whales Spotted In Canadian Waters

Sei Whales were hunted to population collapse back before the 1960s and there hasn't been another Sei whale spotted in the Canadian North Pacific since. Until now that is... Canadian Government researchers heard what seemed …
Oct. 3, 2018

SUFB 585: Indonesia Hit By Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcano Eruption Stressing Importance Of Planning

You can't stop natural disasters from happening, but you can protect the people who live along the coastlines through emergency planning policies.  This episode I use the events that happened in Indonesia this past week to d…
Oct. 2, 2018

SUFB 584: Are Global Orca Populations In Trouble?

A new study was published looking at the future of global Orca populations and the results are not good. We've discussed the challenges that the Southern Resident Orca Population face with lack of Chinook Salmon and contamin…
Oct. 1, 2018

SUFB 583: What The Ocean Clean Up Project Can Do For Marine Conservation

It's not secret that I am not a fan of the Ocean Clean Project that is spearheaded by Boyant Slat. I don't think the device that he is building will clean up the Oceans from plastic pollution or even the Pacific Garbage Patc…
Sept. 30, 2018

SUFB 582: New Species Of Blood Red-Coloured Coral Off The Coast Of Panama

Mongabay just published an article on how researchers have discovered 3 new species, including a blood red-coloured branching coral in a protected area off the coast of Panama.  The species Thesea dalioi is 1 of 2 species fo…
Sept. 29, 2018

SUFB 581: Reconnecting - What Is SUFB?

It's been a while since I've done an episode where I told you the purpose of this podcast and why I recently made the business, Speak Up For Blue Media and Communications Inc., real!  I also wanted to do this because there a…
Sept. 28, 2018

SUFB 580: Will Australia Take Legal Action Against Japan For Their Whaling Tactics

Japan has hunted whales in the South Pacific Ocean for decades killing hundreds of whales each year under the "scientific purpose" tag. We all know the tag is not true, but no country can do anything about the loophole in th…
Sept. 27, 2018

SUFB 579: When Will Politicians Learn Killing Sharks Won't Reduce Shark Bite Incidents

Two people were bitten by sharks in Australia within a 24 hour period. I don't even know what the chances of having a shark bite within the same bay in 24 hours are; however, the right thing to do is not kill sharks. We know…
Sept. 26, 2018

SUFB 578: Dolphinarium Abandons Dolphin, Penguins And Other Fish In Japan

There are so many marine parks that hold marine mammals in captivity in Asia. It's ridiculous!!! It seems that the marine mammal theme park in Asian countries is thriving, except maybe it has hit a bit of a downturn. A marin…
Sept. 25, 2018

SUFB 577: Learning About Ocean Dead Zones

I took part in a discussion in a different Facebook Group that had to do with growing a Social Enterprise. The discussion was a question regarding Dead Zones in the Ocean. The question came up after I introduced myself in th…
Sept. 24, 2018

SUFB 576: PETA Targeting Lobster Shell Plant In New Brunswick

PETA is spending some energy on a small Lobster Shell Company in New Brunswick, Canada as the company was in the news due to the smell coming from the plant. The smell was bothering neighbours. The company has since worked o…
Sept. 23, 2018

SUFB 575: Is The Trump Administration Targeting Commercial Fishing In Marine Protected Areas?

The Trump administration is holding a set of public listening meeting between August 31st and November on the topic of allowing commercial fishing in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). You might be asking "why would anyone allow…
Sept. 22, 2018

SUFB 574: Open Access vs Paywall Journals with Nick Wehner

There is a BIG problem in the Marine Science and Conservation field and it goes with how the science and research is shared. Science in itself is supposed to be freely shared amongst the public; however, that is not the case…
Sept. 21, 2018

SUFB 573: Is The Canadian Government Doing Enough To Protect Orcas?

The Southern Resident Orca population is a terrible shape. The Orca known as J50 has recently disappeared causing concern for scientists, conservationists and advocates in Canada and the US. There are now only 74 Orcas left …
Sept. 20, 2018

SUFB 572: How Much Of The Ocean Are We Really Fishing?

Overfishing is putting a dent in the oceans seafood supply; however, it is difficult to quantify what damage has been done. Scientists are trying to determine the damage from overfishing by trying to determine the amount of …
Sept. 19, 2018

SUFB 571: Juvenile Tiger Shark Found In Canada

A juvenile Tiger Shark was caught off the coast of Nova Scotia surprising researchers and the public. Some commenters were worried about the fact that tiger sharks may be present in Canadian waters. However, it doesn't seem …