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Right on time message!
Learning how to be you and show you as your genuine self is the journey I’m on these days. Also taking pressure off of the things that aren’t going right by just being. Thank you Gina! ♥️

Gina’s Divine Living podcast cuts right to the heart of why we fear and why we fail and provides smart and compelling ways to build a life worth loving. Funny, sassy and wicked smart, Gina’s decades of experience coaching women shows up in every minutes of every episode. I always learn something new, get fired up and reframe my own narrative every time I listen. This is one podcast that is so worth your time- life is to be lived and gina is the person to show you how! A top 10 for me!!

Thank you
Gina speaks to my soul. Her magnificence in Love and Empowerment lifts me up so much. What an amazing ripple effect to have. I love her podcast- so so glad she started one! I love the topics, many of them I need to listen to again bc there are just so many takeaways I want to remember, write down, and make into mantras. Keep the Divine Downloads coming, because it is helping so many of us to grow and expand into the powerful women we were meant to be. Thank you

Episode 31 literally explained how this year has been for me. Full. Of. Distractions. And this episode helped me not only realize that even deeper, but inspired me to rethink what I tell myself! I am undistractable! Thank you, Gina!🎉

Episode 31 - #maturitymatters
Gina - keeping it so real girl. Thank you for once again raising the bar and setting the standard for maturity - laser focus, no distractions. This is absolutely how Queens live and how we will receive even greater in the coming year. Cheers darling to a year well lived because we continued to learn 🥂

The amazing Queen herself! From the moment that I heard her voice for the first time on Instagram and Facebook, I have been so inspired. My life has completely changed! I have read her book, “The audacity to be Queen!” worth every penny! Every single lesson, every single conversation has added so much value to me. Thank you so much for being in service to us! You have inspired me to do my work and also add value to the world around me!

Divine listening AND living
Love the wisdom, beauty, depth and joy in every episode. Gina truly embodies the rare combination of spiritual depth, fun, and education that leaves the listener realizing how she’s both settling and capable of taking their life to the highest level. So grateful for Gina and this show!

Just what I needed to hear!
Episode 25 was exactly what I needed to hear! I am launching my new program in January and plan on listening to this episode over and over again to remind myself that my clients are out there and I do not need to lower my standards! Thank you Gina!

Dropping Podcasts Like Microphones
I was introduced to Gina DeVee when I read her book The Audacity to be Queen this past summer and have been craving more of her fabulous content everyday since. My prayers were answered with the launch of the Divine Living Podcast and I've listened to every episode to date. Her featured guests consistently relate to many different parts of my life, personally and professionally. I feel more inspired to live my life to the fullest and embrace my inner Queen with each episode. I highly recommend the podcast and the overall Divine Living community!

Whoa! Divine Timing!
I’m only on my second podcast. I AM LOVING IT! Thank you Gina for answering the call. I so needed this podcast in my life right now. Thank you Gina and thank you God!

High vibes
Whenever I need to raise my vibe and get inspired, I come to this podcast. Gina helps me feel unapologetic for wanting it all!

Excited to start living a Queen life.
I came upon Gina on another Podcast Style your mind and fell instantly for her positive energy, and how she thanks God everyday. her story resonated with me. I’m a Michigan native too and instantly connected with all she has to say about living your divine life and how we should embrace our feminine energy. I even went and bought her book to learn more about living my Queen life. Each week I look forward to her content who she interviews and learning myself how to start living my divine life with the universe. I also love how she starts the podcast with a prayer thanking the universe/God. Thank you Gina. Tracy fellow Michigander 🤗

Light and refreshing
I have been loving listening to Gina and her guests discuss all things feminine as well as business. What a great blend of embracing the flow and fun in business.

At once grounding and uplifting. Gina is always approachable with content that resonates, even for those of us who Don’t have a relationship with God, but are still “our own brand of Spiritual”. Learning to put the linear in service to the organic = a High Vibe, wholistic approach to Success in Every Life Category. A Resounding “YES!! Queen!!”

Do yourself a favor and listen to this podcast!
I recently discovered this podcast and I can’t get enough!! Gina Devee is like the fairy god mother I’ve always wanted. I can’t explain how much I resonate with her message. There is so much value packed into this podcast.

I needed Gina DeVee’s Audacity
Gina’s podcast fuels me. So many people have small-minded mindsets and I needed someone who could model more, so much more. She’s pushing me to do more and giving me the confidence to do it. I love her dependence on God and how she owns her femininity.

How to Handle Triggers Like a Queen
Could not have come at a better time. I was living this on the day I listened to it and wow, the synchronicity and solution built into a 30 minute session with Gina. It’s like a laser Coaching session to reset ones self. Her super power to get right to the heart of the matter. Please do yourself a favor and listen. You will be blessed.

Changed my Life
I am absolutely loving these podcasts. The guests are amazing and insightful. Gina has an amazing view of the world that is intelligent, intuitive, spiritual and empowering. You can sense she has a good heart. What’s amazing is that she is not afraid to show her personal struggles such as the episode about being triggered. The topics are relevant and have really helped me find my queenly self. They are perfect to listen to on my morning commute and my favourite part are the prayers. Gina is a true prayer warrior may God continue to bless her.

Just absolutely love the new podcast! Thank you Gina for always bringing us women the best you have! Love it!! 👏👏👏

Holding on to my Desire…
Love, love, love the meditations. Thank you Gina for all that you do…

Queen for Life
Gina never disappoints. This podcast is another reason I believe in Gina. Now, not only are we motivated by Queen Gina, but her amazing guests. Divine Living is attainable, and with Gina, and the New Q Club, we can enjoy a divine living community.

Hi-vibe life
I’ve been enjoying the container and community that is Divine Living. The podcast is a delightful extension of the value that Gina provides to Queens from around the globe, and i look forward to more inspiration and encouragement to live the high-vibe life!

The Queen M OM
Gina is a true intuitive. I’ve seen her do magic in helping others with obstacles but in a way that is specific to that person. Great mindset

A soul saver.
I’ve been going through a really difficult postpartum; initially Gina’s book brought me back to life and now the podcast keeps me afloat. She’s a gift, her message is imperative.

Love her
Thank you for sharing your inspiration!

So inspiring!
This podcast is really great. A must listen!

Gina is in your corner
Gina is so motivating and powerful! She definitely dispells all those negative thoughts and helps me flip the script so that I am kinder to myself.

Spoke to my spirit
Gina speaks to the soul! Love her!

Gina doesn’t settle, and won’t let you either!
Gina inspires you to get out of your way and live your best life! So glad I was introduced to this high-energy lady and can’t wait to hear more! emily.abundantgrace 💜

Gina has lit a fire under me! I listen to this podcast multiple times. We are queens! She is passionate and enlightening. I feel empowered listening to her.