Spiritual warfare is a reality that we must acknowledge and engage in. In this episode, Dr. Ray Self emphasizes the importance of resisting the devil and the impact it can have on our lives and marriages.
The story of Nehemiah, a prophet, can still be relevant to our lives today. In a significant episode, Dr. Ray Self discusses how examining your past can lead to healing and a prosperous future for both you and your family.
In this episode, Dr. Self addresses the difficulties faced by Christians who find themselves in unhealthy relationships. While forgiveness and turning the other cheek are biblical values, navigating day-to-day life in such s…
Dr. Ray Self discusses the diabolical scheme of illegitimacy and how to know when it is in operation and how to defeat it. If you are a leader with a call of God on your life, the chances are that the evil spirit of illegiti…
Have you ever wondered why the same problems and messages keep recurring? Dr. Ray Self answers that question with a crucial discussion about customized wicked schemes that could operate in your life. so that no advantage wou…
In this episode of Self Talk, Dr. Ray Self explains the vital difference between abstinence and freedom. Absitnense is a temporary fix, but freedom is much better. Listen and find out how. Follow and subscribe to Sel…
Dr. Self discusses how the schemes of Satan that are attacking you need to be exposed before they can be broken. Every Christian is subject to the schemes of Satan, especially those who are anointed for ministry. Knowledge o…
How can you can escape recurring additions, sin, bad habits, oppression, and depression? The answer is through Spiritual Cleansing. In this episode, Dr. Self interviews Apostle Jeannette Connell, founder of Freedom Outpost C…
In this episode, Dr. Ray Self discusses a vital key to making the devil flee from your life and the lives of those you love. Many people do spiritual warfare with little results. But God has a plan for you to live life and l…
Are you being harassed by the enemy? Are you tired of it? Are you ready to do something about it? In this episode, Dr. Ray Self will teach you how to use Christ's authority, followed by prayer for you. This is a powerful epi…
Self Talk With Dr. Ray Self is a show where you will get real answers for tough issues. In this episode, I share my supernatural story on another podcast called Along the Way with John Mattarazzo. Next, I recount stories of …
This episode is the story of Dr. Ray Self's miracle healing from muscular dystrophy. This episode features John Matarazzo of Charisma News interviewing Dr. Self. This episode will encourage you to move into the supernatural …
Human trafficking is a horrible problem, and closer to your home than you realize. Dr. Ray Self interviews Jim and Dawn Hamm about their ministry to help young girls victimized by sex trafficking get their lives restored thr…
So many times, we ask God to restore and He doesn't do it. But, to our amazement, He rebuilds something in our life that is much better than a restoration over time. Dr. Ray Self interviews Rev. Debi Winderweedle about the d…
You have heard about the purpose and promised land principles over and over. However, despite all the teaching and preaching on these subjects, I have discovered that most people never make it to their promised land. In this…