There are five book marketing secrets I learned from my publicist that have helped me to be a bestseller over and over again. Learn them in this quick AUTHORCAST. DOWNLOAD MY FREE PHONE APP: Visit Me Online: LIKE Me On Facebook: http// Follow Me on Twitter: Follow…
Celebrate Black History Month with the Voices of Freedom! TWO NIGHTS ONLY the Voices of Freedom play will be at the Garfield Center for the Arts! Starring Tamika Hall Terrelle TC Hall Pritty Lee Ty Bolden Teran Goldsborough Narrated by Damien Ransome a discussion will be led by Joy Ell…
Thinking about writing a book? Here are a few tips for penning your first masterpiece (or second, or third, lol). Based on blog post, "11 Tips for Writing Your First Book." Read Full Post: DOWNLOAD MY FREE PHONE APP: Visit Me Online: LIKE Me On Facebook: http//…
August 7, 1932, Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia, winner of the 1960 Olympic marathon (running barefoot), was born. He was a double Olympic marathon champion fromEthiopia, most famous for winning a marathon gold medal in the 1960 Summer Olympics while running barefoot. A stadiumin Addis Ababa is named in his honor.…
In my most loud and dramatic voice....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WOMAN? So it goes like this...#TransformationTuesday compelled celebrity chef Paula Deen and her 45-year old son, Bobby to post a picture of her dressed as Lucille Ball and he as Desi Arnaz (From the popular sitcome, I Love Lucy).…
Thousands flock to the Essence festival every year and this year, Kim Burrell was honored in the All-Star Gospel Tribute. Jazmine Sullivan was one singer on the roster to sing for her. Sullivan stated that she was "nervous." Kim Burrell sat down with Music Choice to share an inspiring message…
The U.S. Episcopal Church has voted to change the church’s rules governing marriage and to authorize their clergy to perform same-sex weddings, days after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling to legalize gay marriage for all Americans. The U.S. Episcopal Church has voted to change the church’s rules governing marriage and…
After years of throwing slurs at each other singers K. Michelle and Tamar Braxton seem to be in a good place. Both who publicly share their love of Christ have been verbally sparing since 2012 after K. Michelle shared that she had been physically abused by Mickey “Memphitz” Wright. Wright,…
Sigh....and by Sigh, I mean that in the most dramatic way possible. According to the Associated Press in a 2005 lawsuit Bill Cosby admitted to giving Quaaludes to at least one woman and securing the drugs to give to other women he wanted to have sex with. An unidentified woman…
Pastor and Gospel Recording Artist, Donnie McClurkin has come under fire for speaking against the Supreme Court’s Decision last Friday that legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states. Pastor McClurkin, 55, who has been open about his deliverance from homosexuality weighed in on Facebook. “We’ve just received the answer from…
Unless you have been hiding under a musical rock it's not secret that Lecrae is EV-ER-Y-WHERE! His music has been popping up in Disney movies, he's made it onto mainstream talk shows...Lecrae's ministry is on fire! Sunday, June 28, 2015, he made history as the first rapper to win the…
Ok, so Mark Zuckerberg recently hosted and question and answer session on his Facebook Profile. During the session he expressed his desire for Facebook statuses to become telepathic in the future. You read it correctly, he wants for statuses to be able to communicate our actual FEELINGS. Nearly 52,000 people…
Do you find that you have ministry engagements but you aren't selling a lot of music? This podcast explores ways to increase music sales when you have engagements. This video/podcast explores 4 reasons why you may not be selling music at your gigs: Hop on over to:…c-at-your-gigs where the…
What does worship mean to you? Music Producer Tee Tunnell Harris talks Worship and answers this question. The Created to Make God Famous Music Conference will take place March 14, 2015 and is based on Philippians 2:10: That at the name of Jesus, EVERY KNEE SHOULD BOW of things in…
As songwriters, recording artists, etc. copyrighting our music is one of those essential things that get ignored. If you’re anything like me, I wish I could just live in the creative space and never have to worry about legalities. Unfortunately, people like to steal (yep…i’m that blunt kind of chic),…
What does worship mean to you? Recording Artist and Minister Rodney J. Neals shares what worship means to him. The Created to Make God Famous Music Conference will take place March 14, 2015 and is based on Philippians 2:10: That at the name of Jesus, EVERY KNEE SHOULD BOW of…
What does worship mean to you? Recording Artist and Created to Make God Famous Conference Founder talks Worship. The Created to Make God Famous Music Conference will take place March 14, 2015 and is based on Philippians 2:10: That at the name of Jesus, EVERY KNEE SHOULD BOW of things…
Gen21: Sarah gives birth to Issac. Sarah sees Ishmael making fun of Issac & sends him away. Ishmael grows up in the desert becomes an archer & marries an Egyptian DOWNLOAD MY FREE PHONE APP: Visit Me Online: LIKE Me On Facebook: http// Follow Me on Twitter:…
Do you have a testimony you need to share with the world? In this interview Kendra Adams tells how to write your life story and minister through it in a published book. Listen to full interview by logging onto: DOWNLOAD MY FREE PHONE APP: Visit Me Online:…
God has given all of us a talent, but what do you do when your talent or ministry isn't respected? Check out this week's Fingertip Tuesday DOWNLOAD MY FREE PHONE APP: Visit Me Online: LIKE Me On Facebook: http// Follow Me on Twitter: Follow Me on Instagram:…
Ever had to deal with stage fright? We all have had to push through it at some point. Enjoy this humorous and yet informative take on how to overcome stage fright for your next engagement. DOWNLOAD MY FREE PHONE APP: Visit Me Online: LIKE Me On Facebook: http//…
My new single, "Called to Love," will be released on Monday, September 29, 2014! Here is a quick promo. DOWNLOAD MY FREE PHONE APP: Visit Me Online: LIKE Me On Facebook: http// Follow Me on Twitter: Follow Me on Instagram:
Gen20: Abraham lies to King Abimelech of Gerard about Sarah being his sister. God reveals her identity to him in a dream. The king gives Sarah back along with animals and land. DOWNLOAD MY FREE PHONE APP: Visit Me Online: LIKE Me On Facebook: http// Follow Me on…
Gen19: Two Angels arrive in Sodom & Gomorrah. Lot is told to leave with his family & not look back. God destroys the city with firey rain. Lot's wife is turned into a pillar of salt. DOWNLOAD MY FREE PHONE APP: Visit Me Online: LIKE Me On Facebook:…