Consumers and employees can see beyond the marketing facade of businesses. Large corporations especially are put under the spotlight on what they can offer to the people. It’s important for business owners to pair their purpose with impact or...
Every employee is expected to be engaged, highly focused and contribute positively to the business organisation. In order to achieve this, leaders and managers need to create an environment where even the most uncomfortable conversations are...
As business owners, we think a lot about how to start, grow, and scale our business. What we don’t put much thought on is when and how to best exit our business should the time come to sell it. In this episode, I get to chat with Martin...
We all experience setbacks in life and having the resilience to bounce back is essential. However, it is possible to go beyond resilience and sustain optimum performance. The answer? Human durability. Human durability goes far beyond resilience...
There are so many benefits to reading books. But let’s face it, we don’t always have reading at the top of our priorities. However, if you’re one of countless people who don’t make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out. In...
Relationship building is a soft skill that is essential in creating a successful business. The good news is that it can be learnt. Relationship building is one of the keys to having the know, like and trust factor for a strong business relationship....
Challenges in the workplace and in business are inevitable. Many of these challenges stem from behaviours that are below the line. In this episode of the Business Chat, I speak with coach, author, and speaker on people leadership and workplace...
The world of business is ever changing. What worked in the past, won’t necessarily work now. What we’re seeing now is the importance of relationships. These days it’s always relationships first, and sales second. Business relationships are...
“Festina lente.” This Latin phrase is an oxymoron that translates to “hurry slowly.” It means to “act with due diligence, focus, and attention to detail in order to avoid mistakes and finish a task more productively overall.” In a world...
Do you do what you say you are going to do? Do you meet your obligations, promises, and commitments you’ve made to others and to yourself? There are so many people who talk the talk but don’t walk the talk. We are in a time where we’re less...
Understanding yourself is key when it comes to understanding others. When we increase and improve our self-awareness, we can increase our influence to those around us, upgrade the delivery of our communication, and improve our...
Can you really use humour tastefully in the workplace? The idea of using humour in the workplace is not new, however it’s not particularly common. When used correctly, humour has the potential to improve relationships at work. But if used...
The word facilitation comes from the Latin root “facilitis” which means: something that is done easily. In today’s day and age where there are more online meetings, workshops, trainings, and webinars, it’s vital to have someone in the room to...
Storytelling is one of the most beautiful parts of the human experience. This is a bonus episode where I am being interviewed on a podcast called by Kerrie Phipps. I realise that since I have begun my podcast journey I have not shared much...
In today’s society, extroverts are often glamourised, opposed to introverts who received less attention. While it sometimes feels like the business world was built for extroverts, owning your introversion will help you flourish personally and...
Having an online presence is essential for your business. But it’s not enough to just post content online. In order to really leverage social media to grow your online reputation, attract leads, and gain clients, focusing on SEO is the way to...
Being a business owner means having the flexibility to choose your own hours. But this doesn’t mean that you should continually work excessive hours just because you can. As a business owner, and particularly for solopreneurs, you wear all the hats...
At the heart of every successful business is exceptional human-centred customer service. In this episode, we get to chat with experienced customer service speaker, Chris Smoje as he shares how your business can become centred around customer...
Are you unshakable in even the most uncertain circumstance? The truth is, we just don’t know what’s around the corner or what life will throw us. There’s always something that can significantly disrupt us and disrupt our equilibrium. The...
Building connections and strengthening relationships is an essential part of business and life. As they say, it’s not WHAT you know, it’s WHO you know. In this episode of Business Chat, we get to speak with human connector and one of the top 200...
Even in our interconnected world, there is still a massive disconnect between human beings. We are connected online but not really making genuine relationships. Humans are born for connection, so when we focus on how to genuinely converse with...
Purpose is how you inspire your team, serve your customers, and show the world what you stand for. It is what drives key decisions, and decisions made without thoughtfully considering the purpose of the business can lead to issues down the line. In...
If you want to be successful in business, you want to be of service. Although it sounds simple, a lot of businesses fail because they are not able to provide the level of service they promise or what their customers expect. Join us in this...
Copywriting is an essential element of online marketing that’s worth the investment. People often spend thousands of dollars having their website designed but don’t put enough attention into copywriting. Ignoring SEO on your website makes it much...