
May 6, 2024

S27E55: Martian Mysteries: Curiosity Uncovers Clues to Ancient Earth-Like Conditions

The Space, Astronomy and Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 55 *New findings point to an Earth-like environment on ancient Mars A new study using data from NASA’s Mars curiosity rover suggests there was once an Ear…
May 3, 2024

S27E54: Earth's Ancient Shield: Unearthing the Origins of Our Magnetic Field

Dive into the cosmic depths with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 54, where we journey back 3.7 billion years to uncover the oldest evidence of Earth's magnetic field. Join us as we explore pristine ancient rocks from Greenland, …
May 2, 2024

S27E53: Methane on Mars and Io's Infernos: Uncovering Cosmic Mysteries

Embark on an interplanetary investigation with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 53, as we delve into the perplexing presence of methane on Mars. The red planet's mysterious emissions have puzzled scientists for years, with season…
April 29, 2024

S27E52: Cosmic Time Capsules: Unraveling the Origins of Interstellar Stardust

Dive into the cosmos with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 52, as we traverse the stellar seas to discover a groundbreaking revelation: stardust from a supernova, harboring secrets from a newly identified type of star. An extraor…
April 26, 2024

S27E51: Pluto's Heart Unveiled: The Impact that Shaped a Dwarf Planet

Embark on a celestial journey with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 51, as we unravel the mysteries of Pluto's heart. Scientists, armed with sophisticated computer simulations, have finally pieced together the enigmatic origins o…
April 24, 2024

S27E50: Titan Awaits: NASA's Rotorcraft Readies for Alien Shores

Venture into the unknown with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 50, as we embark on an interplanetary adventure that transcends the boundaries of our earthly skies. NASA confirms its bold mission to dispatch a pioneering rotocopte…
April 22, 2024

S27E49: Black Hole Titans: Gaia's Gaze Reveals a New Cosmic Champion

Prepare for a cosmic revelation in SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 49, as we journey through the Milky Way to uncover a celestial heavyweight—the most massive stellar black hole ever discovered in our galaxy. Detected by the vig…
April 19, 2024

S27E48: Cosmic Cartography: Charting Dark Energy's Role in the Universe's Fate

Embark on an astronomical odyssey with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 48, as we unveil the most detailed view of the expanding universe to date. The first-year data from DESI, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument survey, is…
April 17, 2024

S27E47: Stellar Nurseries: Unveiling the Origins of Brown Dwarfs and Starbursts

Prepare to illuminate the shadowy frontiers of space in SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 47. We begin by shedding light on new findings that reveal brown dwarfs, those celestial enigmas straddling the line between the largest pla…
April 15, 2024

S27E46: Stellar Cannibalism: Unraveling the Secrets of Star-Eating Phenomena

SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 46: The Cosmic Dance of Neutron Stars and Black Holes Join us on a thrilling journey through the cosmos in SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 46, where we delve into the mysteries of a possible neutron s…
April 12, 2024

S27E45: Martian Mysteries: Perseverance's Quest for Ancient Life Signs

SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 45 *Perseverance collects its 24th sample on Mars NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover has just collected its 24 geological sample from the surface of the red planet.  The drill core offers new clues ab…
April 10, 2024

S27E44: Unveiling Mars' Ancient Rivers: Curiosity's Quest for Extinct Waterways

The Space, Astronomy and Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 44 *New Clues About Mars’ Ancient Water NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover has arrived at an area in Gale Crater’s Mount Sharp that may show evidence liquid wate…
April 8, 2024

S27E43: Galactic Ghosts: Unveiling the Milky Way's Dimmest Satellite System

The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 43 *The Milky Way's Faintest Star System Unveiled Astronomers have unveiled the faintest star system known to orbit our Milky Way galaxy, Ursa Major III…
April 5, 2024

S27E42: Martian Oasis: Gale Crater's Watery Past Revealed

This episode is brought to you by NordPass...the password manager (and more) that you need in your life for not very much money. To get the deal, visit https://www.nordpass.com/stuart The Space, Astronomy & Science Po…
April 3, 2024

S27E41: Earth's Puzzling Past: The Greenlandic Birth of Scandinavian Lands

The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 41 *The Scandinavian Connection: Born from Greenland's Ancient Crust In a groundbreaking geological study, scientists have traced the oldest Scandina…
April 1, 2024

S27E40: Magnetic Mysteries: Sagittarius A*'s Invisible Force Field Exposed

The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 40 *Magnetic Mysteries at the Milky Way's Heart The Event Horizon Telescope has revealed organized magnetic fields swirling at the periphery of Sagit…
March 29, 2024

S27E39: Galactic Goliaths: The Einasto Supercluster Unveiled

The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 39 *Unveiling the Einasto Supercluster: A Cosmic Behemoth Astronomers have unveiled one of the most massive superclusters ever observed, a colossal s…
Guest: Tim Mendham
March 27, 2024

S27E38: The Final Puzzle Piece: Witnessing Planetary Formation's Endgame

The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 38 *Witnessing the Final Stages of Planetary Formation For the first time, astronomers have captured the end of the planetary formation process, obse…
March 26, 2024

S27E37: Betelgeuse's Boiling Secret: The Star That Spins Too Fast

The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 37 *Betelgeuse's Surprising Spin: A Red Supergiant's Secrets Astronomers have been intrigued by the rapid rotation of the red supergiant star Betelge…
March 22, 2024

S27E36: Neutron Star Mass Mystery: Unlocking the Threshold of Black Holes

The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 36 *The Precise Mass of Neutron Stars Unveiled Astronomers have pinpointed the exact upper mass limit for non-rotating neutron stars, providing a cri…
March 20, 2024

S27E35: Red Planet Revelation: Mars Hides an Ancient Volcanic Behemoth

The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 36 *Mars Unveils a Colossal Volcanic Secret Astronomers have discovered a massive ancient volcano on Mars, hidden beneath an ice sheet in the planet'…
March 18, 2024

S27E34: The Ups and Downs of SpaceX's Starship: A Test Flight Tale

The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 34 *SpaceX's Starship Tests the Limits of Spaceflight In a breathtaking display of rocketry, SpaceX's Starship edges closer to the stars, nearly perf…
March 15, 2024

S27E33: Star Shredded by Black Hole: A Cosmic Feast Observed

For your special NORDVPN discount and risk free 30 Day Money back guarantee, visit https://www.nordvpn.com/stuartgary and use the code STUARTGARY at checkout. Get your online privacy under control with the best in the busine…
March 13, 2024

S27E32: Juno's Europa Flyby: Unraveling the Oxygen Secrets of Jupiter's Icy Moon

This episode is brought to you with the support of Incogni....the data protection service. To claim your special offfer benefit as a SpaceTime listener visit www.icogni.com/stuartgary or use the coupon code STUARTGARY at che…