Since the beginning of Discovery aka the return of Star Trek, I’ve been on the search for a worthwhile, intelligent discourse on the excellent new shows of this legends franchise. After weeks of searching for new, old, and intelligent podcasts, I’ve come across two that had more to offer than mundane, shallow fanboying/fangirling that lacked depth. I found two that I eventually got hooked on: women at warp and this one. While WAW discusses 80s/90s shows, this is the only one that I regularly listen every episode of as soon as one drops. More so, it’s also the first podcast I’ve ever subscribed through on Patreon for bonus episodes. At times, the boys on the cast, can get a bit excited over their own opinions and become a bit petty and snarky, but overall it’s clear that they have deep knowledge of the Trek, are intelligent and are caring about the subject matter. Highly recommended!!!!