Star Trek Discovery Episodes

Oct. 23, 2020

Discovery "Far From Home" Review

It's part two of Discovery's premiere, as "Far From Home" focuses on Discovery's side of coming through the wormhole. It's up to Saru and Tilly to make first contact with the locals of the strange planetoid they have crash-la...

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Oct. 16, 2020

Discovery "That Hope is You, Part 1" Review

Season three of Star Trek Discovery is finally here, and A Strange New Pod will be here all season long, reacting and reviewing each episode! If this is your first time listening to the show, join Julian, Brittany, Hawk, Erik...

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Oct. 2, 2020

Particle Perfection | A Look Back at "The Omega Directive"

As we inch closer and closer to Star Trek: Discovery Season 3, recently posted an article with the theory that the Omega Molecule from the Voyager episode, "The Omega Directive" is possibly the cause of "The Bur...

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Sept. 11, 2020

Welcome to the Future - Star Trek Day 2020 Wrap Up

This week on ASNP, we’re covering some of the bigger pieces of news to come out of Star Trek Day. First, we’ll be breaking down what we saw in the Season 3 trailer for Star Trek: Discovery . Also, though there wasn’t a lot of...

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Sept. 4, 2020

Once an Ensign

Every starship Captain needs a crew that they can trust and rely on, and throughout the decades of Star Trek, there's always been a trusty Ensign that doesn't get the credit he or she deserves. From the ship not being blown u...

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Aug. 7, 2020

Spock's Socks

From Captain to Commander, ASNP switches focus this week over to the man, the myth, the legend...Mr. Spock. In perhaps A Strange New Pod's most polarizing episode yet, Brittany, Erik, Hawk, and Julian cover every iteration of...

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July 24, 2020

Pike's Place

This week, we open up Captain Christopher Pike's personnel file from the Starfleet Archives! Julian, Erik, Brittany, and Hawk go over the character's three different portrayals in television and film, from Jeffrey Hunter's or...

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