There are only three more episodes of Lower Decks season three left after this week's seventh installment, "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption." Join Erik, Girafe, Hawk, and Julian as they review and break down this divisive...
This week the SNP crew review Lower Decks' sixth episode of season three, "Hear All, Trust Nothing." The Cerritos crew unexpectedly spends a day on Deep Space Nine! We also welcome Lt. Shaxs himself onto the pod! Fred Tatasci...
We've hit the halfway point on Star Trek Lower Decks' third season! Join Erik, Girafe, and Hawk as they break down and review what is arguably one of the show's best episodes ever, "Reflections." What happens when Rutherford...
On this very special edition of Strange New Pod, the crew celebrates the show's 100th episode! Join Julian, Erik, Brittany, Hawk, and Girafe for a night of throwbacks, fun, and of course, their review of this week's episode o...
Join Erik, Girafe, Hawk, and Julian for another week of Lower Decks shenanigans with their review and deep dive of episode 303, "Mining the Mind's Mines!" The Lower Deckers are on clean-up duty again, this time helping the cr...
This week, Girafe, Hawk, and Julian review and break down Lower Decks' second episode of season two, "The Least Dangerous Game." Brad Boimler is a new man…he’s BOLD Boimler? But does he go too far when he lets K’Ranch hunt hi...
Star Trek Lower Decks is finally back, and the SNP crew is joined by the Borg Queen of Puns herself, Brittany Tomes , who makes her puntastic return to help break the third season premiere down. How long did it take for Marin...
It's part two of our courtroom drama series, as the crew welcomes Josh Gilliand and Nari Ely from The Legal Geeks to the show, bringing their expertise to this week's deep dive into both Number One and Captain Freeman's upcom...
We're back after a week off with all the news from Star Trek's big Hall H panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2022! Our friend Myrriah Gossett from Star Trek Discovery Pod joins Girafe, Hawk, and Julian to break it all down. Will Je...
Star Trek Lower Decks sophomore season wrapped up an incredible run this past Thursday and the ASNP crew are at their stations as they review the finale, "First First Contact." Joining the show once again is David Majors from...
It's the 50th episode of A Strange New Pod! Join the crew for this very special edition of the podcast. First, it's trivia night as Girafe, Brittany, Hawk, and Erik get asked 13 Trek questions each by Julian as they play for ...
Join Julian, Brittany, and Hawk this week as another episode of Lower Decks warps into the system. On this week's episode, it's training day! Ensigns are Captains and Captains are Ensigns. We have easter eggs galore, and some...
Season two of Lower Decks warps right along as the ASNP crew reviews episode seven, "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie." This week, we found out that Billups is royalty, probably ace, and his mom is a Queen who lives on a ren fair...
Star Trek Lower Decks season two has officially reached its back half! On this week's episode of ASNP, we're joined by special guest David Majors from the Promenade Merchants Podcast! David joins Julian, Brittany, and Hawk a...
We've hit the midway point of Lower Decks season 2, and the ASNP crew are here with their review of "An Embarrassment of Dooplers." This week is all about growth. Boimler and Mariner finally have it out over his sudden promot...