The past few years have truly exposed how far away from common principles and values we have drifted. Whereas we use to look back to commonalities, we now see constant division, the misinformation, and manipulation. Thankfull...
How do we protect free speech and keep government out of private businesses’ decisions?
The deaths at the hands of police of George Floyd, Michael Brown, Breonna Taylor, and other Black Americans spurred national outrage—but now what?
Your intellectual freedom is at stake, threatened by everything from academia and Big Tech to the media and government.
Corrupt public sector unions have met their match...
Are Affirmative Action policies officially on their last legs?
Congressman Massie has been fighting back against government overreach from the start.
What has happened to Australia over the past 2 years?
In 1992, West Virginia, voted for Bill Clinton by 13%. Fast forward to 2016; they voted against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump by 40%. Why?
"The word freedom is very important, because it's not discussed freely and openly and courageously in academia."
It's okay to be different.
Original Show Notes: Listen as Hillary explains how Chavez and the concepts of socialism took control of Venezuela through the use of divisiveness, cause by building resentment between the differing wage classes. Later, Hilla...
The COVID pandemic has only added to this monopoly of fear, too.
How has the Free State Project taken such hold in New Hampshire?
Often regarded as the third rail in political discourse, Kimberly Ross and other pro-life advocates are leading the charge in bringing the abortion issue to the top of the national conversation.