We often say that our family is the most important thing in our lives, but we don’t always show it.
The reality is that we prove our priorities with our actions.
I want to invite and challenge all of us to put our families ...
Trust is one of the most important things in all of our relationships and therefore in every part of our lives. We work with people and in order to work well with people whether in family or in business we have to trust.
Greg and Rachel met in college, you could say Greg was struck at first sight. Growing up Greg didn't have a lot examples of what a good marriage should look like, or if it was even possible. In his late teens he was terrif...
[0:38] We need to cherish our relationships and the people that mean so much to us. [0:49] Do we sometimes take them for granted? Get too comfortable? [1:16] Bad memory of an act of selfishness. [3:57] Now he has the understa...