We all do it to some degree or another. It’s easy. It’s almost unconscious. We discount the little things that seem make little or no difference. We tolerate the small vices and petty indulgences, thinking they have no affect...
Do you have an insecurity that is holding you back from who you want to be and how you want to live? I used to have loads of them, and they were preventing me from progressing. So I learned how to lean into them and transform...
It’s too easy to slip into the humdrum existence of taking care of the chores and the errands and doing the things that need to be done and losing the pure enjoyment of being alive.
We have to be more strategic about making l...
Negativity dulls our capacity for greatness, it hinders our potential. Everyone has had times where negativity gets deep into them, and then everything in their life gets dark. On the other hand, are there times where we have...
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#62 How to Be a POSITIVE Person in a Negative Culture
What is life? I think it’s a wonderful adventure of pursuing our potential! What does it take to pursue your potential? Well, there’s no easy answer to that question. It takes a lot of stuff and a lot of hard work but it’s wo...
Life will always present us with problems and challenges. It’s just part of the mortal experience. What we do about them and how we do it will determine the quality and final outcome of our lives. Here are five ways that we c...
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#60 5 Ways to Address Your Problems, Difficulties, and Trials
There is a simple formula for achieving big dreams. Success leaves clues! Those who have achieved big dreams have followed a recipe that you can follow too. I challenge you to start dreaming big again and to draft a clear str...
Are you experiencing some kind of pain in your life right now? Maybe it’s emotional or social. Perhaps it’s mental or spiritual. Wherever it is, it distracts us from what’s most important and prevents us from being able to ha...
Your words are more powerful than you realize they are! But most of us have been trained and conditioned -- through society and other people -- to use sarcasm and mockery all the time. We’re so used to it that we unconsciousl...
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#56 Watch Your Words—Understanding the true effects of sarcasm, mockery and jest.
This episode gives you the details of how to create your own philosophy journal and why it’s so incredibly powerful in your life. Listen now and get started on your own philosophy journal! ------------ If you're ready to take...
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#55 The Philosophy Journal—The best way to take back control of your life. Part 2
You may not realize it yet, but most of your biggest problems are problems with your own personal philosophy. What you think about you bring about. What you believe you achieve. The best solution to your biggest problems is t...
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#54 The Philosophy Journal—the best solution for your biggest problems. Part 1
It’s too easy to give up hope and then to give up! Life can be tough. And it has a way of holding us down. But with a few simple strategies we can maintain perspective and keep moving forward! ------------ If you're ready to ...
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#53 How to keep moving forward when life pushes you back
Most of us are quick to make statements that close our minds to opportunities and possibilities. We also create stories about why we CANNOT do the things we would really like to do. Fortunately, every one of you can replace y...
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#52 Your Statements and Stories Are Holding You Down
Have you ever tried to get water to flow through a hose that is kinked? The water pressure is low and the hose isn't delivering to its full capacity. There are two options. Turn up the water, or unkink the hose. If you choose...
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#51 Removing The Unnecessary Struggle And Strain From Your Life
For over 22 years, I (Greg) have been practicing two very simple yet powerful habits that have consistently brought joy, direction, purpose, meaning and happiness to my life! Anyone can do them. They are simple and easy. And ...
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#50 Two Simple, Life-Changing Habits to Bring Joy, Purpose & Meaning to Life
Everyone of us has a story we tell ourselves and a manifesto that we have taken on as our identity. Unfortunately, many of our stories are negative and they keep a small and hold us back from being our best selves.
The great ...
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#49 Rewriting Your Life Story (so you can live the life you dream about)
Many people want different outcomes and results in their lives and may even be working really hard towards them but somehow just can’t seem to get the results they want. It may surprise you that the thing that needs to change...
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#48 This is why you’re not getting the results you want and what to do to actually get them
Most of us are holding on to some kind of little problem or challenge that has remained unresolved or not been taken care of and is causing a lot of irritation, pain and distraction! And some of you have armfuls of that stuff...
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#47 The little things that are keeping you from your big things
Many people have no idea what they want and even more people have no idea how to get it.
Listen to this episode now to start figuring out what it is you really want and the proven step is to actually get it!
We all experience emotional pain as we journey along through life but very few of us have been given the tools in the training to know what to do with it. So unfortunately most people turn to unhealthy patterns and behaviors ...
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#45 What to do with the emotional pain—you all have some :)
None of us knows our exact destiny. But our actions and habits most definitely open or close doors along our path. What you and I do day in and day out will determine whether we are prepared or not to take advantage of opport...
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#44 What will be your destiny? These things will determine it!
I recently returned from a life-changing adventure in Mongolia. While I was there I learned several great lessons that have really impacted my life and remind me about the things that really matter. These are the things that ...
Many developing countries struggle with corrupt infrastructure. No clean water, electricity is a hit and miss, a garbage or sewage system is needed and an internet connection can be even harder to access. One rainstorm and th...
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#42 Why You Are Struggling and What You HAVE TO Do About It