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Most Recent Episodes

May 4, 2019

#32 The Path to Personal Peak Potential, Part 2

The next level of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is safety needs. So many people get stuck on this level too - they could be free if only they knew they were enslaved. These are the areas in our life that we need to keep in orde...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 27, 2019

#31 The Path to Personal Peak Potential, Part 1

What is the purpose of life? To pursue your potential in every area of your life. Maslow's Hierarchy of need: Different steps you need to have in order for you to eventually be in a successful state to reach your potential. P...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 25, 2019

#30 Refuse to live a Default Life

"We do not rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training." - Archilochus We automatically become who we do not want to be as human beings. How? By never moving away from default. When somebody...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 14, 2019

#29 This is what generosity REALLY looks like

When people are cruel, they are just passing on the degradation in themselves. On the other hand, when people are kind, they are passing on the goodness in themselves. Be generous make a difference, there is always a way to b...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 13, 2019

#28 The Number 1 reason why so many good people are failing to succeed in life!

Accomplishing hard things is a huge blessing in life. It is way better to do hard things than to be sheltered and never step foot into the unknown. Tough life thoughts: Sometimes life isn't hard, we have just gotten weak. If...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 7, 2019

#27 How to Be Less Prejudiced and Racist And More Compassionate and Open-Minded

There are a lot of good books, experiences and places that you could go to learn about the way some people live. Those experiences can be tough, those books can be harsh and the places can be very dark. You shouldn't live in...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 31, 2019

#26 What to do when life gets hard

The best cure when you feel like throwing a pity party is serving others. Love others, read good books that you can learn from and realize that you aren't alone. Failure isn't final. We strive to be green and growing. Sometim...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 29, 2019

#25 The 3 Non-negotiable Elements of an Awesome Sauce Life

This episode is just taking the three C's of individual development more in depth: Coaches: If you want a good coach, make sure they practice what they preach. Don't get a health coach that is out of shape, or a marriage coun...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 24, 2019

#24 Making The Most of Yourself

You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat and take care of themselves. We all have an obligation to work on ourselves more than anything else. Good Input = Good Output, (and vice versa) are you building yourself up...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 20, 2019

#23 Every good thing in your life will come from this one commitment!

We are all aware of our weaknesses. Becoming a better person is a simple mindset shift to say "Ok, I'm going to work on those." Make a plan, get it done! Never settle when you are working on yourself. In fact everything good...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 15, 2019

#22 Living Your Legend

Life is not one grand event, it's a journey. In the book The Alchemist , it talks a lot about finding your dream, more specifically, pursuing your legend. All of our stories are different but we all have common denominators, ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 13, 2019

#21 Never treat people this way, especially when you’re in a leadership position!

Seems to be that going through security into any country can be a nightmare the U.S., the UK, Hungry you name it. Something that seems to be a common thread between all these stories is that once someone has a little bit of p...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 11, 2019

#20 How to remove judgment, racism, prejudice and enmity from your life.

Enmity: The state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. We should not feel enmity towards other people, in fact we should judge ourselves by how we treat people who are unkind to us. Turn t...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 27, 2019

#19 Cultivating the Courage to Pursue Your Goals and Dreams

Encourage your dreams. If you can't change the world yet, what can you do to change your world? Courage is the only thing you need to reach your dream, to change your world. Is money stopping you? Then make a good business/mo...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 20, 2019

#18 Your moral obligation to become your best self

You never graduate from learning. Though, sometimes we feel childish when we get to start something new. Very few adults learn new talents. Why is it that when we get older we think that because we never had the chance when w...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 16, 2019

#17 So there I was—Crazy stories and important lessons

Drove from Dallas, TX all the way to New York City. When he found he couldn't get a job or even get into school, he called a buddy and that friend drove all the way up to get him! They almost crashed on the way home, but ne...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 16, 2019

#16 Will You Be a Part of This Problem, Or Its Solution?!

What group or people do we de-humanize? Democrats? Republicans? Muslims? Black people? White people? The list goes on, why do we objectify people? During WW2 the Germans strategically under social strategy got the general po...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 14, 2019

#15 Choose your love and love your choice

Greg and Rachel met in college, you could say Greg was struck at first sight. Growing up Greg didn't have a lot examples of what a good marriage should look like, or if it was even possible. In his late teens he was terrif...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 13, 2019

#14 How to Feel Joyful and Happy Most of The Time

In this episode, host Greg Denning discuss how emotion is the driving force in our lives. He asks: "What emotions do I feel most of the time? Is that how I WANT to feel?" If emotion is a choice -- and in this episode Greg wil...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 8, 2019

#13 Forgiveness is for you, not for them.

When someones poor choice effects you, it's hard not to react in an outburst, or hold it against them. People carry hate for people their entire lives. Maybe you are in the right, but how does keeping that chip on your shoul...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 8, 2019

#12 Broken Bones, shootings, and obesity. Life lessons from strange stories.

Caution! Awesome stories and reality checks lay ahead! While playing football, Greg's hand got smashed between two helmets and broke four metacarpals. When he saw that his back up wasn't doing too well, he headed back into t...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 5, 2019

#11 You Have The Power To Choose How You Do Life

Everyday you have the choice to between mediocrity and excellence. When Greg was just twelve years old, he was out late in a bad part of town with some friends. He ended up getting beat up pretty bad by some older teenagers...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 2, 2019

#10 The Common Denominators Of Disaster

The common thread of how people end up at rock bottom. How do people's lives crumble and ultimately lead to the giant train wreck at the end of the tunnel? The cause has been around since humans first began. Juvenal, a Roman...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Jan. 30, 2019

#9 Creating Your Extraordinary Life Plan

At the end of our life, most hope to say it was meaningful, filled with love and accomplished. Whatever your goal is, your passion to complete, you need more than ambition to get there! You need a game plan. You have to know ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast