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Most Recent Episodes

May 26, 2020

#113 REMIND yourself to Live a Heroic Life

We think of those who have died so that we can remember to live! We remember those who have lived heroic lives so that we are reminded to live heroic lives ourselves. Everyone of us has the opportunity and privilege to desi...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
May 20, 2020

#112 Are you living the life you always wanted?

Where have you settled for less? What dream or goal have you given up on? Take journey into the past, into your own past, and remember what you used to dream about. Do you still want that dream? If it’s still in your heart,...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
May 14, 2020

#111 Rethinking How You Do Life

Have you ever wanted to do life differently? Have you ever dreamed about living a life it is very distinct from the one you’re living now? I want to invite you to question everything. Not any cynical or critical way, but in ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
May 7, 2020

#110 How to think and thrive under pressure

The level of your thinking dictates the level of your life! You have trained yourself, probably unconsciously, to think the way you think. If that thinking is not creating the results you want then you need to strategically ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
May 1, 2020

#109 Make It Matter

Too often we fail to give importance to The most important things in our lives. We get busy and distracted. We get passionate about things that don’t matter and passive about things to do. We know that certain things should...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 27, 2020

#108 The 3 Ways Of Living

Ultimately there are three ways to do life. It is possible to remain in one of these ways for your entire life or to mix between them on a weekly or even a daily basis. The three ways are: trapped, transactional, and transfo...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 24, 2020

#107 Fear is the true pandemic

When the dust settles as it is already beginning to do most of us will see that fear cost far more problems than COVID-19 ever did. With the best of intentions many people and significant leaders made decisions to close down...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 23, 2020

#106 Never underestimate the power of your mind

There are wonderful things, even unbelievable things that we can do with our minds and our brains. I would suggest that most of us are living far below our privileges when it comes to enabling the full power of our brains. T...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 15, 2020

#105 The BEST Way to Get The Results You Really Want

This is what leads great people to greatness. You know when you have periods in your life when you’re doing something or seeing something repeatedly and a lesson becomes blatantly obvious and clear? I’m reading Hamilton and...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 9, 2020

#104 Increasing your capacity to do MORE with LESS stress and strain

I know this sounds crazy but I see it all the time! There are literally ways that we can accomplish more in less time and with less stress and strain. You’ve probably already experienced this in your life when you realized t...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 7, 2020

#103 How to Fill Your Life With Hope and Happiness

Are you feeling hopeful and genuinely happy? Is your home filled with happiness and hope? Too often we only feel hope and happiness when things are going our way but begin to feel hopeless and unhappy the moment anything goe...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 3, 2020

#102 Baby steps are for babies, not for you

And of course they produce baby results. So please tell me why so many capable adults are still taking baby steps! We are living far below our potential in our capacity. And yet we are obsessed with taking baby steps. Why?! ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 28, 2020

#101 How to SHINE in DARK Times

To rise in falling times. To succeed in failing times. To win in losing times. To love and hateful times. To move in stagnant times. To excel and stifling times. We will all face challenging times in our lives! But as Marcu...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 21, 2020

#100 Stop acting like you’re on vacation—the economy is dying

I hope I’m wrong but I think the economy is going to get smashed. It’s already happening. People are being let go and laid off. They’re being told to file right away for unemployment. The government is getting ready to spend ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 18, 2020

#99 This Crisis is YOUR Chance

Every crisis is an opportunity and this one is yours! We can see this as a problem or is a privilege. We can sit in our house is killing time, sedating ourselves with entertainment, or we can use this time to lift ourselves...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 17, 2020

#98 You Get To CHOOSE How You Respond To This

Even in the midst of all the craziness and chaos you and I still get to choose how we respond! Calm or chaotic Prepared or panic Certain in the midst of the uncertainty Abundant or scarce Thoughtful or fearful We have the p...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 13, 2020

#97 Facing fears and coping with anxiety in times of uncertainty

Are you worried about coronavirus? Are you stressed about missing work or economic fallout? Are you wondering how to talk to your kids about all the craziness? How do you face your fears or even replace your fears? Do you hav...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 12, 2020

#96 The 6 Core Human Needs

There are six core things that every human being needs. When these are missing or not met, it leaves a void in our lives. Then we begin feeling unfulfilled and frustrated and unmotivated. The six human needs can actually be ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 5, 2020

#95 What it means to be a REAL man

With so many misconceptions about what it means to be a man, and so many men living far below the standard, we all need to put forth the greatest effort to help boys and men be real men! "At each moment in man's life, he is e...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
March 1, 2020

#94 Why does my life suck?

Most of us have aspects of our life that are frustrating or disappointing. Why is that? Why is it that that part of our life sucks? Honestly, because we suck at it! That’s actually really great news because once we realize ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 26, 2020

#93 The state of your brain determines the state of your life

If we don’t understand how the brain works, we don’t understand how life works. New brain scanning technology is revolutionizing what we know about human performance and how the brain is affecting our bodies and our lives. B...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 21, 2020

#92 Your choices LEAD to freedom or LIMIT freedom

Almost every single choice we make will lead to freedom or limit freedom. Each of us has the potential freedom to lead life on our own unique terms. But many of us make choices that drastically limit our freedoms. This is t...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 18, 2020

#91 Life Changing Lessons From Thailand

There’s nothing quite like an international adventure to be a pattern interrupter, a wake up call, and a reality check. It’s when we are exposed to new and different things, and to wonderful people that we remember to think, ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 9, 2020

#90 Will You Be Broken or Beautiful? Picking up the pieces of your life.

What will you do with the broken fragments of your life? Each of us experiences many things in life that feel broken and irreparable. That gives us a choice. We can amass a pile of rubbish or erect a pillar of beauty! You a...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast