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Creative Business And Entrepreneurship Episodes

Aug. 2, 2018

Moving from Challenge to Confidence with Chris Cadenhead

Pianist, vocalist and composer Chris Cadenhead has discovered major keys to developing confidence in the midst of accepting new challenges.
July 12, 2018

5 Answers to Problems Every Creative Has to Handle

Emotions, competition, negative people... every creative faces these problems. Here's help from creatives who have faced and conquered those obstacles.
June 14, 2018

Rethinking Three Major Myths about Mentorships

We all want experienced advisors to guide us, but mentors can't be everything we want them to be. Here's 3 myths about mentors that you might need to rethink.
May 17, 2018

Harness the Power of Being Consistent in your Creative Work

Creatives can use the power of consistency to build momentum and maintain steady artistic output, even when inspiration doesn't spark our imaginations.
May 3, 2018

Making the Right Moves: A talk with Movement Analyst Toranika Washington

What do you do when your artistic journey takes you on unexpected turns? In this discussion, movement analyst Toranika Washington shares how she discovered a passion that utilizes her unique gifts.
April 19, 2018

Turning your Frustrations into Fuel for Creative Success

What if your frustration could be a friend instead of a foe? Here's a fresh perspective for artists and creatives.
Dec. 19, 2017

Make your New Year Great by Investing in Yourself (Steps 5-7 of the Seven Service Steps)

To become the best artist you can be next year, you must put more emphasis on your internal growth.
Dec. 5, 2017

E-R-V: Three More Steps to Creative Success (Steps 2-4 of the 7 Service Steps)

In this informative episode of The God and Gigs Show, Allen and CriStyle continue their discussion of the "7 Service Steps", a road-map to creative success for musicians and other creative artists. Steps 2, 3 and 4 focus on …
Oct. 13, 2017

Chantae Cann: Empowered to Shine (Bonus Interview)

What empowers an artist to express his or her unique voice? In this bonus episode, recording artist Chantae Cann provides exclusive insights into how she embraced her creative freedom through her newest project.
Guest: Chantae Cann
Oct. 3, 2017

Making a Big Impact while Starting Small with Warren Brown

This talented and focused musician proves that your location doesn't have to limit the size of your dreams.
Aug. 21, 2017

The Art of Working with Artists w/ Leo Brooks

Bassist Leo Brooks has found a secret to being welcomed into a major artist's circle - and it's not that complicated.