We continue on with more travel into the rabbit hole so join us as we progress deeper into season 3! This week we continue on with our journey into our LOST rewatch talking about and breaking down S03E07 “Not in Portland”. FOLLOW US: Facebook
We have returned for more travel into the rabbit hole so join us as we progress deeper into season 3! This week we continue on with our journey into our LOST rewatch talking about and breaking down S03E06 “I Do”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ http://w
We’re Back! Join us as we progress deeper into season 3! This week we continue on with our journey into our LOST rewatch talking about and breaking down S03E05 “The Cost of Living”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/LOSTRevis
Join us as we progress deeper into season 3! This week we continue on with our journey into our LOST rewatch talking about and breaking down S03E04 “Every Man for Himself”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/LOSTRevisited Instagram
Join us as we progress deeper into season 3! This week we continue on with our journey into our LOST rewatch talking about and breaking down S03E03 “Further Instructions”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/LOSTRevisited Instagram @
We are officially on our way journeying on into season 3! This week we continue on with our journey into our LOST rewatch talking about and breaking down S03E02 “The Glass Ballerina”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/LOSTRevisited
We’ve wrapped season two but we’re not slowing down. This week we dive right into season 3 of our LOST rewatch this time talking about and breaking down the season premiere S03E01 “A Tale of Two Cities” FOLLOW US: Facebook @ http: