Dr. Tom Linton is an emeritus professor at Texas A&M. Tom has studied the impacts of Sargassum on Gulf Coast beaches for decades and was also involved in the development of the predictive model for forecasting Sargassum la...
Dr. Legena Henry is an MIT graduate, and a Mechanical Engineer, who is now the Lecturer for Renewable Energy at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, specializing in Renewable Energy and Applied Mechanics. She researc...
Florence Ménez est titulaire d’un PhD en anthropologie culturelle et sociale (EHESS, Paris) et d’un PhD en Histoire sociale européenne contemporaine (Université Ca’Foscari, Venise). Elle est coordinatrice du projet de recherc...
LINK TO LISTENERS SURVEY: https://forms.gle/cWVDc9ZUDM56mFsG8 Our guest today is Teresa Chavez-Capilla who is an environmental and bioanalytical chemist, working as a post-doc at the University in Bern, Switzerland. She is wo...
Luis Macías es un experto en comercio internacional con un doctorado en Sociedad de la información y conocimiento, con más de diez años de experiencia en desarrollo empresarial y coordinación de proyectos. Forma parte de la “...
Our guest today is Andrés Bisonó León who is the CEO and co-founder of SOS Carbon. He is from the Dominican Republic and studied mechanical engineering and finance at Drexel University in Philadelphia. SOS Carbon started as a...
Pierre-Antoine Guibout est le fondateur de Sargasse Project, un projet de transformation des sargasses en pâte à papier destinée à la fabrication de papier, carton, et plus largement tout objet en cellulose moulée. Originaire...
Sven Jense is the founder of Climate Cleanup an entrepreneurial non-profit organization with the mission of restoring the global carbon balance by removing 1500 gigaton of CO2 out of the atmosphere using natural climate solut...
Jerry Mang’ena is a Marine Biologist, Aquapreneur, and the co-founder and director of Aqua-Farms Organisation in Tanzania. He is a tutor at the School of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology of the University of Dar es S...
Our guest today is Marion Sutton, an oceanographer and project manager in the Environmental Applications Department of Collecte Localisation Satellites or CLS for short. She was in charge of developing new environmental produ...
We made it to 20 Episodes! Here a little flash back! Thanks to all our listeners and our amazing guests so far! Lowell Iporac from Florida International University Vanessa Selk from Tout monde art Foundation Dayre Catzim from...
Christophe Mouvet est hydrogéochimiste, docteur en hydrobiologie, ingénieur au BRGM (Service géologique national) à Orléans (France), à la Direction Eau, Environnement, Procédés et Analyses. Durant les 10 dernières années, il...
Jake Kheel is an environmental innovator whose efforts in the Dominican Republic with the Grupo Punta Cana Foundation have won numerous awards and made the country’s tourism more competitive and environmentally sustainable. J...
En este episodio hablamos con la bióloga marina mexicana Verónica Monroy que nos habla de todos los bichitos asociados con el Sargazo. Verónica es experta en taxonomía, biología y ecología de crustáceos e invertebrados asocia...
In this episode we talk to Jasmine Harrison and Mark Sealey. Both of them have completed the 2020 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge and rowed 3000 miles from the Canary Island of La Gomera to Antigua. More people have climbe...
Nous continuons avec l’artiste Louisa Marajo, pour qui les sargasses constituent depuis 2018 une source d’inspiration. Louisa Marajo est d’origine martiniquaise, vit et enseigne à Paris, mais crée souvent in situ sur le litto...
Our guests today are Melissa de Freitas, Maxine Trotman and Tessa Davy. Melissa is a Geophysicist working as Energy Officer at the Energy Unit of the Government of St. Vincent. Maxine currently lives in Atlanta Georgia and...
In this episode we talk to Brigitte Gavio who is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She leads the Research Group in Molecular Systematics and Biogeography of Marine Ma...
Our guest today is Dr Ashley Johns, the founder of Constructive Solutions which is helping with disaster relief efforts in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. He has 20 years experience in disaster response and is an Island Innov...
To see videos and pictures head to our youtube channel and watch the interview there: https://youtu.be/bOfXRGUunBo Our guest today is Stacey Alvarez, a digital sales manager, legal assistant, educational consultant and Islan...
E14: Conserving an incredible ecosystem with Teresa Mackey and Dr David Freestone of the Sargasso Sea Commission The Sargasso Sea Commission was established in 2014 with the goal of conserving the Sargasso Sea. Ms. Teresa Mac...
En este episodio hablamos con Deemian Vera y Dagoberto Ruiz de la empresa mexicana de ingeniería marítima Dakatso. Demian nos habla de las barreras anti-sargazo, los botes de recolección del sargazo y su último producto: el ...
In this episode we talk to Paola Díaz a biologist from Honduras currently studying a masters in Integrated Management of Tropical Coastal Areas at the University of Costa Rica. Her upcoming project with Centro de Investigació...
In this episode we talk to Chris Gug who is better known as just Gug. He is regarded as one of America's foremost underwater photographers. Gug has been making waves in the art scene for well over a decade and …