Sept 11, 2001, 22 years ago today, the western world changed, forever. Where were you on that day? I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a lifetime ago, and yet it still feels like it was yesterday... Solemn day. Hey Kits! Weekdays at 7-ish Eastern, we livestream a…
Exasperated. All. The. Damn. Time. It's exhausting, it really is. Lies that go unchecked. Journalists that can't do their job because they are not allowed to question the liar... What the hell Canada? I am tired. So damn tired. Here, We, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Sept 11, 2001, 22 years ago today, the western world changed, forever. Where were you on that day? I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a lifetime ago, and yet it still feels like it was yesterday... Solemn day.
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Please be sure to like, share and subscribe!
Please be sure to like, share and subscribe!
Please be sure to like, share and subscribe!
Please be sure to like, share and subscribe!
Please be sure to like, share and subscribe!
In this interview, we... Guess what, you gonna have to watch. We had a great conversation, we got a little deep, we got some candor & we got some great comments! We hope you enjoy this as much as we did! Ok, Here, We, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey Kits! Weekdays at 7-ish…
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Well, did anyone tell Skippy yet? Canada ranked as the 2nd best country in the world to live behind Switzerland. When he tells you it's broken, he's lying. I see that the Cons got what they wanted to pick the Judge that would lead the Foreign Interference Inquiry. All parties…
Well, did anyone tell Skippy yet? Canada ranked as the 2nd best country in the world to live behind Switzerland. When he tells you it's broken, he's lying. I see that the Cons got what they wanted to pick the Judge that would lead the Foreign Interference Inquiry. All parties…
Once again friends, we apologize for yesterday's tech issues... We intend to deliver a much better product today. Ok, Here, We, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey Kits! Weekdays at 7-ish Eastern, we livestream a (sometimes) quick take on the news, in addition to our usual formats. TODAY WE TALK ABOUT: That Ford Presser…
In this interview, we... Guess what, you gonna have to watch. We had a great conversation, we got a little deep, we got some candor & we got some great comments! We hope you enjoy this as much as we did! Ok, Here, We, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey Kits! Weekdays at 7-ish…
So, how long before Doug Ford steps down, or is formally charged? This Greenbeltgate is becoming just that; a criminal venture. Clark has stepped down from his position as housing minister, will he remain in office? Will he be charged? What about Mr. X? This entire affair just gets greasier…
Once again friends, we apologize for yesterday's tech issues... We intend to deliver a much better product today. Ok, Here, We, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Good Holiday Monday Morning! We've a Special guest for you today... Hailing from Yellowknife NWT, via the UK near Nottingham on a shoe phone, at a soccer pitch... Roxanne Poulin. Our soon to be NWT correspondent! We covered a lot in a short time, we hope you enjoy this as…
So, how long before Doug Ford steps down, or is formally charged? This Greenbeltgate is becoming just that; a criminal venture. Clark has stepped down from his position as housing minister, will he remain in office? Will he be charged? What about Mr. X? This entire affair just gets greasier…
Good Holiday Monday Morning! We've a Special guest for you today... Hailing from Yellowknife NWT, via the UK near Nottingham on a shoe phone, at a soccer pitch... Roxanne Poulin. Our soon to be NWT correspondent! We covered a lot in a short time, we hope you enjoy this as…
Freedom Convoy in NWT... A place that has ben evacuated due to wildfires... They insist that they have the right to drive into an evacuated area that has been cordoned off by the RCMP for emergency vehicle access... We are living in the most informed & yet the most WILFULLY…
Looks like Skippy touched a nerve with more than just us with his "Priorities" speech about housing. His lies are piling up, they will soon topple him. Didja see the clip where he called the PM & his late father Marxists? Oh, we have the clip. Ok, 4th Monday of…
Freedom Convoy in NWT... A place that has ben evacuated due to wildfires... They insist that they have the right to drive into an evacuated area that has been cordoned off by the RCMP for emergency vehicle access... We are living in the most informed & yet the most WILFULLY…
Rachel Gilmore has been going after all of the Christo fascist, homophobic, transphobic A-holes, and we are here for it! Rachel, if you are watching, we would love to collaborate with you! We see that #fraudfest is trending, we know why & so do you. Lets hold his feet to…