Hello, good Thor's day morning! Jordan Peterson is an obnoxious, arrogant, sexist, misogynist, angry, petty, bitter asshole. Bring on his defenders. This Grizzly is hungry, and it's breakfast time! Hey Kits! It's a new year, and our Not Quite Daily Beaver Morning Show is on its way to becoming Quite…
Hello, good Thor's day morning! Jordan Peterson is an obnoxious, arrogant, sexist, misogynist, angry, petty, bitter asshole. Bring on his defenders. This Grizzly is hungry, and it's breakfast time! Hey Kits! It's a new year, and our Not Quite Daily Beaver Morning Show is on its way to becoming Quite…
'tis a chilly Wednesday morn', better bundle up! It's another Stormy Daniels day & she's been vindicated by her accuser, that's a self burn, it seems the RWNJ just can't help themselves... Loblaws is back in the headlines trying to pass the buck on their profiteering ways... Alec Baldwin... ya…
'tis a chilly Wednesday morn', better bundle up! It's another Stormy Daniels day & she's been vindicated by her accuser, that's a self burn, it seems the RWNJ just can't help themselves... Loblaws is back in the headlines trying to pass the buck on their profiteering ways... Alec Baldwin... ya…
Good Tuesday Morning! We are now officially a 5 day a week morning show! Tuesday's and Thursday's will be a slightly shorter single topic format, just like the SCTV Bob & Doug McKenzie "Great White North" Show. Today's topic is... a surprise! Seriously, we haven't had time to pick one,…
Good Tuesday Morning! We are now officially a 5 day a week morning show! Tuesday's and Thursday's will be a slightly shorter single topic format, just like the SCTV Bob & Doug McKenzie "Great White North" Show. Today's topic is... a surprise! Seriously, we haven't had time to pick one,…
Good morning! The clownvoy occupation reunion took place this past weekend, less than 100 hundred people showed up, and Rat king violated his bail conditions by appearing on social media discussing the event on camera on the hill... "That's a bold move Cotton, let's see how this plays out!"... The…
Good morning! The clownvoy occupation reunion took place this past weekend, less than 100 hundred people showed up, and Rat king violated his bail conditions by appearing on social media discussing the event on camera on the hill... "That's a bold move Cotton, let's see how this plays out!"... The…
Well, it's Friyay! We hope no one overdid it shoveling snow throughout ON & QC. It was a pretty good storm, not a blizzard, but a good storm nonetheless! Mr. Grizzly has noticed a fair bit of blowback against the telecom giant that promotes mental health awareness as a marketing…
Well, it's Friyay! We hope no one overdid it shoveling snow throughout ON & QC. It was a pretty good storm, not a blizzard, but a good storm nonetheless! Mr. Grizzly has noticed a fair bit of blowback against the telecom giant that promotes mental health awareness as a marketing…
How are you this am? Looks like the unwashed ignorant unemployed masses have decided to wreak havoc on the citizens of Hamilton; were it not for twitter, we wouldn't know anything about it. Is it possible that most media outlets in Canada are so sick of the non stop "fRrEeDuMb"…
How are you this am? Looks like the unwashed ignorant unemployed masses have decided to wreak havoc on the citizens of Hamilton; were it not for twitter, we wouldn't know anything about it. Is it possible that most media outlets in Canada are so sick of the non stop "fRrEeDuMb"…
Good Monday morning! We hope your weekend was as great as ours; The 4th Live stream PubCast took place on Saturday Jan 23 & it was a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone for joining us! We'll provide you with a lot of advance notice before the next one! Mr.…
Good Monday morning! We hope your weekend was as great as ours; The 4th Live stream PubCast took place on Saturday Jan 23 & it was a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone for joining us! We'll provide you with a lot of advance notice before the next one! Mr.…
In our ongoing monthly series of PubCasts, this is episode number 4! Join us for an afternoon of chat sans religion & politics, just a couple guys sitting in the pub on a Saturday afternoon! We've room for anyone who wants to join us online or in person! Stories, jokes,…
Hey Kits! It's a new year, a new season, and a new episode of The Not Quite Daily Beaver Morning Show! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 7 Eastern, we livestream a (sometimes) quick take on the news, in addition to our usual formats. On today's episode, we talk…
Hey Kits! It's a new year, a new season, and a new episode of The Not Quite Daily Beaver Morning Show! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 7 Eastern, we livestream a (sometimes) quick take on the news, in addition to our usual formats. On today's episode, we talk…
Hey Kits! So, Drug Fraud has sold us out to the highest bidder... Yup, American style healthcare has been creeping it's way in for about a decade, and now, Douggie and his merry band of ghouls will try to convince us that this is a good thing! It'll take the…
Hey Kits! So, Drug Fraud has sold us out to the highest bidder... Yup, American style healthcare has been creeping it's way in for about a decade, and now, Douggie and his merry band of ghouls will try to convince us that this is a good thing! It'll take the…
Hey Kits, Well, it's Blue Monday, and Mr. Grizzly is flying solo. Mr. Beaver is travelling today and is regrettably unavailable. In sports news, the Buffalo Bills managed to eek out a win against a Miami team that really showed up. The Minnesota Vikings earned a defeat on a 4th…
Hey Kits, Well, it's Blue Monday, and Mr. Grizzly is flying solo. Mr. Beaver is travelling today and is regrettably unavailable. In sports news, the Buffalo Bills managed to eek out a win against a Miami team that really showed up. The Minnesota Vikings earned a defeat on a 4th…
Hey Kits! 'Tis a Stormy Daniels day, I mean stormy weather day... ;) Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on... Yes, the Littlest Hobo is trending, because is tough times we tend to look back on warm, happy, youthful memories... Mr. Beaver is on the Road this weekend, Mr. Grizzly…
Hey Kits! 'Tis a Stormy Daniels day, I mean stormy weather day... ;) Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on... Yes, the Littlest Hobo is trending, because is tough times we tend to look back on warm, happy, youthful memories... Mr. Beaver is on the Road this weekend, Mr. Grizzly…
Hey Kits! It's a new year, a new season, and a new episode of The Not Quite Daily Beaver Morning Show! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 7 Eastern, we livestream a (sometimes) quick take on the news, in addition to our usual formats. On today's episode, we talk…