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Tools of the Podcast Trade - Podcasting Demystified


Jan. 23, 2023

Make a Lasting Impression on Your Audience #podcast #audienceengagement

If you've ever received a handwritten note from a teacher then you understand the positive impact such a gesture can have on someone's life. Rick Elmore, founder of SimplyNoted shares how the handwritten notes have had a lasting impact on his life and career. Discover how to create raving fans…

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Jan. 22, 2023

Why You Should Be Guesting #podcast #guesting

Lindsay McMahon is the host of All Ears English podcast. She talks about how having guests on her show helps promote her podcast to new audiences. If you want to grow your brand and promote your podcast, guesting is a brilliant way to do so. So what are you waiting…

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Jan. 19, 2023

Do This if You Use Zoom to Record Your Podcast #podcast #podcastingforbeginners

Are you still using Zoom to record your podcast? While Audiovisual Culture Podcast, host, Paula Blair may advise against it, she says if you do use Zoom, do a few things that will prevent your podcast audio from sounding like tin foil. Watch as she gives some useful tips to…

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Jan. 18, 2023

Don't Make This Mistake! #podcast #podcastingforbeginners

Are you a podcaster trying to do everything yourself? You may be making a common mistake. In this video, Marketing Boost CEO, Marco Torres shares valuable advice on the pitfalls of trying to handle all aspects of podcasting on your own. From editing to promotion, delegating tasks and seeking help…

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Jan. 17, 2023

Are You Leaving Money on the Table? #podcast #audienceengagement

Don't lose 40% of your listeners! In this video, I explore the importance of not leaving money on the table by only using Apple Podcasts for your subscriptions with Jason Sew Hoy, CEO of Supercast. Learn how platforms like Supercast can help you reach a wider audience and increase your…

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Jan. 17, 2023

Cheap Podcasting Tips #podcast #monetizeyourpodcast

Frugalpreneur, Sarah St. John shares her expert tips for starting a podcast for as little as $100. In this video, she talks about collecting emails. Because as you may already know "the money is in the list", right? Tools of the Podcast Trade examines the tools and strategies we use…

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Jan. 15, 2023

Monetize Your Podcast with Premium Content #podcast #monetizeyourpodcast

How to monetize your podcast by creating premium content. CEO of Supercast, Jason Sew Hoy explains the benefits of creating content for paying customers and gives examples of what types of premium content you can offer. Listen to the full interview on Tools of the Podcast Trade podcast: Listen…

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Jan. 13, 2023

What to Do If You Can't Host a Podcast #podcast #frugallpreneur

Frugalpreneur, Sarah St. John believes that it's a good thing to be a podcast host. But if you don't want to host your own show, then be a guest on other people's podcasts. Whether you're a guest, a host, or both, podcasting is still a great way to spread your…

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Jan. 11, 2023

Monetize Your Podcast Tips #podcast #monetizeyourpodcast

Lindsay McMahon talks about ways you can monetize your podcast transcript in this video. She shares how to sell your podcast transcripts as a way to generate income from your show. Even if you don't sell your transcript you can use it as an optin to build an email list.…

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Jan. 11, 2023

Why A Coach Should Have a Podcast #podcast #podcastingforbeginners

Kristin shares her thoughts on the importance of coaches having a podcast. She believes that a podcast is a great way for your client to peek behind the curtain of who you are as a person. This is crucial for building trust and creating a successful coaching relationship. So what…

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Jan. 9, 2023

Podcast Distribution Strategy: Don't limit yourself. #podcast #podcastingforbeginners

What is your podcast distribution strategy? Vinnie Potestivo encourages aspiring podcasters to think beyond Apple and Google. It's important to share your podcast as many places as possible -- social media, email, etc -- so that it's available to as many listeners as possible. If you're struggling to find your…

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Jan. 7, 2023

Picking the Best Podcast Guest #podcast #

Author and Speaker Tyler Foley discuss the importance of selecting guests who connect with your audience and give them what they want. He shares insights and tips on how to choose guests who align with your podcast's mission and values and provide value to your listeners. By selecting the right…

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Jan. 7, 2023

What’s Your Excuse?

Are you an aspiring podcaster letting fear hold you back? Do you look at others and think they are more qualified or have some kind of advantage that you don't? Real estate superstar, Jas Takhar summarizes some of the excuses we use when we face fear. He encourages you to…

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Jan. 5, 2023

Is Your Audience Buying From Others? #podcast #storytelling

Are you struggling to get your audience to buy from you? It could be because you haven't effectively shared your brand's story with them. In this YouTube short, Seth Silvers, CEO, and Founder of Story On Media, explains the importance of building trust and loyalty with your audience through storytelling.…

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Jan. 4, 2023

How to Build Trust With Your Audience #podcast #seo

Brandon Leobwitz emphasizes the need to build trust with your audience. But they have to find you first. He talks about using SEO in your podcast business to attract and retain clients. He will show you how proper SEO can help you build trust with your audience and with Google,…

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Jan. 4, 2023

Who Owns Your Podcast Episodes? #podcast

Eric Farber, CEO of Creators Legal, talks about the importance of obtaining a Guest Release for your podcast episodes. A guest release ensures that you have the legal permission to distribute an episode featuring a guest on your podcast. Don't miss this informative video on the legal side of podcasting.…

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Dec. 8, 2022

How To Become A Master Communicator w/Brenden Kumarasamy

The get your message to your audience effectively it's important to be good at communicating. But how can you become a master communicator? Brenden Kumarasamy of MasterTalk ( shares his tips and insights on how you can become an effective communicator. One way Brenden practices his communication skills is to…

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Dec. 1, 2022

Build an Awesome Brand With Podcasting & Storytelling w/Graham Brown

In this interview, Graham Brown demonstrates how we can use storytelling to build our brands and connect with others. Graham thinks podcasting represents the conversations we no longer have with each other. Takeaways: • When you feel fearful or experience imposter syndrome remember that’s a sign for you to “choose…

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Oct. 13, 2022

Build a Winning Podcast & Avoid PodFade w/Lindsay McMahon

I love to interview people who are in the trenches of podcasting. They're actually a podcaster and experience the pain and pleasure of the craft. Lindsay McMahon shares her experience as the co-host of All Ears English podcast where they teach English as a second language to global professionals. In…

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Oct. 6, 2022

How to Develop A 'Frugalpreneur' Mindset w/Sarah St. John

Can you really start a business with $5? Sarah St. John says you can! As independent podcasters, we know a thing or two about starting our ventures on a bootstrap. But Sarah believes we can continue to grow our podcast business while keeping our cost low...maybe for as little as…

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Oct. 3, 2022

Win With Podcast Awards #podcasting

Ever thought your podcast could win awards? Vinnie Potestivo explains how podcasters are missing out on a boatload of opportunities because they fail to apply for awards. He identified over 50 awards that any podcaster can apply for. This video is a must-watch if you’re looking for ways to bring…

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Oct. 1, 2022

Turn Your Listeners into Raving Fans #podcasting

How do you turn your listeners into raving fans? And why do you care? Real estate superstar Jas Takhar is the host of The Jas Takhar podcast and is widely regarded as one of the most influential people in real estate. In this video, he shares concrete tips and strategies…

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Sept. 29, 2022

How to Turn Prospects into Raving Fans w/Jas Takhar

As a successful real estate professional Jas Takhar knows a thing or two about turning prospects into buyers. But how do you turn prospects into raving fans? Jas shares his expertise while giving serious but entertaining insights into adapting the mindset to be a successful entrepreneur...and podcaster. 17:31 - How…

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Sept. 10, 2022

The Power of Podcast Awards w/Vinnie Potestivo

Vinnie Potestivo reveals the secrets to becoming a successful podcaster, including winning awards, building celebrity brands, and creating red carpet moments. Are you looking to start and grow a successful podcast? Content creation can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. If you're feeling the pain of…

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