This is alarming, by 2027, the worldwide pain management drugs market will reach $91,649 million, with North America taking the lead. Today we will talk about your pain and the price you pay.
Stopping pain any way you can from legal to illegal pain relievers is a temporary quick fix with harmful results in the name of pain relief. Finding ways of natural pain relief is an option to consider...
To relieve pain begins when you Understand Pain. Tune in for the inside scoop on why pain hurts and what is the cause...
Today's show in the last of the 4 part pain stress connection series our topic is How to Relieve Stress, which just might save your life.
Understand and Recognizing the symptoms of stress may save your life and love one.
Ready to take back control of your life from being sick and in pain . It can happen when learn how to recognize stress is the cause of your health problems.
Today's episode starts a 4 part series on the Pain Stress Connection. and how to recognize stress.
When you talk about relieving stress and pain with the "power of touch" it begins with the healing art of Touchology
On the Touchology Wellness Experience, the focus is to introduce the various ways on how to relieve pain and stress in your daily life using the "Power of Touch".
On the Touchology Wellness Experience, the show's focus is to introduce the various ways on how to relieve pain and stress in your daily life using the "Power of Touch".