This is the Star Trek Attack Wing OP event prize ship for Classic Movies Month 2.
Here is a video that I made on our 2017 visit to Trekonderoga in upstate New York.
This video is about the I.K.S. Hegh'Ta, K'Vort class cruiser as seen on Star Trek The Next Generation and how the ship is used in the tabletop miniatures game, Star Trek Attack Wing. This ship is the prize ship for the Klingon Civil War OP month 2 event, Battle of…
This video is on the IKS Bortas as seen on Star Trek The Next Generation and how the ship is used in the tabletop miniatures game Star Trek Attack Wing. This ship is The Klingon Civil War OP Month - Attack on Gowron, prize ship.
Here is a video I made on the Oversized Borg Cube with Sphere Port and how it's used in the tabletop miniatures game Star Trek Attack Wing
Here is a video I made on the USS Prometheus as seen on Star Trek Voyager and how it's used in the tabletop miniatures game Star Trek Attack Wing.
Here is a video about the I.K.S Toral, the Klingon Civil War OP3 prize ship. Let's take a look at the ship and how it's used in the tabletop miniatures game, Star Trek Attack Wing.
This video is about the IRW Algeron Romulan D7 (Stormbird) as seen on the Star Trek episode "The Enterprise Incident" and how it's used in the tabletop miniatures game, Star Trek Attack Wing.
This is a video I made on Kohlar's D-7 Battlecruiser as seen on Star Trek Voyager and in the tabletop miniatures game, Star Trek Attack Wing.
A history about the Romulan Prototype 01 "Drone Ship" as seen on Star Trek Enterprise, and, how the ship is used in the tabletop miniatures game, Star Trek Attack Wing.
The Ferengi Marauder Kreechta, as seen on STNG and used in the tabletop miniatures game Star Trek Attack Wing.