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What Fresh Hell


Aug. 25, 2023

Fresh Take: Jennifer Wallace on Achievement Pressure

How do we protect our kids from the toxic achievement pressure that surrounds them? Jennifer Wallace, author of the new book NEVER ENOUGH, explains how to walk this line.

Episode page
Aug. 23, 2023

When Typical Parenting Advice Just Doesn't Fit

Parenting advice is often deemed to be universal. When it's not, we tend to question ourselves—but what we should be questioning is why parenting was ever thought to be one-size-fits-all.

Episode page
Aug. 21, 2023

Ask Margaret: My Kid Won't Eat a Bite of Dinner!

How do we get our kid to eat what's on their plate when they'd rather launch it across the room? It's time to start thinking of our kid's nourishment in larger units (like weeks).

Episode page
Aug. 18, 2023

Fresh Take: Bea Kim on Rediscovering Yourself After Motherhood

Once we become mothers, does everything else about us go out the window? How do we get back in touch with our values? Bea Kim, executive and life coach, provides concrete advice for maintaining a healthy sense of identity post-parenthood.

Episode page
Aug. 16, 2023


We all have people in our lives who are crazymakers— always late, always stirring the pot, always causing chaos. Here's what a crazymaker really is - and how to deal with the ones in your life effectively.

Episode page
Aug. 14, 2023

Ask Amy: Should I Care If My Teenagers Curse?

What do we do when our kids start using colorful language around the house? Especially when we are sometimes guilty of doing the same thing? Here's how to lay down some ground rules around cursing if you can't outlaw it …

Episode page
Aug. 11, 2023

Fresh Take: Jamilla Svansson-Brown on How Motherhood Changes Us

How do we accept the huge changes that motherhood brings while maintaining strong relationships with our partners? Jamilla Svansson-Brown, co-creator of the Jamilla and Que YouTube channel, discusses how she and her wife have navigated these changes.

Episode page
Aug. 9, 2023

BEST OF: Ditching What Doesn't Matter (with the Lazy Genius)

Whether we’re stressed perfectionists or hot messes, our homes and relationships get happier when we clarify what goes in what pile FOR US. Guest Kendra Adachi, author of THE LAZY GENIUS WAY, talks about making systems that work for us …

Episode page
Aug. 7, 2023

Ask Margaret: My Child Is Being Ostracized

How do we help our child when their friends have cast them out without making things worse or helicopter parenting? Margaret gives some tactics for helping kids through inevitable friendship drama.

Episode page
Aug. 4, 2023

Fresh Take: Lara Love Hardin

What does it take to come back from absolute rock bottom? Lara Love Hardin, author of the new memoir "The Many Lives of Mama Love" discusses her journey from perfect soccer mom to incarcerated felon to reinvented woman.

Episode page
Aug. 2, 2023

We Forgot What Little Kids Were Like

Margaret recently took care of a 6- and 2-year-old for awhile, and Amy recently attended a family reunion with little ones running around. The results are in - constantly attending to the needs of little kids is way more exhausting …

Episode page
July 31, 2023

Ask Amy: I've Already Got the End-of-Summer Scaries

How do we relieve ourselves of the pressure to make every summer day Pinterest-worthy for our children, especially when all we do is break up fights and tell them no? Amy helps a listener combat her end-of-summer scaries.

Episode page
July 28, 2023

Fresh Take: Ash Brandin, The Gamer Educator

Most of us think our kids should have less screen time. At least that’s the guilt trip we’ve been sold. But what if we can take a more “value neutral” approach? Ash Brandin, @TheGamerEducator, tells us how families can make …

Episode page
July 26, 2023

Teaching Kids About Money

In a world where we walk around most days without cash or even credit cards, paying for things with our phones and watches, how can we teach our kids how money works—and that it doesn't grow on trees? Here are …

Episode page
July 24, 2023

Ask Margaret: Ground Rules for House Guests

House guests are fun. They're also overwhelming, even when they're the same people who raised you. Here's how to set ground rules that work for everyone.

Episode page
July 21, 2023

Fresh Take: Erin Pepler

Why are mothers expected to say pregnancy is an unending forty weeks of bliss, even when their reality may very much differ? Erin Pepler author of the new book “Send Me Into the Woods Alone” talks about breaking the silence …

Episode page
July 19, 2023

Why Was This a Thing? Rules We Once Lived By

Whistling inside? No baseball caps at dinner? No showers during a lightning storm? What odd rules of life did Amy and Margaret once cling to?

Episode page
July 17, 2023

Ask Amy: When Should Kids Stop Sharing a Room?

When siblings share a room, is there an age when it becomes better for them to have separate spaces? It depends on the kids, but here are the factors you might keep in mind.

Episode page
July 14, 2023

Fresh Take: Raena Boston on Mom Scams

What if we thought of mom guilt and the gender pay gap as "scams" that were being run on mothers? Raena Boston, founder of the Working Momtras, explains why parenting is inherently political.

Episode page
July 13, 2023

July Bonus TEASER: Ask Us Anything

Best infinite purse snack? How does the family feel about the podcast? When is the What Fresh Hell sitcom coming out? For the July bonus episode, it's time to ask Amy and Margaret anything!

Episode page
July 12, 2023

Let's Stop Caring What People Think

Why do we care so much what other people think? Does anyone truly possess the magical ability to ignore the judgments of others? How do we tell the difference between whose opinions matter and whose definitely do not?

Episode page
July 10, 2023

Ask Margaret: My Kid Is Super Slow in the Mornings

What do you do with a child who always runs late because they move at a (seemingly purposeful) glacial pace? It might be time to consider what your kid is gaining from the situation.

Episode page
July 7, 2023

Fresh Take: Hari Kondabolu on "Vacation Baby"

What was it like being a first-time parent during the pandemic? How does having a baby change life as a standup comedian? Hari Kondabolu, whose comedy special "Vacation Baby" is available on YouTube, tells us all about it.

Episode page
July 5, 2023

BEST OF: Setting Boundaries

Boundaries aren’t just for relationships that have already been damaged. Healthy boundaries with our partners, friends, and extended family are what make long-term relationships possible. Here’s how to set boundaries early and often.

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