Pizza Is My Life

What Everyone Chasing Fame Needs To Know with Cam from Guerrilla Pizza Kitchen

Do you have ambitions to chase fame through your craft or passion?

Why do we get into pizza? Is it to make amazing pizza. Is it to have a business that supports you and your loved ones? Why do so many people fall into this trap of chasing fame?

Cam believes that people should know and understand one word- "Enough."
If you get into pizza for fame and accolades, not only do you have to work your ass off, but you have to bend over backwards for gatekeepers who don't give a damn about you. And if that is something you want, fine. But ask yourself, "Why?" and "Who might I hurt if I take this path?" "Can I chase this dream with integrity and keep my authenticity?"

Welcome to the esoteric bull sh!t that Cam and I talk about. This segment and episode might be a bit deep, maybe even dark. But hey, we can learn from everyone, right?

This segment reminds of a few words that John Arena shared with me in our episode together-

"I think the modern generation of pizza makers has done some extraordinary work, but we also have some people that the work itself is just a tool for personal fame. The fame is just an accidental by-product of doing good work. I think what's important is that the pizzaiolo serves the craft and the craft is not there to serve the pizzaiolo."