Is there a birthday cake from your childhood that stands out in your memory? For me, it was the cake I had with a barbie and the cake skirt around her. Mine was pink and my twin sister’s was purple. …
We live in a world where we are bombarded with fad diets and food recommendations that, quite frankly, lack the science to back them up. Every diet claims to be the “best” and the healthiest, and it’s impossible as consumers …
Many of us have found ourselves at a place that feels like rock bottom, a place where we feel beaten down and broken and ready to throw in the towel. In 2017, at the very top of her sport, Hillary …
Maybe it’s just me, but does anyone else feel like manners and common courtesy have been thrown to the wolves? I mean literally, people behave like wolves. In this past year I’ve witnessed the worst of people..rude, inconsiderate, selfish and...
Today’s guest is Dr. Marion Nestle. Marion is a consumer advocate, nutritionist, award-winning author, and academic who specializes in the politics of food and dietary choice. Her most recent book, “Let’s Ask Marion”, breaks down what...
The past year has tested us all mentally and emotionally. Depression, anxiety and overwhelm are all too common, and many of us have no idea how to begin to dig ourselves out of these feelings. I am hoping this episode …
Being a changemaker is not easy. It involves rejecting the status quo and opening the eyes of the world to something new, something different and, ideally, something better. Today’s guest, Stephen Gates, is no stranger to bringing about...
When I started this podcast I made a wish list of guests, and today I couldn’t be more excited to bring a wish to life and have Lindsay Dahl on the show. You may know Lindsay from her role at …
There is something I find especially inspiring about craftsmen taking scraps or something considered as waste and making it into a beautiful, highly-desired product. That is exactly the work of Luke Mathers and Truce Designs. Luke first learned...
Imagine a world without litter. That is the mission of today’s guest, Jeff Kirshner, founder of Litterati. Litterati is an app that is empowering individuals to make a significant, measurable impact on the environment. By capturing data through...
In this episode, I am talking with Cody Goldberg, founder and executive director of Harper’s Playground. In 2009, Cody did something very common for a parent of a five-year-old, he took his daughter Harper to a playground. At birth Harper …
In this episode, I am talking with Anthony Rossi, EVP of Business Development of TerraCycle and Loop. If you’re not familiar with TerraCycle, I’ll make it simple, they are the biggest innovators in the garbage business. TerraCycle reuses,...
In this episode, I am talking with Sylvia Baffour. Sylvia is an author, professional Speaker, coach and trainer and a thought leader in the fields of Emotional Intelligence and Leadership. Her book, I Dare You to Care, focuses on using …
In this episode, my guest is Dr. Melissa Mondala, a triple specialist of family medicine, lifestyle medicine, and primary care psychiatry. Dr. Melissa is one of the first and youngest nationally recognized lifestyle medicine fellows, and her passion...
In this episode, I’m thrilled to have back one of my first guests on the podcast, Tracy Hooper of The Confidence Project. If you’re not familiar with Tracy from that episode, she is a personal coach, corporate speaker, and trainer …
In this episode, I am talking with Lauren Molasky Fierst. Lauren is a mother of two, an author, a former clothing designer, fashion blogger and stylist. Lauren’s book, The Sky Cracked Open, is a beautiful collection of poems and illustrations …
In this episode, I am talking with Lindsay Bourgoine, Director of Policy and Advocacy of Protect Our Winters, an organization that helps passionate outdoor people protect the places and lifestyles they love from climate change. Protect Our Winters is...
In this episode, I am talking with Dr. Leo Trasande, a pediatrician, professor and world-renowned researcher in environmental health. Dr. Transande’s research focuses on how chemicals like phthalates, bisphenols, and many others that are long...
In this episode I am talking with Dr. Laura Markham. Dr. Laura is a clinical psychologist, a mother, an author or multiple books on peaceful parenting, and she has worked for decades as a parenting coach with families across the …
In this Episode, I am talking with Dr. Uma Naidoo. Dr. Naidoo is the director of nutritional and lifestyle psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is a writer for the Harvard Health blog and author of the book “This is …
In this episode I am talking with Amy Lang of Birds + Bees + Kids®. Amy helps parents of all beliefs have easy, open and effective conversations with their kids about sex. She is the author of Birds + Bees …
In this episode I am talking with Kelly Cobb, the VP of Giving from Bombas. Bombas’ founders David Heath and Randy Goldberg started Bombas after they learned socks are the #1 most requested clothing item at homeless shelters. From there, …
Today’s guest is Alex Borsuk. By weekday, Alex is a sports nutritionist, but by early morning, after work, and on weekends, Alex is a mountain athlete, a holder of many FKTs (that means fastest known times), and an adventure junkie. …
In this Episode I am talking with Dr. Michael Goran, co-author of Sugarproof. Michael is a Professor of Pediatrics at The Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is Program Director for Diabetes and Obesity at The Saban Research Institute and …