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Season 6

March 15, 2022

Are You Afraid of Satisfaction? Intuitive Eating Coaching Call

Are you afraid of satisfaction? Does it feel "wrong" to buy something you would like or to eat something that tastes truly delicious? In my intuitive eating coaching call, Erin Todd--co-host of the Intuitive Eating for Chris…
March 11, 2022

When You're Afraid of What Others Think featuring Jill Savage

Are you afraid of what others think of you? Maybe you're worried about what they think of your life, your body, your choices, your struggles. Today, author, speaker, and coach, Jill Savage and I tackle how we handle the fear…
March 8, 2022

Why Are We So Afraid of Bread: Conquering the Fear of Bread

This conversation may shock and surprise you. Today, non-diet dietician, Tracy Brown and I have an informative conversation about bread avoidance. Over the last decade--bread has become a "scary" food to many who are dieting…
March 4, 2022

Conquering the Fear of Fat feat: Nicole Mesita, RD

Today is the start of a new month-long series about conquering our fears related to body image and food. Nicole Mesita, a non-diet RD, joins me to tackle our first issue: Conquering the Fear of Fat. The data surrounding this…
March 1, 2022

What to Do When Your Husband is Looking at Porn

Today Heather interviews Rosie Makinney of Fight for Love Ministries --a ministry dedicated to helping women affected by porn in their marriages. Rosie shares the resurrection story of her marriage and how she and her husban…
Feb. 25, 2022

Ideals Become Idols and Other Reasons to Stop Comparing

This is the first in a series of three, monthly episodes where we'll talk about my latest book, The Burden of Better. Even if you've read it, these book club episodes go deeper and wider than what was captured in the book. T…
Feb. 23, 2022

What You Need to Know About Eating Disorders

In honor of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, today I'm tackling the data on Eating Disorders. **Trigger Warning**This is a weighty and emotional topic. If you're recovering from an ED or have been diagnosed already, …
Feb. 22, 2022

Body Image and Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a rough time on our body image. Rebekah Hargraves helps me dig into the challenges of body changes during and after pregnancy. Rebekah had her first baby in her early 20s, while I had my first in her early t…
Feb. 18, 2022

Body After Baby, Surrogacy, and Birthing Your Purpose

My conversation with Tiffany Jo Baker was supposed to be about body after baby. But, where we landed became a beautiful orchestra of many topics ranging from infertility to judging others by their appearance to how to find y…
Feb. 15, 2022

Why Am I Always Tired? Intuitive Eating Coaching Call

Today's episode is the recording of my coaching call with my Intuitive Eating Coaches--Char-Lee Cassel, RD and Erin Todd--hosts of the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast. The most startling discovery: maybe my life…
Feb. 11, 2022

How to Feel Loved: For Anyone Who Struggles to Feel Loved

Many who struggle with body image and comparison also struggle to feel loved. How do I know? Because I struggle and I've had this conversation countless times with clients and friends. How do we truly feel and know we are lo…
Feb. 8, 2022

Why Do We Want to Control Everything? Feat: Jennifer Dukes Lee

Do you ever feel like life would be easier if you could just control everything? Or, perhaps you'd say you're not long as everything goes the way you want it to! Friend, I understand both of those concepts--…
Feb. 4, 2022

How to Stop Being a Controlling Woman

I know all about battling control and so does today's guest, Shannon Popkin, author of the book, "Control Girl." Today, Shannon and I talk about all things related to how to stop being a controlling woman. We talk about: why…
Feb. 1, 2022

7 Minutes of Scripture Esther: Beauty Didn't Lead to a Fairy Tale

You asked for more 7 minutes of scripture today we'll tackle Esther chapter 2 in about seven minutes (or 17's a full chapter!) Today we look at how for Esther beauty didn't lead to a fairy tale. To…
Jan. 28, 2022

How to Stop the Brain from Overthinking and Rest

Who has a brain that just won't turn off? I do! Today we talk with the Mindset Makeover Coach, Alicia Michelle about how to find rest by focusing on what we're thinking (and overthinking) about. If you've wondered how to sto…
Jan. 25, 2022

Daniel Fast, Sugar Fasts, and the Truth About Biblical Fasting

This is part 2 of a conversation with Amy Carlson, MS, RD, LD on the topic of fasting. In the last episode we discussed whether or not someone with an eating disorder or recovering from an eating disorder should try fasting …
Jan. 21, 2022

Should I Fast if I Had an Eating Disorder? A Look at Fasting

Sugar fasts. Daniel fasts. Lenten fasts. Churchwide fasts. Intermittent fasting. There is so much talk about fasting in our culture today, that it can become confusing to figure out what the Bible says about fasting versus w…
Jan. 18, 2022

Changing How You Think About Your Body with Barb Raveling

If you're familiar with scripture, you've likely heard the instruction to be transformed by the renewing your mind--an instruction from Romans 12. But how do we renew our minds? What does it look like to renew our minds in t…
Jan. 14, 2022

What Do I Do About My Mindless Eating?

Today I'm inviting you to eaves drop on my very first intuitive eating coaching call. Today, my coaches are Erin Todd and Char-Lee Cassel, hosts of the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast. They've been on the show b…
Jan. 11, 2022

Make Bible Reading More Interesting (and Spicy!)

This month we're talking about resolutions that will actually change your year and your life. One of the most important things we can decide to pursue each year is growth with God through Bible reading. But, it's not always …
Jan. 7, 2022

What Journey Are You On: Why Thin is Not A Destination

I always get revved up at the beginning of the new year for a fresh start, a new journey. But in today's show I explore how, many years, I put myself on the wrong path. Looking at the classic story from John Bunyan's, "A Pil…
Jan. 4, 2022

3 Tips to Improve Body Image in the New Year

It's a new year and everywhere you look you'll find advice for getting a "new you in 2022!" In today's show we take a different, unconventional approach to looking at the most effective ways to meet our goals this year. I'll…