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Finding Harmony Podcast Episodes

April 26, 2020

A Potpourri of First Impressions

Harmony Slater and Russell Case chat about Harmony's first trip to India, and what it was like traveling to a completely different culture as a young women in her early 20s. You will love hearing about the surprise she recei…
April 20, 2020

The Ups and Downs of Co-Parenting in a Blended Family

Parenting can be difficult at times, and even more so when you are coming into an already established family bond. In this episode Harmony asks Russell to describe his experience with co-parenting and creating a blended fami…
April 20, 2020

Who Is Russell Case?

Find out who Russell Case is, how he got into yoga and what the Ashtanga yoga scene was like in Mysore, India almost 20 years ago. In this episode, Harmony asks Russell to tell about how he came to practice yoga. You will lo…
April 19, 2020

Rotation of Consciousness and Deep Relaxation

In this episode, Harmony leads listeners through a type of meditation technique that brings about a state of deep relaxation. This rotation of consciousness through the body, brings awareness to each part, and in doing so, a…
April 6, 2020

Finding Harmony - How Ashtanga Yoga Found Harmony

This is my first episode in the Finding Harmony Podcast. It is a little introduction to who I am, where I came from, and how the practice of Ashtanga Yoga found me, and helped me to find myself. I hope you enjoy! Opening and…