Our guest today has her own story. She, like her absolutely gorgeous mother, is a being suffused with Love. In the midst of Portugal’s insane epoch changing civil war: one that transformed the nation from an autocratic dicta…
Today we have a delightful conversation for you with one of the few Certified teachers of Ashtanga yoga, Luke Jordan. We learn about his on-going journey, which has taken him all around the world seeking out experts, gurus a…
Despite her extravagant appearance, party-girl reputation, and naturally rebellious nature, Deepika Mehta is deeply devoted and one of the most sincere practitioners we know. In 1997, Deepika Mehta’s life was forever changed…
Our guest today is the American Aristocrat, Robbie Cavallero. There is something ineffable but unmistakable in the effect he has on people directly in his sphere of reach. He’s a bit like Lord Krishna really, attracting G…
Sixteen years ago Russell called Hamish from Brighton and asked for his much needed help... “What I am doing wrong, Hamish? I’ve only got 6 students. I don’t know if I can do this.” Hamish answered with his usual affable ent…
This week we have a really good story for you. Most folks we talk to on the Finding Harmony Podcast seem hell bent on making an interesting life for themselves. Perhaps anytime you sit down with a friend and carefully examin…
Today’s episode is a lovely heartfelt conversation with an old friend in our Community Treasure, the ever elusive Dr. John Campbell. John did us a valuable kindness in opening the program with a Tibetan prayer for the Dead. …
On today’s podcast we are extremely delighted to welcome back Bibi Lorenzeti. Bibi came to us with an interesting topic that we were intrigued to explore: What happens to your self of self when you, as a new mother, become t…
Very often our podcasts are a coming together of old friends, conversations which sometimes unravel into talking about something funny, strange, a little bit weird, or “culty,” just like we would be sitting at a chai-stand i…
If there is one thing we have learned this year it’s that no matter how uncomfortable we are, it’s always better to try and engage in conversation whereby we can learn our neighbor’s perspective. We should, whether it be our…
In our 43rd episode we sit down with Spiros and Erica. On the surface this is an unlikely pair. What is perversely intriguing however, on speaking with these two, is how uniquely suited they are to each other. What shines th…
Every once in a while on this show we like to pull the blinds down ( or the pull the curtain away ) and show you what it really sounds like at the Chai Stand gossiping on Gokulum High Street in India. Tim Feldmann is hilario…
For the New Year and for the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius that it seems we’ve now fully entered… We have done the impossible for you! We’ve nailed down the spinning melodic kites that are Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor. W…
David Swenson is someone in the Ashtanga yoga circle who needs no introduction. He began his journey of Yoga in 1969 when he and his brother Doug were arrested for stretching in a small park at the end of their street in Hou…
In the decades that followed the Korean War, over 250,000 Korean children were sent abroad, to be adopted by foreigners, for many reasons, but most prominently was the incredible weight of economic hardship facing these pare…
We sat down with our close friend Loreto Cortés recently. Russell asked her what it was like living in Chile during Pinochet and fascism. (Something that has been on his mind recently). Loreto said of that time in her childh…
Today it is our distinct honor and pleasure to introduce Sharon Moon. This is a one of Russell’s most revered friends, colleagues, his mentor, and teacher. Russell met Sharon in 1998 when he was 23 years old (younger than he…
We are delighted to share with you a conversation with our fellow podcaster Nathan Thompson: Poet, Journalist, Buddhist Practitioner, and self-taught Ashtangi, as well as the host of the Escaping Samsara Podcast . Nathan is …
It’s American Thanksgiving this Thursday and we have so much to be grateful for. This conversation with Samantha Lucas reminds us all just how much we tend to take for granted every day and how an entire life can be forever …
This week we had the pleasure of sitting with one of our oldest friends, Andrew Hillam. It is always a surprising thing to chat in public and this conversation was no different. We expected that Russell and Andrew would …
In Ballet, the term développé means to "unfold," or open outwards in a “developing movement.” In this episode we sit down with Shelley Washington where she gracefully unfolds different aspects of her journey. When you are …
Whether it’s politics, pandemics, protests, or Ashtanga yoga, we’re all unavoidably immersed within a world of duality, or maya, meaning illusion, and it’s a game we cannot truly escape. Yoga however, teaches us to move thro…
The Chinese have a curse “May you be blessed to live in interesting times.” Today we spoke with Timothy Lynch, an artist, father, philosopher, husband, activist, and deeply connected human being. One thing we could all agre…
When we’re at home, most of us practice with a different intensity than we do in Mysore, whether it turns out to be more or less postures is another story. We spent an afternoon discussing what this looks like and why we do …