Your body is built to survive for a set amount of time. It knows how to progress from progression to maturity, and then toward decline at the end of its intended usefulness. We may be able to slow down the process, but the p…
Being low on fuel in your vehicle does no negate your need to reach your destination. Being low on physical or mental energy does not negate your need to keep pushing toward your goal.
We've finally reached the milestone of 150 consecutive weeks of publishing 'Steps To Your Better You.' And we're going to celebrate that achievement . . . later. Today, its all about celebrating you, the listeners and subscr…
Milestones are arbitrarily and sometimes artificial determiners of success. Sometimes just living to fight another day is the best gauge of success. Luckily, you are the one who gets to determine whether or not your efforts …
Complaints never bring resolutions to a problem by themselves, but sometimes a problem you have in not necessarily a problem for you to fix. How you properly deal with a problem is often complicated, but complaining never he…
In reality, getting past real or perceived wrongs is not a matter of short term memory. It is just a matter of not getting sucked into dwelling on the past situation.
The classic statement from Luke 12:48 gets lorded over people for various reasons. But there is a fundamental truth that many fail to understand as they try to live a life of neutrality. There is a real impact of winning or…
If someone isn’t living up to your perceived level of their standard, but they are not a burden to anyone, why do you have a problem? If someone else isn’t happy with you not living up to their perceived level of standard fo…
Your reasoning behind your actions doesn’t have to be a good one and doesn’t have to be a reason anyone else would agree with. But you know what your reasoning is. This is the why that motivates you, and if it does not match…
Why has it been such a personal struggle to get from Episode #140 to Episode #150? Because of a lack of focus on the real target, and too much distraction on what comes next and what else we could be doing now.
People tend to believe I know everything, but even I am not arrogant enough to think I can remember everything. But I can fake it by taking great notes and keeping them well organized.
Whatever you love will at some point become a pain to cont inue as it is. Take a break so that you can learn to love it again from a fresh perspective.
Even with the best of intentions, we all offer a net-negative to the hard work of someone out there. You should find out who that person is, and determine if it should be your role to fix it.
At 135 episode, I am able to quickly take an idea and turning it around into an audio file waiting for release as a podcast. But it took all the work from the trials of episode #0 to the review of episode #134 to make the pr…
You may want to collect trophies and memorabilia to help you remember key victories and moments. But those physical things contain no magic from the even they memorialize.