I used to think that Ocean Awareness was the only component needed to get the public to not only understand the issues facing the Ocean, but it would also give them enough information and inspiration to conserve the Ocean. U…
Whale Sharks are a huge and iconic species that are found to have migrated long distances; however, there is still much to be discovered about the species. For instance, do juvenile Whale Sharks travel the same long distance…
"Everyone loves Marineland" is what I grew up listening to the Marineland commercial. Ask anyone that grew up in Southern Ontario, Canada and they will know the saying; however, not everyone loves Marineland anymore. There h…
I remember learning about marine ecology with a popular example of the relationship among the sea otter, sea urchin and kelp forest. Sea otters eat sea urchins and sea urchins eat kelp. A decrease in one population could giv…
The Coelacanth is one of those fish species that could easily be my favourite fish. It's prehistoric history and evolutionary importance fascinates me. The manner in which the pelvic fins move is captivating. As you can see,…
I covered something different than I am used to over the past week. I talked about businesses that benefit the Ocean. The businesses are usually Social Enterprises, companies that have a triple bottom line for profit, enviro…
The water along the beaches in San Diego are known for it's surfing and majestic sea life. The waters are also cooler as the Californian Current is influenced by the Alaskan Current and Northern Pacific Current; however, the…
Yesterday, I introduced you to some start ups that were going to be part of an accelerator program for an Impact Investing Program. Today, I speak to the CEO and Founder of Katapult Ocean, which is a new Impact Investing fi…
Talking about Ocean issues everyday can get a little tiring, so I've been doing some research to see what is being done about solutions. There are some organizations such as Conservation X Labs that help engineers, innovato…
I keep talking about the Ocean Clean Up Project because I get angry at the fact that there has been little criticism about the project in the mainstream media. So when I found this story, I had to talk about it on the podcas…
The Southern Resident Orca Population are considered a Schedule 1 Endangered Species by the Canadian Species At Risk Act. The main reason for the decline of the Orca population which only has 75 individuals left is because o…
We have our most popular guest on the podcast today, Dr. Naomi Rose. She is a Marine Conservation Advocate who works for the Animal Welfare Institute where she specializes in Whales in Captivity. Naomi came on the podcast t…
There is a big United Nations meeting that is going to happen in New York City soon that some researchers say will dictate the long term survival of the Ocean. The meeting has been in the works for years with countries expec…
Marine Conservation can be a tricky business at times. This episode covers one of those tricky times and it has to do with the porbeagle shark. The porbeagle shark is a "mini-great white" that only feeds on fish. It's popul…
There is a report that was released by the Ocean Conservancy that states over 80% of the marine debris that enters the Ocean comes from 20% of the countries, primarily in the Asian Region of the world. Most of it could be at…
I had the pleasure of interviewing Joni Pini-Fitzsimmons, who is also known as @MotherOfRays - a fantastic Twitter handle!!! We discussed a recent paper that she published on the feeding behaviour of smooth rays around a rec…
SeaWorld is rebounding with higher attendance in the first 2 quarters fo this year pleasing investors and making them think that the fallout from the Blackfish documentary that showed the entertainment park was ignoring scie…
As if plastic pollution in the ocean wasn't bad enough, now researchers have revealed that as plastics degrade in the light (photo-degradation), they emit greenhouse gases. Researchers at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa …
A couple of weeks ago, I published an episode on a number of Sea Turtles floated ashore dead from a red time bloom off of Southwest Florida. The long term prognosis did not look good as the red tides usually happen in the wi…
Researchers at the University of Exeter have discovered that European sea bass lose some of their sense of smell when pH dips in tiny amounts, which means that Ocean Acidification with cause this fish to become vulnerable. T…
Andrew Forrest's Minderoo Foundation decided to give $100 million dollars towards marine conservation in Australia as he criticizes the Australian government for their lack of protection for proposed roll backs on Marine Pro…
There is a population on the Ile aux Cochons that is located between South Africa and Antarctica that holds a significant portion of the populations of King Penguins. Unfortunately, the population of those penguins has decre…
I learned about the Ocean Conveyor Belt that influenced the climate for the Northwestern Atlantic and Northeastern Atlantic regions when I was in school quite some time ago. It fascinated me that the ocean can have such a pr…
Thomas Cook, a major UK tour operator, has officially stopped selling Seaworld tickets due to the captive mammal facility not abiding bu ABTA guidelines on animal welfare. The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Organization has…