In this episode, the discussion centers around the idea that the challenges of marriage and parenting are not obstacles to avoid, but rather key elements that contribute to a meaningful and fulfilling life. Inspired by a Facebook post, the conversation challenges the modern tendency to shy away fro…
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#303 Being Married And Having Children Makes You Unhappy. The Shocking Truth
Greg and Rachel Dennings explore the concept of emotional awareness and its profound impact on family life, especially parenting. They discuss the challenges of shifting our emotional state, acknowledging why it can feel difficult and unnatural at times. Through emotional awareness, we can identify…
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#301 Transform Your Parenting with Emotional Awareness & Intelligence: The Key to Family Harmony
In this powerful episode, we delve into the concept of EXTREME Gratitude — a mindset that can shift the way we experience life's challenges and blessings . Join us as we reflect on the fragility of life and how tragedy can se...
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#300 Practice EXTREME Gratitude for Your Child’s Life & Health: A Sobering Message
In this episode, hosts Greg and Rachel Denning dive into the vital concept of taking control of family life and prioritizing family values over societal norms. They encourage listeners to refuse to participate in the pressure...
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#295 Refuse to Participate in the Destruction of YOUR Family
In this episode of the Extraordinary Family Life podcast, hosts Greg and Rachel Denning reflect on the wildly successful Toujours Prêts training event and dive into the importance of lifelong learning as a key to becoming an ...
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#288 Toujours Prét: How and Why to Be “Always Ready” (a Recap of the Portugal Training)
Are you willing to sacrifice greatly in order to attain highly and achieve your biggest goals? We received this great question from one of our viewers: “ “He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would ach...
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#286 Attain Highly, Sacrifice Greatly: Here’s What We’ve Sacrificed to Create an Extraordinary Family Life
Are you struggling with building family culture? Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in fostering a healthy environment where everyone thrives. This episode of The Extraordinary Family Life Podcast is a recorded live ...
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#284 Building Family Culture and Emotional Intelligence
In this episode, Greg and Rachel Denning delve into the pervasive issue of entitlement in families and society , exploring how it shapes behavior and undermines resilience. They emphasize the importance of free speech as a to...
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#282 The Power of Judgment in a Fragile Society: Raising Resilient Children in a 'Sensitive' World
In this empowering episode of the Extraordinary Family Life podcast, hosts Greg and Rachel Denning explore the essential theme of facing your fear in the pursuit of an extraordinary life. Through heartfelt personal stories an...
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#281 Facing Your Fear and Moving Through It: The Path to an Extraordinary Life
In this inspiring episode, hosts Greg and Rachel Denning delve into the philosophy of 'escaping the unhappy dream of our life' and creating a truly fulfilling life instead . They discuss why so many people are 'content' with ...
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#280 Here's WHY You Don't ALREADY Have the Truly Fulfilling Family Life You Want
In this episode of the Extraordinary Family Life podcast, Greg and Rachel Denning share a real-life experience happening to them now to illustrate the journey of pursuing goals which is often filled with unexpected twists and...
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#278 An ‘Odyssey’ of Obstacles WILL Arise When Pursuing Big Goals -- Here’s How to Handle Them
Welcome to this episode, where hosts Greg and Rachel Denning dive into a crucial and timely discussion: Why are so many people leaving the church? They tackle the often-taboo topic of questioning religious beliefs and practic...
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#277 Killing Sacred Cows: Why So Many People Are Leaving the Church
Feeling lost and overwhelmed by all the advice and strategies out there about how to change your life? In this thought-provoking episode, hosts Rachel and Greg Denning—successful business owners, avid world travelers, and par...
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#275 How to Change Your Life -- Finding the First Step to Making Changes That LAST
In this episode, Greg and Rachel Denning dive deep into today's global issues and share their insights on how to stay informed and prepared . They discuss the significance of asking the right questions and seeking information...
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#272 Surviving & Thriving the Current Fourth Turning: Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Financial 'Resourcefulness'
"I have a follow-up question to podcast 264 . Greg talked about kids being more autonomous, but that you don't want your spouse to be autonomous. This is a new concept to me. What I've heard (from [well-known life coach]) is ...
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#266 You WANT to Need (& Be Needed By) Your Spouse -- How & Why to Be Interdependent Instead of Autonomous