It's easy to get stuck in a rut and to fill that your days blur together... especially while raising a family. So how do you change that? How do you have more happiness, meaning, and joy in the day-to-day 'to do's that otherw...
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#265 How to Get Out of 'Blah' & Live Each Day with More Meaning & Happiness
This week's question came from a member of Rachel's 28-Day Challenge who said: "I really struggle with trying to do everything . I feel like when I was doing the M1 (Marriage Level 1) Challenge my marriage was great. But I ca...
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#264 I'm Spread Too Thin!! How Can I 'Do It All' & Stop Neglecting the Most Important People in My Life???
This week's awesome questions come from wives asking, "What do you do when your spouse tells you that you need to get a backbone and manage your own emotions when you tell him that the demeaning way he looks at you is hurtful...
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#262 Improve Communication with Your Spouse & Process Emotions to Build an Extraordinary Life & Marriage
This much-needed episode addresses something we've been concerned about, thinking about, and researching for years regarding ADHD/ADD in adults and children . Based on our own experience (having at least 3 kids with ADHD, and...
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#255 Stop Calling it 'ADHD' -- It's NOT a Disorder, It's Normal
If you're like me, then there's probably been a time when you've felt like this : "'re convincing me [to change my life]! And I know I have some development to do, but I start to feel so much lack sometimes when I liste...
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#247 What to do When You're Both INSPIRED & DEPRESSED by Listening to Our Podcast
As we begin the New Year and pursuing new goals, this timely episode shares a real-life *happening now* obstacle to pursuing our dream (to buy a chateau in France) -- getting stuck and stranded in Casablanca, Morocco. We walk...
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#245 Face & OVERCOME the (Inevitable) Obstacles to Your Family's Goals & Dreams!
Do you want to develop a parenting style and family culture that nurtures instilling values through individual autonomy INSTEAD of through parental control? Parents face many challenges -- and the temptation to control their ...
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#241 Stop Controlling Your Kids & Instead Gain Their Love, Respect & Admiration
"My kids are having a hard time adjusting to _______ (moving, traveling, homeschooling, divorce, death, etc). How can I help them?" We've received a question like this dozens of times over the years. Parents the world over wo...
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#235 Creating a Family Culture of Stability, Safety, Trust, & Well-Adjusted Family Members
We've never told any of our 7 children there is a Santa Clause or a Tooth Fairy.
That's because we always wanted to be seen as people our children can believe and trust -- NO MATTER WHAT -- especially when it comes to discer...
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#231 Stop Lying to Your Kids — Speak ONLY Truth to Gain More Influence
I (Rachel) cried today. It was because of the stress and pressure and overwhelm of 'all the things' I have to get done by a looming deadline, and it was sparked by the small irritations of family life. So Greg and I do what w...
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#230 How to Handle the Stress & Pressure of Family Life and to Move Into Higher Level Emotions
Do you feel stuck? Or like you're constantly dealing with the same problems -- in your marriage, with your kids, or your finances? Does it feel like you can never 'afford it' -- no matter what it is? Or that you keep having t...
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#223 How to Prevent 80% of Problems & Find Lasting Solutions When Challenges Do Arise
This topic is one that can be sensitive so we want to handle it appropriately . As usual, the subject came up because of an activity in Greg’s online class for teens — Habits for a Successful Life — and a resulting email from...
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#218 Body Shaming? How to LOVE Your Body AND Want to Get in Your Best Shape
In this episode, it seems as though we start talking about one subject and end with another. Yet, they are connected. We begin discussing how to deal with children who are ‘high spirited’ with minds of their own (which can so...
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#216 Why Encouraging Your Kids to 'Talk Back' Develops Critical Thinking & Decision Making Skills
We truly love receiving emails and questions from followers, clients, and listeners because it gives us specific situations and challenges to address. We’ve learned that even though we (as humans) often feel that we’re the ‘o...
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#210 A Message (with a Strategy) for Swamped, Overwhelmed Moms (and Dads)
We received another question from a mom who was interested in joining my Family Charts & Systems course and community . In an email I sent out, it said: As a mother of seven children, my life seriously changed forever once I ...
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#209 How to Get Your Kids (& Spouse) on Board with Charts & Systems (+ Why You NEED Them Even if You Think You Don't)