You might not realize it, but as a parent, YOU have a moral obligation to make sure that your child (or children) are NOT annoying. Why? Because in order for your children to function normally in the world — and to have a hea...
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#207 How to Make Sure Your Kids Are NOT ANNOYING (Because It's Crucial to THEIR Adult Happiness)
Welcome to the podcast! We’re coming to you from Warsaw, Poland. Our kids are on the other side of town in an Airbnb and we’re spending the weekend at a luxury hotel to celebrate Greg’s 45th birthday. (Please excuse any sound...
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#206 Inspire, Not Require... Sounds Ideal, But Does it Actually Work?
We’re coming to you today from the city of Vilnius, Lithuania. We have loved traveling through the Baltic States. Today we’re going to continue answering some questions (since we were accidentally cut short in the last episod...
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#205 The Price of Mastery -- Is It Worth the Cost?
We’ve been asked several times over the years by coaching clients and others regarding masturbation . Specifically, they want to know how to approach masturbation in general — with their children or teens , and in their marri...
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#198 Masturbation & Cheap Sexual Acts Are a Poor Substitute for Real Connection — A Message for Teens AND Spouses
Many, if not all of us, know of someone — are ARE someone — who has dealt with the devastating effects of anxiety and depression. Methods for dealing with these issues can be very charged. It’s a subject that’s often difficul...
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#191 The Truth (& Myths) About Overcoming Anxiety & Depression
In this episode, Greg and I talk about one of our favorite topics — dreaming BIG and setting (and achieving) BIG goals . Greg has said that “The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them.” W...
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#166 The Size of Your Dreams MUST Exceed Your Current Capacity to Achieve Them
It IS true that 'you are good enough the way you are'. You are special. You are lovable. You are allowed to just be YOU. But those ideas are INCOMPLETE truths. You were also designed, created, and evolved to continually aim t...
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#160 "You're Good Enough the Way You Are" Isn't the WHOLE Truth
Misjudging people it’s so easy and most of us do it pretty often if not all the time.
Outward Symptoms can often help, but not always.
They might Look rich but are broke. Look poor but have millions. Look nice but are evil....
Here are 5 ideas about learning to like and enjoy the things you need to do but may not always want to do.
1—Like the results. You may not like the method and that’s okay. FOCUS on the results. What you focus on you feel. N...
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#154 Learning To WANT What You NEED and LOVE What You Don’t Like
What Mark are you making in the world? What Mark are you making in your family?
We all have the privilege, opportunity, and even responsibility to make a mark in the world and in the lives of others.
Interestingly, we are alw...
Every day we have a choice. In fact we have many choice moments throughout the day. Choose to be a champion, or by default we can choose to be a chump.
The champion chooses to do things in a great way, even the little things...
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#147 Choose To Be a Champion, Even In The Little Things.
My youngest brother died last week. He’d been struggling with a drug addiction for years. I thought he was getting better. I hope he was getting better. But it came to a tragic end last week.
This last week has been brutal f...
This is the account of an unbelievable experience we had in Ecuador while preparing to climb a big mountain.
I had an opportunity to go back up and help someone who had fallen. She later died in my arms on the mountain.
Wow! Do I have some stories for you today!
Are you willing and ready to help when the situation arises? And more importantly, are you actually prepared to help? Many of us will be offered many opportunities to make a differe...
If you’re on the right path and it’s the appropriate time for you, find a way to make it work or make a way to make it work!
Too many of us give up too often and too soon. We give a first attempt or maybe a feeble second and...