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April 15, 2022

How to Move Beyond Your Talent and Into Your Purpose with Meachum L. Clarke, Gospel Artist / Creative Coach

True or False: Talent is all you need to succeed in today's creative industries. If you ask our guest, Meachum L. Clarke, he would most certainly disagree - and he has the experience and passion to back up his perspective t…
April 12, 2022

How to Conquer your Fear of Creative Success

What do you do when the very thing you worked for also scares you to death? When creatives dream big, it can be an exhilarating feeling to pursue that dream. But when you start to see the reality of success, it can also para…
April 8, 2022

How to Become Your Own Creative Hero with Fish Lee, Comic Book Illustrator

In every superhero story, the main character has to face tremendous obstacles and overcome them in order to finally become the hero they were meant to be. The same can be said for every creative artist, but especially for ou…
April 5, 2022

Is Struggle Necessary In Order To Be An Authentic Creative?

As we launch our new Creative Checkup weekly episode format, we're sharing a question from one of our 360 members on whether creatives should want to "pray away' the pains that sometimes lead to our deepest creative express…
March 31, 2022

Act Like You Know: How to Follow God's Plan for Your Creative Life w/ Kellianne Rae Jordan , Actor / Producer

When God calls you from the life you thought you would live - into an adventure of creative unknowns - you either run away, or run faster toward Him. Our guest did the latter. Award-winning actor, producer and writer Kellia…
March 24, 2022

5 Essential Steps to Consistently Complete Your Creative Projects

What does your creative process REALLY look like? Do you hope for inspiration to strike, then try your best to get your idea from concept to reality? In this recording from our God and Gigs 360 Gold membership training, we s…
March 17, 2022

How to Chase (and Achieve) Your God-Sized Creative Dream w/ NEDY, Singer-Songwriter

Discover how this inspirational pop artist how NEDY took extraordinary risks and trusted God with her future, and how she has taken a painful past and turned it into a platform to put an end to bullying behavior.
Guest: NEDY
March 10, 2022

Why Bad Times Are The Best Times to Push Forward as a Creative

Wars and rumors of wars...gas prices going sky high...you'd think times of uncertainty are the worst times to talk about making income, building influence or leaving an impact as a creative. But you'd be mistaken. In this Cr…
March 3, 2022

Take Charge of Your Unique Creative Calling w/ Le'Andra McPhatter, Musician / Coach

What happens when your God-given creative dream becomes your greatest emotional and spiritual challenge? Do you give up, or find a way to rise above it? Our guest on today's episode not only overcame a tremendous spiritual a…
Feb. 24, 2022

How to Develop Your 24/7 Business Mindset w/ Lem Bass, Entrepreneur / Musician

How do you get from point A of being a musician to point B of being a successful entrepreneur? Our guest on Episode 154 of The God and Gigs Show, Lem Bass, has learned the ropes of both the music scene and the start-up busin…
Feb. 17, 2022

5 Easy Steps to Turning Your Creative Idea Into Income

If you've ever struggled to 'monetize' an idea, this episode is for you. In February 2022, we've challenged our God and Gigs community to a 21 Day Create New Income Challenge, in which each participant has the goal of launch…
Feb. 10, 2022

Working Through The Word: How Daily Bible Reading Transforms Your Life w/ Jenn Kokal, Writer / Podcaster

You've probably heard a pastor, parent or well-meaning Christian friend tell you over and over -"read your Bible every day." But what changes "have-to" into "want-to" when it comes to God's Word? Our guest, Jenn Kokal, did…
Feb. 3, 2022

Our Top Time-Saving Tools and Tips for Busy Creators

Are you a busy creator who can't seem to get your time management under control? You're not alone. Whether you're a full-time creative professional, part-time artist, or something in between, you've felt the crunch of too mu…
Jan. 27, 2022

How to Use People Skills to Produce Uncommon Success w/ Keith "Keef Keyz" Coston, Audio Engineer / Producer

Is it possible that the key to your success depends on skills that have nothing to do with your creative training? Keith "Keef Keyz" Coston, a Philadelphia - based musician, producer and engineer has discovered that it take…
Jan. 20, 2022

What We Learned After Six Months of Putting "Profit First" in our Creative Business

Do you often feel like your business takes more from you (time, money and energy) than it gives you? If so, you should definitely pay attention to this episode - because a single strategy from a not-so-well-known book can ra…
Jan. 13, 2022

How to Identify God's Voice in Your Creative Choices w/ Marlita Hill, Choreographer and Author

This dynamic choreographer and author reveals how to follow God's leading even when it seems nothing was working - and how to discover your creative calling in the process
Guest: Marlita Hill
Jan. 6, 2022

Why You Should Make New Year's Resolutions (and How To Keep Them)

Should creatives make a big deal of New Year's Resolutions, or is it a waste of time? In this first episode of 2022, we'll discover that making a big deal of beginnings was actually God's idea. He put both your desire to beg…
Dec. 30, 2021

Three Big Mistakes I Made in 2021 (and How To Avoid Them in 2022)

It's that time of year again.....time for those pesky New Year's Resolutions that we hope to actually follow through with. However, we can't make new resolutions without acknowledging old patterns and mistakes that we need…
Dec. 23, 2021

12 Creative Gifts You Probably Haven't Unwrapped

Have you left some of your gifts unwrapped? Not the gifts under the tree - but the gifts inside you - the creative gifts and abilities that you have to share with the world but have allowed to stay hidden. In this episode we…
Dec. 16, 2021

The Rarely Shared Secret About Setting Creative Goals

When it comes to the end of a year, most of us are buried under an avalanche of messages on how to set goals - and creatives are no different. However, it's not as important to set goals, as it is to set an intention on what…
Dec. 9, 2021

How to Authentically Share The Good News As A Creative (Back to Basics #7)

When you hear the word "evangelism", you might immediately think of missionaries or preachers - but for Christian creatives in the mainstream marketplace, evangelism isn't just about what happens at an altar call. Creatives …
Dec. 2, 2021

7 Ways to Break Out of Your Limiting Creative Box (Back to Basics #6)

Have you ever described yourself as "just a _____"? You can eliminate that limited thinking from your vocabulary as by applying the sixth principle in the Back to Basics series (based on the Seven Service Steps), which we ca…
Nov. 25, 2021

6 Major Reasons to Give Thanks for your Creative Career

To be a great artist, you must first be a grateful artist! That’s the key thought we’re sharing in today’s episode of The God and Gigs Show. While we all face challenges as artists, it’s important to remember that we are sti…
Nov. 18, 2021

Invest It or Regret It! Why You Must Maintain a Future-Focused Mindset (Back to Basics #5)

When you hear the word ‘invest’, do you think of Wall Street brokers and real estate ads? Or do you think of building up your creative career by sowing into your own skill and mindset? In this Back to Basics episode from our…