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Nov. 11, 2021

How to Set Goals that You'll Actually Want to Achieve! (Back to Basics #4)

Free Resource for Artists Considering Going Pro If you are thinking about becoming a full-time artist, you've got to ask the right questions. So we've created a workbook to help you figure out what you need to know before ma…
Nov. 4, 2021

Mind your (Creative) Business and Embrace a Professional Attitude (Back to Basics #3)

Free Resource for Artists Considering Going Pro If you are thinking about becoming a full-time artist, you've got to ask the right questions. So we've created a workbook to help you figure out what you need to know before ma…
Oct. 28, 2021

No Compromise: How to Make a Generational Impact w/ Jimmie Gonzalez, Jr and Devon Watts

What does legacy mean to you? And how do you expand your vision from a personal one, to the kind that will impact future generations through your business or creative brand? Two entrepreneurs, Devon Watts Jr. and Jimme Gonza…
Oct. 21, 2021

The Time of Your Life: How to Become Wildly Productive w/ Jordan Raynor

You’ve said these four words...and so has everyone around you, often when we’re faced with yet another appointment or responsibility. The phrase? “I don’t have time”. Creatives like us are just as guilty - perhaps even more…
Oct. 14, 2021

How to Prioritize Your True Creative Passions (Back to Basics #2)

Decisions, decisions! Every day we are faced with a multitude of options on how to move forward in our creative and musical lives. Sometimes, the choice is easy. But often, it's not. How do you decide when it's time to try s…
Oct. 7, 2021

Don't Let Isolation Kill Your Creative Calling! (Back to Basics Series #1)

Be honest, creative - are your spiritual, family and church connections as strong as they should be? If not, you're in for a rude awakening. Without solid foundational connections between you, God, your family and your wider…
Sept. 30, 2021

Defeating Discouragement When No One Responds to Your Work!

It's the worst feeling in the world for a creative...when you post or share something you've worked hard on, and no one seems to notice ! This issue affects creatives deeply and can quickly demoralize you, to the point that …
Sept. 23, 2021

How to Maximize Your Big Moment w/ Brian Nhira, Vocalist

In this episode, you’ll learn how Brian Nhira maximized his moment on a national platform and built the foundations of a successful, faith-filled and family-focused creative life.
Guest: Brian Nhira
Sept. 16, 2021

Godly or Greedy? How to Expand your Creative Vision w/o Feeling Guilty

Is growth always good for the creative? It depends on the reason you want to grow. In this episode, we take a look at the mindset behind growing our reach and trying to make the biggest impact possible with our art and our c…
Sept. 9, 2021

Five MASSIVE Mistakes Every Creative Must Avoid

There's only two ways to learn...via education...or experience. In this episode as we mark the 4th 'podaversary' of The God and Gigs Show, host Allen C. Paul shares five big mistakes he made as a creative and entrepreneur be…
Sept. 2, 2021

Anniversary Exclusive: Why Sticking With It Is Worth It w/ Allen and Lia Paul

In this special anniversary episode, host Allen C. Paul welcomes his wife Lia to the microphone to share their journey of entrepreneurship, with all its ups and downs - so that you can learn from their mistakes and remain mo…
Aug. 26, 2021

Jump Start Your Audience Growth the Right Way

As a faith-focused creative, there are people that you are called to reach. But if you are not using the right methods, those people could slip right through your fingers. In this episode, taken from one of our God and Gigs …
Aug. 19, 2021

3 Powerful Books That Helped Inspire God and Gigs

Before you can become a fully confident creative, you have to let other creatives pour into you. That's what happened with the God and Gigs book - which helped form the platform that now serves hundreds of creatives worldw…
Aug. 12, 2021

Turn Your Talent Into A Lasting Legacy w/ Ulysses Owens, Jr., Musician & Author

How do you shift from simply trying to 'make it' in the music industry, to truly building a sustainable, lasting legacy as a creative and entrepreneur? Jazz musician, educator, author and creative entrepreneur Ulysses Owens,…
Aug. 5, 2021

Imitate or Originate? How To Avoid Following The Creative Crowd

Are you tired of feeling like the copycats always win? From music to fashion and everywhere in between, it seems that imitation is more than flattery - it's good business. But it's bad for the artist, right? In this episode …
July 29, 2021

Should You Resign and Go Full-time as a Creative?

Are you considering joining the "Great Resignation" of 2021? In this post-pandemic world, workers from all types of professions are deciding not to go back to business as usual. Instead, they are quitting their jobs and look…
July 22, 2021

How Community Leads to Confidence w/ Tobias Tankard, Jr., Musician

When you're building your creative or musical career, every connection matters - because the people you surround yourself with can either help you grow, or hold you back. As the God and Gigs community heads into its 6th year…
July 15, 2021

How to Find and Connect with a Creative-Friendly Church

For the creative, church membership can be either an incredible blessing, or a tremendous frustration. While many creatives struggle to find a place that promotes both spiritual and creative growth, we can make the process e…
July 8, 2021

Tax Transformation: How to Seize Control of Your Money and Mission w/ Samantha Mabry, Accountant

Can God bless your creative business through taxes? Yes, and this passionate and gifted business strategist has the knowledge and inspiration you need to transform your creative career and your financial life.
June 24, 2021

Manafest Destiny: Plan Your Path to Creative Success and Financial Freedom w/ Chris Greenwood

Is it possible for a music artist to overcome multiple childhood tragedies, build a massively successful music career AND reach a goal of financial freedom - all while never compromising their faith and calling? If you foll…
June 17, 2021

Pastor vs. Musician? Pursuing Unity in Music Ministry

There's nothing new under the sun...and that goes especially for musicians' often rocky relationships with their pastors and spiritual leaders. Thanks to a recently released video that went viral, debate is raging among musi…
June 10, 2021

Remember Your "Why": How to Maintain Motivation as a Creative

Many of us set up big goals at the beginning of a year or a season. But usually, sometime in the middle, we lose our focus and our motivation dries up. The thing is, before you can make choices on how to move forward, you ha…
June 3, 2021

This I Believe: How to Prioritize Your Spiritual Growth w/ Greg Johnson, Music Director

It’s one thing to be a creative who has a connection to God. It’s another to know why. If there’s any musician who is serious about knowing what you believe as a Christian, it’s Greg Johnson. With years of experience in musi…
Guest: Greg Johnson
May 27, 2021

How to Start Your Email List and Own the Connection with Your Audience

If you're a creative, you need an audience. However, in a noisy world where everyone seems to have a product and a platform, it's getting harder and harder to rise above the masses to reach those that want to hear from you. …