Season 1

Feb. 28, 2023

You Don’t Have To Be A CPA To Understand Your Finances In Divorce

In today's episode, Heather C. Abbott shares insight into financial management for women going through a divorce. As a CPA and financial adviser, she is also an entrepreneur with a focus on helping others to develop basic mo…
Feb. 21, 2023

Your Dream Job Is Within Reach: Don’t Downplay Your Skills

In today's episode, Myriam-Rose Kohn shares her wisdom on how to find a career you LOVE rather than just going to work in a J.O.B. We discuss how changing careers is not the obstacle that many women (and men) assume. Miryiam…
Feb. 14, 2023

Tips To Boost Your Webcam Game

In today's episode, Gary Rogers shares his expertise on how to appear on Zoom or any online platform to look professional, engage with the audience, and connect with authenticity while feeling confident and letting your pers…
Feb. 7, 2023

Mindset Is The Most Important Factor In Improving Fitness And Healthy Habits

In today's episode, Sartre Jean-Gilles helps us understand the different options in fitness training, including online fitness training and fitness behavior change coaching. We discuss how fitness is a holistic lifestyle cha…
Jan. 31, 2023

You Are Not Broken And You Don’t Need To Be Fixed

In today's episode, Richard Morden shares his experience with the benefits of using EFT (tapping) and NLP after going through life transitions. He shares his experiences in helping deal with grief after the loss of his wife,…
Jan. 24, 2023

Insight On How To Hire An Attorney From An Attorney

On today's episode, Dena Nielson talks about what to consider when hiring a family attorney for your divorce. As a retired family lawyer, Dena shares her unique perspective on how to select a family attorney. We discuss comm…
Jan. 17, 2023

When Your Triggered - TWERC

On today's episode, Ilona Rubashevsky shares her extensive experience with the legal side of divorce. We discuss how the perceptions of the legal aspects of divorce are often very different than what divorcing couples expect…
Jan. 10, 2023

Everyone Has 5 Minutes For Self-Care

On today's episode, Dr. Peggy Gleason discusses how she discovered the importance of self-care and learning healthy habits to prevent burnout. Her experience as a critical care nurse led her to study how other cultures and c…
Jan. 3, 2023

Parenting Can Be Hard – But There Is Help!

On today's episode, parenting coach Jaci Finneman shares her expertise on managing our kids and how we can turn real-life struggles into opportunities to be competent leaders that our kids need us to be. We talk about how pa…
Dec. 27, 2022

There Is No Expiration On Grief – Dealing With Loss

On today’s episode, Cindy Burns shares the challenges of being a widow and how that impacts your sense of purpose. Cindy shares her experience and how the loss of a spouse or partner, even if you are not currently married to…
Dec. 20, 2022

Share Your Sparkle

On today’s episode, Susan Bock discusses how important it is to honor yourself and have the confidence to be yourself, not a copy of someone else. In getting to know ourselves, we can align our purpose, goals, and our sense …
Dec. 15, 2022

Coparenting Tips For Happy Healthy Kids

On today’s episode, Braden Ricketts shares his experience in creating a successful co-parenting relationship. He provides both insights as well as practical strategies to help both parents to start the co-parenting relations…
Dec. 13, 2022

Small Steps To Create The Change You Want

On today’s episode, Leslie Evans discusses how our perceptions of what we need to do in life, or our checklist of what we think we need to accomplish, can add to stress and keep us locked into old behaviors and thinking. Thi…
Dec. 6, 2022

Protecting Kids Through A Child-Centered Divorce

On today’s episode, Rosalind Secdacca discusses the importance of protecting children through the divorce process. We discuss the issues that create problems for the kids, and Rosalind provides strategies and ideas to reduce…
Dec. 1, 2022

Love Your Journey On Your Terms

On today’s episode, we have fun in our discussion about moving out of our comfort zones and daring to live our dreams in our personal and professional lives. Jackie shares her background in the corporate world and how losing…
Nov. 29, 2022

Managing Addictions Through Divorce And Beyond

On today’s episode, we talk with Candace Plattor, an Addictions Therapist who supports families of addicts. Candace openly discusses her addiction to medically prescribed opioids due to a chronic health condition at a time w…
Nov. 22, 2022

You Can Do Something About Stress

On today’s episode, Carla Jansen van Rosendaal shares how stress management needs to be a holistic approach that is based on your particular areas of stress. Carla uses the Life-Mind Scan, a scientific approach that is used …
Nov. 16, 2022

The Rise Of Women Of A Certain Age

On today’s episode, Dr. Andrea Slominski talks about the unique position “women of a specific age” are in at this time of life. Dr. Slominiski discusses the rise of the regency period for women, which is the time of life fro…
Nov. 15, 2022

Stop Waiting And Get Curious About Your Potential

On today’s episode, Krys Pappius discusses how a near-death experience prompted her to see her life for what it was and to begin a journey of self-discovery that would result in her climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Throughout the…
Nov. 8, 2022

Get Excited About Your Future With A Clear Vision

On today’s episode, Barb Monson talks about getting unstuck and working through fears that are holding women who, like herself, were focused on all the “shoulds” in life that do not bring personal satisfaction. As a highly s…
Nov. 3, 2022

Stop Settling For A Job You Hate

On today’s episode, multiple entrepreneur Katrina Sawa highlights how important it is to find a way to make money that is positive and fulfilling. She provides insights into how to get out of “settling” in your personal and …
Nov. 1, 2022

Toxin Slayer Melissa Deally

On today’s episode, Melissa Deally shares her insight and expertise on your health and how your health has a profound impact on all areas of your life. Melissa talks about the importance of detoxing and making changes in you…
Oct. 25, 2022

Getting Unstuck And Off Your “Yeah-Butt”

On today’s episode, Sue Wilhite discusses the Law of Attraction and how various modalities, including Biofield Tuning, tap into the electric fields that exist in and around us and create an influence on how we think about ou…
Oct. 18, 2022

Helping Young Children Through The Death Of A Sibling

Managing your role as a parent to a young child after the loss of a child can be overwhelming. In this episode, Michele provides compassionate insight into how parents can approach this difficult time in life, how children e…