
Sept. 20, 2022

Options Keep You From Rock Star Employees (TMBW 171)

A talented employee with options on who to work for is a problem for mediocre workplaces. You need to pick your game up as an employer.
Sept. 13, 2022

Observe How They Act After They Have Been Recruited (TMBW 170)

Watch how your employees act after they had met with you and compare to how eager they seemed before the formal interview process began.
Sept. 6, 2022

Your Business Conference Is Probably Just An Overhyped Concert (TMBW 169)

The hype can easily be justified, assuming you go home and put in work and integrate the idea from your motivation party.
Aug. 30, 2022

Your Consultant's Specialty Is BS... (TMBW 168)

Who needs a resilience expert or social media ninja? Maybe that is what you say you are, but your title is asinine.
Aug. 23, 2022

You Have Stop (Or Pause) Doing Something To Start Doing Something Else (TMBW 167)

You cannot put your full focus on growing new things if you are stuck managing all of the old things.
Aug. 16, 2022

If You Can Make Progress In An MLM, You Can Make Progress In Real Sales (TMBW 166)

If your not-independent-business-side-hustle seems to be working for you, it might be time to consider working for a boss that offers a product you can sell without having to purchase it first.
Aug. 9, 2022

A Hobby Can Become A Real Business If The Conditions Are Right (TMBW 165)

That thing you enjoy doing that can generate money may be just a hobby, but if it can pay for itself and lows you some room for growth, there is a possible path to it growing into a sustainable side business, or even a full …
Aug. 2, 2022

#164 - Run A Boring Business To Help Retention

A firm simple but functional structure may not be exciting, but will lead to less burnout and turnover from the main staff.
July 26, 2022

#163 - Double Your Leads To Double Your Conversion Rates

If you producing a solid lever of revenue from your current leads and conversion policy, doubling your efforts is the simplest way to double your revenue.
July 19, 2022

#162 - Read The Fine Print

One of the best way to show your master of business is the mastery of knowing what is actually in the contracts and terms of agreement you sign and agree to. Time to make use of another skilled you have already mastered, rea…
July 12, 2022

#161 - Stop Limiting Your Employee's Promotion Opportunities

If you keep a person from advancing in your organization because of your need for them to do the ting they are already doing, in enough time, they will find that position with another employer.
July 5, 2022

#160 - Have An Exit Strategy In Place, Even If You Won’t Be Around To Execute It

One of the fundamental pieces of a product life cycle is the end, as in, what do I do with all this inventory that I didn't sell now that the company has failed.
June 28, 2022

#159 - Write A Story That People Will Buy...That Is Less Of A Sell

People buy when they find themselves resonating with your story. Make sure that story is a good one, with as little embellishment as possible.
June 21, 2022

#158 - Are The Riches Really In Niches?

Being a generalist may not bring in whale clients, but if you’re getting plenty of fish, does that matter?
June 14, 2022

#157 - Your Brain, Heart, And Gut Must Work As A Team

Business sense is a combination of the senses working together, not just a preference over one.
June 7, 2022

#156 - Are You Jealous Of Your Employees?

Do you feel threatened by competent employees? How is this affecting your hiring and retention? How is this affecting your new customer acquisition?
May 31, 2022

#155 - The Best Way To Be Successful In Business Is Through Luck And Exploitation

Business success has a lot to do with your skill, but much more to do with the conditions of the market and the inability of your competition to be successful than most want to admit.
May 24, 2022

#154 - Breaking The Rules Of Time Management Tetris

Slotting in tasks as you 'find' free moments is great. Don't confuse person time with unscheduled activities as 'found' time for work activities.
May 17, 2022

#153 - Lemonade Stands Are Exercises In Self Esteem. Buy All The Lemonade You Can.

Lemonade stands are always profitable because the operators (children) don't have to pay for the supplies and the customers can't refuse the product (because they are children), even in spite of its terrible quality.
May 10, 2022

#152 - How Much Do I Give Away For Free?

From well-measured samples to full services on the house, offering up a taste of what you can get as an enticement to bring in clients is a well-established business tactic. But just how much free stuff will weigh out to a l…
May 3, 2022

#151 - Having A Mentor Is Awesome. Don't Screw It Up

If you are blessed to have a mentor to help you navigate the world of business, do everything in your power to maintain that mentorship for as long as possible.
April 26, 2022

#150 - Set Goals And Observe Milestones

Goals will ensure you are paying attention to the progress you are making (or not) in your journey as a business owner. Milestone will creep up on you as that journey soldiers on and need to be addressed and celebrated when …
April 19, 2022

#149 - Resist The Pull Of The Fast Track

What your expedient mobility really does is leave a wake of destruction that may never be fixed that you will never get the blame for as you leave for your next destination.
April 12, 2022

#148 - Respect The Time Of Everyone Interviewing To Work For You

Is it legal to make a person wait for an hour past their scheduled interview time to start the interview? Yes, it is legal, and yes, it paints a terrible picture of your company.