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This is an exceptional podcast
Bone Valley is one of the most compelling, best-researched, and well-edited true crime podcasts I’ve heard. Leo’s equanimity in the face of the state of Florida’s continued obstructionism inspires me, and Kelsey and Gilbert do a wonderful job revealing the many layers of injustice at play here, as well as humanizing the characters. There are so many victims here. Leo’s continued incarceration is a true miscarriage of justice - please sign the petition.

Appalling Example Of Power Over Justice
First, I want to applaud everyone who brought this story to light. I have not had a story affect me as deeply as this one. I work in the legal field, my husband is a former prosecutor and a former Asst. Attorney General, now a criminal defense attorney. We listened to this entire, riveting, podcast on a road trip and at the end neither of us could believe how badly the justice system failed Michelle and Leo, and all of the families of the victims of Jeremy Scott. The objective of prosecutors should not be to “get their man” but to ensure, beyond reasonable doubt that they have the “right man.” The lengths to which the prosecution went to manipulate the evidence (or lack thereof) to fit their narrative is beyond arrogance, it is criminal. Their egregious conduct, and even the conduct of the appellate court bears scrutiny. Biden can exonerate Leo, and he should, because the government of Florida will not step up. The story was well produced. Great job Gilbert. I read another comment about Kelsey’s voice. I must admit that I was getting a bit annoyed at her lack of strong presence and kept waiting for her to come forward a bit more, but I had to keep reminding myself that she was new and young and was learning as she progressed. This was an emotional and difficult story for the listener, so I can’t imagine the emotions they both must have gone through as the story unfolded. Their work and commitment to Leo may just bring Leo home. Bravo!!

One of the Best
Having just finished, I understand all the 5-star ratings for this podcast. Exceptional research, reporting and commentary make this a must-listen. More than anything, I hope you all can bring some justice to Leo Schofield. The state’s case was riddled with flaws, and compounded with corruption. Thank you Gilbert and Kelsey for poring yourselves into investigating and telling this story so faithfully and fully. Godspeed Leo.

Compelling & disturbing
I am an avid podcast listener, and I especially am interested in multi part, investigative journalism listens. I binged this in two days as it really drew me in. I applaud the fine writing and passionate work.

This Is Powerful
How can Leo not be freed with Gilbert as an advocate. Powerful story that needs to be heard by all.

Excellent story telling!
So well done and such a great listen. I hope to hear a follow up! Kelsey! Girl! Keep up your confidence because you’re doing wonderful work. Thank you both for the incredible work.

Gripping from the start
King is an extraordinary story teller and investigative reporter. Along w his researcher they diligently chase a decades old case, uncovering injustice and shoddy police work in the wake. I am convinced of Schofield’s innocence and am stunned that the system has not found a way to release him.

I couldn’t stop listening!
Such a well done podcast. You brought me to tears on more than one occasion. I was feeling so much anger and frustration through this whole story, until the last few minutes of the last chapter. What Leo has done with his life through this terrible wrong, brought me to tears one last time. He has taken the absolute worst that life has handed him and he has used it to change lives. I will be praying for Leo every single night until he is home with his family. I will be praying for the state officials in Florida to right this egregious wrong. In the end, God wins, and even when it looks like He isn't, He is! God bless Leo and his family. And God bless you for bringing this story in front of so many people.

Outstanding Podcast
I just finished Bone Valley. I’m so glad I found this podcast! I’m so angry at our criminal justice system! Too many people are rotting away in our prisons that shouldn’t be there. Gilbert and Kelsey were outstanding in their interviews and I’m amazed in how heartfelt their investigation was. Easily my favorite podcast I’ve ever listened to.

10/10 would recommend.
Another sad story of the incompetence of American law enforcement and failure/corruption of the American justice system.

A story with a lot of heart
A story with a lot of heart — what an injustice to the victims and innocent people.

I loved this podcast and truly feel that Leo is innocent and deserves justice! Gilbert & Kelsey did amazing investigative work and do a really good job at telling the story. Such a good listen and I hope something positive comes out of this for Leo.

Powerful and heartbreaking
I hoped so much for a different outcome as I listened to the last episode, but like so many people who stand by Leo, I’m holding out hope that this podcast can help him get the freedom he deserves. The police and state corruption in this case is beyond maddening. I hope this story reaches a lot of people.

Best Pod in recent memory
Gripping, heartbreaking, cogent, and adeptly produced and written.

Disturbing story, exceptional reporting
Listening to the prosecutors involved in this case makes my blood boil. Their refusal to see past their own noses is absolutely insane. I think they’re terrified of how much money the state will owe him if his conviction is overturned. If you weren’t convinced before, this pod will convince you that our ‘justice system’ is criminally broken and needs to be torn down and replaced with restorative justice. I really appreciated the empathy extended to all in this pod, even the murderer, who was horrifically abused from before he could remember. If we as a society actually cared about ‘justice,’ we would never have let a kid named Jeremy Scott grow up in such poverty and neglect. He is not as monstrous as the system who created him…

Absolutely outstanding!!!
I couldn’t stop listening. I have no words to explain my disgust for the state of Florida. They are bigger monsters than the murderer at this point. I am embarrassed of my state and terribly angry. Mr. King, you are amazing!! Thank you for helping this poor man and being his hope!! God bless you, sir! God bless poor Leo. SMH

The best
Let’s keep this short and sweet - this is the best long form true crime podcast I’ve ever listened to. And the most important one as there can be real life consequences.

Best podcast EVER!!! Hands down! So captivating, honest, revealing and the whole story, such as it is, is all here. It depicts our league system such as it is. God help us all. Some profanity but thankfully not much. It kept me on the edge of my seat and reminds me not to get into trouble in Florida lol. Thank you Hoping all goes well and the right thing is done for all parties involved

Innocent Man Imprisoned in Florida
Thank you, Gilbert, for bringing this story to light. Florida & Texas are two of the worst run states in the nation. They delight in punishing the innocent & setting the guilty up in the governor’s mansion. I pray that true justice will be served soon because of your diligence to truth. It’s long overdue

Painful story but full of heart
There’s so much to love about this podcast. The injustice eats at you but you have to believe in there will be some form of redemption for everyone involved.

Thought provoking research on a broken system
Powerful reporting and storytelling. Forces us all the wrestle with the fact that the system is built perfectly to get the results it is getting. Leo and his family are paying the very real price for that. So many reasons this system must be redesigned and stories like this help us to see both why and (at least some clues for) how.

I’m hooked!
Very well done. I’m writing this review before I even finish the podcast. I’ve been binging it for the last two days and I appreciate the thoroughness of Gilbert and his team. I look forward to finishing it up and to see some possible resolution.

I was hooked on the Podcast from Episode 1. It really tells the story of an unbelievable miscarriage of Justice. I did not grow up in Florida but now embarrassingly claim it as my state. Given the political tenor of this state, I’m not convinced that much has changed.

Best of the Year
Empathy for Michelle. Empathy for Leo. Even empathy for the real murderer. Exceptional, thoughtful reporting.

What a absolutely heartbreaking story about another wrongfully convicted in this country and how hard our government fights to keep people in prison. Amazing reporting from Gilbert and Kelsey. From a fellow North Carolinain

Free this man NOW!
The corrupt detectives and attorneys would rather let an innocent man die in prison then admit their wrongdoings! Shame on all those involved in denying this poor man a retrial. Get the Governor involved somehow and pray for him to commute his sentence.

Bone Valley
Extremely gripping story. After listening I am amazed that even after this investigation that Leo is STILL incarcerated! In my opinion Polk County investigators and District Attorneys are far more despicable than Jeremy! Railroading an innocent man is bad enough, but to ignore the after the fact research and true facts and confessions is just disgusting. FREE LEO!!!!

Haunting and well done
This podcast is well-researched, haunting, and so so human. It left me in tears and with prayers for Leo’s release. Listen, but also take the next step and call the state. Ask them why they refuse to prioritize the constitution’s emphasis on freedom.

Exceptional reporting
Very well done Gilbert & Kelsey! Easily the best podcast of 2022. To not only humanize Leo but Jeremy as well takes great empathy and courage. Will be hoping for good news in this case. Keep up the great work, looking forward to following both of your careers.

Free Leo
Why in the world would a state in the land of the free have so much power that they can have the facts in their face and still let a wrongfully convicted man whom had multiple alibis rot away his life in jail. This is such a scary story of how shoty police work along with crooks in the states attorney’s office do not want the truth. There should be some other unbiased court that can look at this and get this poor man free. Leo I will pray for you