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Hope for Leo
Thank you for shining a light onto this topic. You are an answer to Leo’s prayer for someone to show love. Thank you for your time and efforts. I will be sharing this and praying for Leo to get his freedom.

Riveting True Crime!!
This is one of the most well-done true crime podcasts I’ve ever listened to. Well-researched, well-paced, & a riveting depiction of how our “justice” system fails, even in the face of compelling & overwhelming evidence.

Best listening 2022
I think the story tellers themselves said it best. This story has heart. The best and worst of humanity, the many ways we waste life, the few ways we find to redeem it. Listen for Michelle.

Worth Listening To
Captivating and heartbreaking. As a podcast it’s so well told and well organized. As a story it’s heartbreaking, and I truly hope justice happens soon.

This is the best podcast I have listened to in a while! My friend recommended it to me, and I was skeptical about it but after the first episode I couldn’t stop!!!!!!! I loved the layout and each episode! You guys rock!

Great podcast!
Give it a listen and sign the petition!

Wow, just WOW
The reporting and story telling is amazing, but the life stories are tragic beyond imagination. Leo, I pray you are home with your family one day, but I feel you were left in a place that only a soul like yours could turn to good. Jeremy, thank you for the admission of guilt, and I pray one day you find peace and know God loves you. Gilbert and Kelsey please update if any good comes from this, ie Leo goes home! Very well done! Top of my podcast list! I am an avid podcast listener. I have referred to my daily walks as “Podking” because I only walk to listen 😂😂

Great Listen!
This gives me very little faith in the legal justice system!

Heartbreaking all the way around
This podcast is excellently done. Great reporting. This story is truly heartbreaking. This is an example of how the justice system can fail. Something needs to be done. People need to hear this case. People need to hear the evidence. This isn’t justice.

I don’t know where to start but I listen to a LOT of true crime podcasts and this is by far the best one I’ve heard lately and most obvious miscarriage of justice. I pray that this podcast reaches enough people that somehow there is justice for Leo, Michelle and their families. Thank you for the time, effort and care that went into sharing Leo’s story. ❤️

This breaks my heart for all involved, but especially for Michelle for being a kind human that cost her her life and for Leo for being wrongfully convicted. I pray that he is released, ASAP!

Great Podcast
This podcast was amazing and maddening. Can’t believe Leo is still in jail after all of this. Tragic injustice by the state of Florida.

Great reporting. Gut wrenching story.

Exceptional investigative journalism
This podcast is so well done, the story so gripping and well told, I’ve recommended it to many people. As a central Florida native it hit home for me that this injustice happened in my own backyard. I really hope that awareness of this case convinces authorities to take action.

The System Fails Again.. and Again and Again and…
This is a clear and concise example of what is wrong with our system. Why does it seem like podcasts and publicity is the only way to make the courts even look at a case, much less evaluate it without bias. How could an appellate court review the case files, obvious ineffective representation, new evidence and blatant corruption-then uphold this conviction? Why do we see so many cases of persistent persecution by prosecutors who let their ego outweigh truth and justice? Or is it fear they will have to provide a payout after decades wrongfully imprisoned? At the least, he deserves the retrial he is asking for. Wow.

Best True Crime Podcast of the year
This is the best-produced, most moving and exciting true crime podcast I have ever heard.

Thanks for a dynamic podcast
I’m hooked on your stories and the care you give with each. Well done

Love the music. Can you provide link to the petition as well as information on how to help Jeremy? I listen to hundreds of podcasts and never have I been so moved by a young man’s fight to find his wife’s killer and embarrassed by the criminal justice failures. Not only to Leo but Jeremy too. Bravo on getting this out there!

Free Leo
It’s too bad different lawyers didn’t represent Leo. A terrible misjustice for Leo and Michelle. I hope Jeremy can find peace. Thank you for telling their story.

Incredible Show
Wow. I’m a true crime junkie and this is one of the most well done podcasts I’ve ever listened to. It’s an emotional and compelling story — my heart goes out to Jeremey and I pray he is vindicated. Hats off to Gilbert and Kelsey for telling this story with compassion and dignity.

Chapter 7 !!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!
The opening segment of chapter 7 actually made me cry! Oh, how powerful love and forgiveness can be!

Jason Flom
This is so good & knew it would because of Jason..The narrative is so good. I live in Orlando so of course I had to listen. Listening to Leo you can tell just in his voice he is being truthful and it’s a shame that people spend so long in prison when they are innocent. I have listened to wrongful conviction with Jason and I heard just about everything. Death penalty should be abolished, just one person put to death when they are innocent is one to many. Great podcast sad story, love Gilbert’s voice which is important to be able to listen to a story!!!also maybe you shouldn’t make this a pay wall only to get the word out about clearly a wrongful conviction. Some people are struggling and just cannot afford to pay. Think about it so Leo can get set free just like Adnan Syed did and that was not a pay wall sorta thing.. thanks THIS IS AM UPDATE AFTER LISTENING TO THI 3 TIMES AND OMG SO GOOD BUT WHERE CAN WE REACH OUT TO MR SCOTT YES YES JERAMY I WOILS LIKE TO GIVE HIM SOME SUPPORT!!! ALSO PLEASE LET US KNOW WHEN LEO’S NEXT PAROLE HEARING SO WE CAN COME OUT AND SUPPORT THIS RIDICULOUS AND UNJUST CONVICTION OF LEO. I LIVE IN ORLANDO, SO NOT FAR!!! PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE US. 100% BELIEVE THE PAY WALL WAS ABSOLUTELY NEEDED TO SUPPORT YOU AND KELSEY DURING YOUR TRAVELS SO THANK YOU!!!! OMG WE HAVE TO DI SOMETHING… Pamela

Must Listen Podcast
I have listened to an embarrassing amount of true crime podcasts. This one is simply one of the best. I couldn’t stop listening. It’s the only one I’ve ever shared to my Facebook page. I signed the petition for Leo. I mean if this doesn’t move you to want to action I don’t know what will. Excellent storytelling that shares the real people behind the horrible sadness and crime.

Best Podcast of 2022!
Absolutely incredible story that kept me on my toes and wanting more! I can not wait to hear how this pans out after the case becomes more well known!

Great Podcast
This is easily one of the best podcasts I have ever listened to. It is very well put together. The story is incredible and the investigation was top notch. I would recommend this to everyone.

Why did I do this??
This story should have a Limeney Snicket forward written for it. It’s infuriating but important and now I’m just mad.

Great podcast. Never Give Up!
I am always amazed & appalling how prosecutors try so hard to keep the innocent behind bars. They obviously are not interested in true justice. I am in awe of the people who work tirelessly to free these men and women and restore justice to all involved. This is a wonderful, well done podcast and will follow the story to the end. Justice for Michelle and Leo!

Wish there was something I could do. Such injustice… the end had me in tears. What a well made podcast. Praying for Leo’s freedom.

Amazing podcast!
Thank you for presenting such an amazing podcast. Leo’s situation is no different than the West Memphis 3, or Adnan Syed. He deserved the same amount of public awareness, support and social media attention. I will continue to help spread the word. Which albeit my reach isn't much, but I signed the petition and you can count me in!

One of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to.
Wow. I’m a longtime true-crime podcast listener (with 78 different ones in my current podcast library) and have no idea how I’d never heard about this story and podcast before literally stumbling across it a few days ago. After listening to it for just a few minutes, I was completely hooked and binge-listened to the entire 9 episodes in just a couple of days. My god, I’m not only stunned by this case but by the decades long deception and lawlessness of the investigators, prosecutors office, law enforcement and just about everyone involved. The fact that Leo Schofield is still in prison (and has been for almost 35 years) after being found guilty based on flimsy circumstantial evidence is absolutely nauseating. It’s all just so shocking that now, after finishing it, I was left so distressed that such a legal catastrophe and miscarriage of justice not only occurred in the first place (in the 1980’s) but that regardless of overwhelming evidence exonerating the person still behind bars in 2022, but it has never been righted. The real killer has not only admitted it, time after time but there is real evidence of it, only it’s continually buried, destroyed and ignored to this day. What are/were the authorities and prosecuting attorney in Polk County Florida hiding? It has to be something pretty big. If you’re looking for a real and almost unbelievable case to learn more about, this is it. Before I listened to this case, I’d never heard of Leo Schofield. Now, he’s the only thing I can think about.