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Outstanding podcast
I’ve listened to a zillion podcasts and Bone Valley easily stands as one of the top 3. Engrossing story and very well made. I highly recommend it.

Beautifully told! #teamleo
He’s innocent. He’s forgiven Jeremy. I pray Jeremy can find peace and God. I was in tears at the end. Please keep going!

Remarkable story, beautifully told.

This story is heartbreaking and is told so well. I wish there was something we could do to help Leo and to fix the justice system as a whole.

A MUST Listen
A well-told story of a terrible miscarriage of justice. It also begins to uncover a culture of corruption among investigators and prosecutors in central Florida.

Simply amazing
Such a compelling story told in a truly riveting manner…and the production values are off the chart. So good.

The only help
These guys do a phenomenal job of identifying a wrong done to an innocent man. Hooked from the beginning. Left me desperate to help him. Prosecutors need to be held accountable for stealing the life of an innocent man. Great job Gilbert and Kelsi!

Not the normal true crime podcast
This podcast takes you through the story in a way I have yet to experience. Very well told! Entertaining without losing a sense of true humanity! I’m hooked and I hope they have more stories to share after this. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE release any and all updates on Leo! I was praying this would end with an update that he was granted a new trial or being released to finally get to be with his family.

Great story and reporting
Interesting story told with good detail. Well done.

Amazing podcast
This podcast has been done so well and Gilbert’s voice just keeps you invested in the story and all it’s parts on how corrupt the police are on keeping the guilty out of prison while putting the innocent in. Kelsey on the other hand needs to learn to not judge people based on appearances because what she said about the innocent man in the cab driver case makes her no better than the horrible police in that case and if she keeps thinking how she does she’s going to be horrible in her job.

I couldn’t stop listening. I waited on pins and needles for the announcement that Leo would be released and compensated for his lifetime behind bars. My heart fluttered and sank more several times throughout each episode. Fantastic reporting and storytelling. My heart is with Leo and his family. I’m impatiently awaiting the updated episodes where we will find out that Leo has been granted a new trial.

The bar has been raised
This is a new standard for true crime podcasts, every bit as good as Bear Brook. Compelling hosts and subjects, tragic and infuriating circumstances, interviews with killers real and not, and a theme song by a superstar behind bars! It just don’t get no better than this, brothers and sisters.

This is one of the best podcasts I’ve listened to and I’ve listened to everything! This case is sad, but interesting. It makes you wonder about these people in power and how they sleep at night knowing they are criminals themselves. The narrator is so caring and careful with his words. Praying Leo gets the justice he deserves one day.

Amazing job on this series!
Great investigating journalism, clear sound throughout, and great production, all around! As for the case, it is a prime example of just how broken our criminal “justice” system is at times. I believe that justice is sought and served in many cases, but Leo Schofield’s case is not one of them. The prosecutors and judges involved in the case showcase their pride and refusal to admit they were wrong about anything, and it is extremely frustrating and disheartening. They’re supposed to be the “good guys,” seeking truth and justice, but they would rather have that notch on their belts. My prayers and hope go out to Leo Schoffield and his family.

Excellent podcast. Your voice is so easy to listen to. Just binged the entire story.

If I could give more than five stars I would
This is the best investigative podcast I’ve heard in years… and I average 2-3 podcasts a week! The detail is consistently good in each episode, the interviews are poignant and edited very well and the investigators are tenacious. The investigators ask the right questions, they look deeply into the stories, they follow the facts and they gather information calmly. Enough can’t be said about this. My heart goes out to Leo and his family… So much pain, and it continues because of the (in)justice system. I hope that this helps him to not only get out of prison but to be fully exonerated someday. Fantastic work.

Set Leo free!
Very compelling. Just left wondering how Leo can still be in prison!

This story is almost unbelievable! Free Leo!
Leo should be released from prison and exonerated immediately. The podcast does a great job telling this story. My only complaint is their ignorance of people who fly the confederate flag. As a southerner that’s spent my entire life in Florida or Georgia, I know the majority of people who fly the rebel flag are displaying their pride at being southern, not because they are racist.

Compelling and smart
This is a fantastic listen. It’s true crime that doesn’t feel exploitative and is really smartly told. Such a compelling story.

Profoundly impactful storytelling
This podcast has the potential to truly change lives and has shined a light on the deep, intrinsic flaws in the criminal justice system and the prison industrial complex, particularly in Florida. Prosecutors hold tremendous power over when and for whom justice is dispensed with little oversight. The culture of closed ranks among law enforcement shows us the flaws in the “bad apple” logic - it’s not just one bad apple if they’re allowed to continue to prosecute because their peers are protecting them and allowing them to continue impacting people’s lives. Leo deserves justice, Michele deserves justice, and Jeremy deserves better than the way he’s been treated. So many people in the story have been tangentially impacted by the faults in the system, and the in-depth reporting really shows how far-reaching this problem is. The show is wonderful at showing the humanity of all involved. I hope more people listen to this podcast and work to get Leo out of prison, and even more I hope that we work to dismantle the system that put him behind bars in the first place.

Best True Crime Story I’ve Heard
Great story telling! This was a great unbiased telling that left me wanting more. Great job! I hope Leo gets justice. Thanks for shedding light on the broken Florida justice system and police department. It is truly terrifying.

What a wonderfully researched and produced podcast. I’m hopeful it reaches enough people to get the word out about Leo.

Incredible podcast
On the edge of my seat the whole way through

Fascinating investigative reporting
The reporting and storytelling of this case were so engrossing. I couldn’t have listened with more urgency. Gilbert and Kelsey make a great team. I hope to see their impact on the outcome of this injustice!

No adequate words agree to describe how I feel about the injustice done in this case-on both sides. It’s one thing to defend something wholeheartedly, like the State’s attorney does by calling an innocent man a ‘cold blooded murderer,’ but to continue to defend that view after direct evidence proving the absolute opposite of your view is presented to you-especially when a man’s future is at stake-STUPID. The state’s attorney has let his appointed power go straight to his head and as we’ve all heard most of our lives: Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Unfortunately, Leo is probably only one example of many who have fallen prey to this corrupted power.

Favorite podcast of 2022
Bone Valley is hands down my favorite podcast of 2022. It’s disgusting that the so called justice system can knowingly do what they’ve done to Leo, and many others.

Excellent podacst
My heart breaks for Leo and his family. His story is skillfully told, as well as what happened to Michelle and Jeremy, who killed her. I hung on every word, and couldn’t wait for each new episode. Thank you Gilbert and Kelsey for your diligence and heart.

Holy crap
Why is he not out of prison???? Blows my mind.

Well done
Really well written. Thank you, and please keep going!

Maddening, Heartbreaking and So Important
Justice for Leo. I’m a lawyer in Missouri and I’ll be sharing this podcast with anyone who will listen. The criminal justice system is broken in a lot of ways, and this is such an egregious example. Thank you for fighting the good fight.