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Total binge
I couldn’t stop listening and my heart just breaks for all involved. Amazing research and story telling. Please, do another. I’m hooked!

great podcast. shows how our system is trash. glad the prosecutors dead.

This story destroyed me. Amazing coverage and production. 10/10.

Slow but necessary
I read a review about it being slow, there was a middle part where I started to lose interest. However it was all generally necessary and all ties together at the end. It’s very well investigated. I hate that for all the good hard work that prosecutors and detectives do, there are these stories that are so riddled with shady efforts to get and maintain convictions. If the new prosecutor truly said she’s not interested in the court of public opinion just the court of law, that’s like saying “well you’re too dumb to understand”. This one has it all, lack of evidence, terrible representation and unreasonable efforts to maintain a conviction and move on. The victims family doesn’t even believe in this conviction. Sure wish we could figure out a way to improve the way cases are reviewed. If you don’t get a podcast or a book written about your case, you just fade into the system.

Best Podcast
This is the best podcast I’ve ever listened to! I can’t believe how corrupt Florida is and I can’t believe Leo is still in Prison!

This is one of the best podcasts I have ever heard and I’ve heard A LOT. How is Leo still in prison???? Truly wild……. The state of Florida and all of its citizens should be wildly embarrassed by this case

Mind blown!!!
This I truly heartbreaking and infuriating. I couldn’t stop listening I accidentally came across it but man oh man am I glad I didn’t just skip past it. This is mind blowing how the facts and lack there of was completely disregarded. I drive a lot so I listen to a few selected true crime podcasts but if you were to pull up next to me you would see me screaming out loud because of how this one draws you in. You won’t regret this one. It really reminds you how justice truly isn’t equal for everyone.

This might be the best podcast I have ever listened to. Listen now, and cringe and the miscarriage of justice described here. Hold the State of Florida accountable.

What can we do!?
Love this podcast but can’t understand why Leo is still in jail.

Really Good!
Talented story telling and a fascinating listen!

Compelling podcast
Top tier reporting. Florida as a state is just such a disappointment

This podcast is one of the best I’ve listened to and I’ve listened to hundreds. I want to do something to help this man get out because this is a heartbreaking story of injustice. Those that refuse to let him out should be ashamed.

I couldn’t stop listening
Very well done and sad story. I hope Leo gets his freedom.

So Many True Crime Podcasts
If you search for a new podcast to listen to, you will be inundated by the sheer volume of true crime podcasts available. Most of them all sound the same but every now and then you stumble onto one that is truly compelling, truly engaging, and at the same time, truly heartbreaking. I don’t even know how I came across Bone Valley, but I am so glad I did. From the very first episode, I was was drawn in by the intriguing and compelling story Gilbert King and Kelsey Decker were sharing with me. After the first episode, I was hooked. I found that this podcast & the story King was telling was more than just another fluff piece catering to true crime junkies. I was thorough impressed with the sheer depth and the amount of research that went into putting this podcast together. The story itself makes me so sad, angry, and frustrated but at the same time, I am glad that it is being told because it is important to shed light on the injustices taking place in our society. I look forward to more listening to more podcasts from King. Not only is this a phenomenal podcast, but Gilbert has a great voice that feels intimate and warm.

Great show
One of the best podcasts I’ve listened to in a long time. Will not disappoint

The BEST Podcast in Years
This is so well done. I am so emotionally affected by this story. Gilbert has done a phenomenal job painting the picture and helping tell Leo’s story. I highly recommend this to anyone, extremely well written and presented!

Very well put together podcast/story. One of the most frustrating ends to a case. Despicable behavior by the State. While Jeremy Scott is the killer- the real bad guys here are the ones responsible for administering justice for Michelle.

Heart wrenching podcast!
The narrative flowed well. I need a speaking voice in a podcast to draw me into the story, Gilbert did just that.

Heart breaking
I am embarrassed to be a Floridian after hearing this case. Sad that a few corrupt officials can stonewall, lie and deny someone their day in court.

Unbelievably sad
I hope something comes of this. Such a miscarriage of justice.

Excellent reporting - free this man!
PLEASE do a follow up episode with action items for people who hear this story and want to help! In all my extensive true crime listening, this was the most affecting story of an innocent person. It was painstakingly researched and explained, Gilbert should be up for a pulitzer. Leo is such a remarkably spiritual person- intelligent, present, loving, engaged. Its a travesty that he’s in prison. I also really appreciated the Jeremy-focused episode. I didn’t expect to have empathy for his story and situation but I did. This podcast puts you in touch with your essential humanity, which is so rare. Congratulations to everyone involved and please let us know how to help.

Inspiring yet Maddening
I had no idea the depth of story that this podcast would contain. One of the most interesting and inspiring stories and the hosts tell the story so so well. If there’s ever a petition to sign I would be the first to do so. It’s unbelievable how corruption and and need to save face can be covered up. The Florida justice department obviously has some broken laws and they need to make major changes. I know that the family is grateful for the support. I believe God will use this story to offer hope to anyone who listens. It’s a story about broken justice system , but also about redemption and the simple truth of Gods love.

Heartbreaking and Infuriating
I stumbled on this looking for something to pass time while doing chores and ended up listening to the whole thing in 1 day. It’s well produced but the narrator does well to avoid the pompous, self serious narrator voice and tone that typically accompanies true crime podcasts with real production value. The case itself is maddening. It makes you want to tear apart the justice system and throw all the career first, CYAing prosecutors in prison. I sincerely hope this case doesn’t end here and justice is served.

Exceptional Podcast
This was very well told, heartbreaking and such a sad commentary on justice. If so many incarcerated people take plea deals for crimes that they never committed, why do parole boards insist on making people express remorse for things they never did?

Corrupt Florida government
An excellent podcast! As a Florida resident, I’m embarrassed to say our state has an incredibly corrupt group of thugs running our state.

Truth hurts
This podcast has the power to change the mindsets of millions of people. Please share with everyone you know

Found dozens of recommendations for this podcast on Reddit. What an unbelievable story! This is one of the best podcasts I’ve ever heard! So much time, research and emotion went into it resulting in a clear and concise story of many messy chain of events. I feel so sorry for Leo having his life stolen away from him for something he didn’t do. I feel bad for Jeremy for the path his life had taken from the day he was born! All those that kept fighting for the truth are inspirational but it breaks my heart it wasn’t enough or at least according to some crooked and/or biased people in our justice system!! Phenomenal job!!!!

Well this confirms it…
The state of Florida suckssssss. I have no clue who would want to live there. Just the worst, most corrupt cess pool. Not a single law enforcement officer or court officer is redeemable in this podcast. This podcast really get at the heart of the absolute unfairness in the US court system, but particularly Florida. That state should just rot and I hope all of the “officials” hang their heads in shame.

Great podcast!
Excellent podcast with great research and story telling. Gilbert and Kelsey did a wonderful job telling this story and keeping the listener hooked!