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Great podcasting
This is by far one of the best true crime investigative reporting podcast I’ve ever listened to… and I have listened to a lot. This story is simply so gripping and is told so well by having these interviews woven throughout. Great storytelling and it’s easy to see how much work the hosts have put into this. I am not done yet but I felt compelled to write a review right away. Currently on ep. 7 and can’t wait to finish, hope Leo finds justice in the end.

Justice for Leo!!!
As a former Floridian & fellow human I am so saddened by how the Justice system failed Leo. But frankly unsurprised this happened in florida…we need new leaders!

Fascinating and Sad Story
Very well done Pod. The story is heartbreaking. Justice for Leo!

Binge worthy!
Thank you for sharing Leo’s story. I am blown away that this injustice can occur and no resolution has been found…yet! I signed the petition to bring Leo home and I hope that this happens soon with more awareness of this story!

Absolutely amazing!
I’ve been a true crime listener for YEARS and this is my first time ever leaving a review. This is absolutely amazing and so heartbreaking. There’s a petition to get Leo’s case turned over to the conviction integrity unit. The power of the people is amazing and Leo deserves his life back. Thank you for the amazing storytelling in this podcast.

Free Leo
Leo deserves freedom. It blows my mind that this thing can happen. I’m so thankful Leo has you to tell his story. I’m praying Leo gets the freedom he rightfully deserves.

Bone Valley
Awesome podcast and so full of emotion for both writers and incarcerated. I just moved to Tampa Fl and I’m considering driving to Lakeland to visit the sites mentioned in the story.

Incredible reporting of an incredible- literally unbelievable story. I am praying for Leo every night that someone shows mercy on him - the courts, the parole board someone. Thank you Gilbert and team for your work on this story.

This is remarkable.

From start to finish I was captivated.

One Injustice after another
This story is incredibly well reported, and heartbreaking. From the senseless murder of a young woman to the conviction of her husband on evidence so flimsy and contradictory it should never have even made it to trial. Leo is innocent, and he needs to be released so that he can be with his family. I think anyone who spends any time at all reviewing the facts of this case can see that not only is this man not guilty, he is absolutely innocent. The actual murderer has confessed multiple times and given evidence only the killer would know. The police bungled this case and now they are trying to cover it up at the cost of a man’s entire life. An absolute injustice on every level.

Great podcast
I was moved by this story! Leo is a good man and deserves to be vindicated.

Up there with the best of them
If you listen to a lot of podcasts, you know there are a lot of good ones. But every once in a while you’ll stumble across a masterpiece — and Bone Valley is a masterpiece. Warning - this will elicit emotions that are very painful at times. I think we have a fairly decent legal system in the US, but when it fails, it fails miserably. This is one of those stories. This will likely move a lot of people to action, as it did me. I’m hoping it makes a difference — both for Leo and to somehow remove the arrogant and unethical people that are keeping him in prison. Thank you, Gilbert King, for bringing this story to light. It’s an important one.

The banality of evil, once again
Like Serial, Proof, How to Make a Murderer, etc, Bone Valley is a captivating deep dig investigation into the case of a man unjustly convicted for a murder he did not commit. You’ll be familiar with the players here: the crooked cops, the corrupt DAs, the flimsy case based on cobbled together hearsay, the incompetent defense, the jury inexplicably quick to convict… it’s all there. This story takes us a bit deeper into an implacable and broken justice system. It is more or less obvious from the get go that Leo Schofield is more likely than not innocent, but the more evidence that’s uncovered exonerating him, the more the police and state dig their heels in to obstruct and sabotage the process. When a likely killer does emerge to confess to the crime and another unrelated murder, he’s put in an absurd and unlikely situation: the state does not care about his confession. If this seems boring to a few other reviewers, it’s because it becomes more about the banality of evil—a host of careerists and state functionaries too busy climbing the professional ladder and covering themselves from corrupt, immoral and illegal practices to bother with justice at all. Indeed, there’s something wrong in Florida when a serial killer shows more compassion, remorse, and conscience than the State. A real eye-opener!

Great podcast. Fact driven. Great interviews. Compelling. I wish all true crime podcasts were of this caliber.

The best podcast I've ever listened to! Heartbreaking, but so well done! Hoping for chapter 10: Freedom!

Still thinking about this three weeks later.

So powerful I felt compelled to write my first ever podcast review. I highly recommend this podcast. It’s quite emotional.

Beyond all expectations
Poignant storytelling that respects the dignity and worth of all involved. Episode 9 was absolutely great and brought me to tears by the end. I truly hope this podcast leads to long overdue justice in this heartbreaking case.

This is in incredible podcast - the story is gut wrenching, but the way it is told and put together is absolute PERFECTION. So many emotions felt throughout each episode. I never want to stop listening.

Good one to binge
Such a sad and frustrating story. Really well told. I wish those with the authority to release Leo would listen.

Brought me to tears
Just finished episode 9 and the last 15 mins made me ball my eyes out. I feel emotionally connected with you guys and pray Leo gets to breathe freedom soon. Amazing show. Thank you guys!

Top Notch
So well written. So much corruption in the Florida Judicial System, it is absolutely mind boggling. What a joke of a system. Prayers for Leo’s freedom.

What a story!
I hate that I love this podcast so much because of the reason this podcast is even here. The bonus episode brought me to tears. The fact that this judge is stepping down to defend Leo is such an amazing gesture! What a gift and what this says is so powerful. My thoughts are with you all and may justice prevail and Leo be freed. You do amazing work!!

A masterpiece
I have listened to dozens of podcasts over the years, and this one is hands down required listening. It’s a turns heartbreaking, hopeful, devastating, frustrating, and insightful. There’s no way I could capture the intensity and beauty of this work in a paragraph, so I will just simply encourage you to listen.

A must listen
If you’re going to listen to any podcast - this should be the one. It is heartbreaking. Telling Leo’s truths demonstrates the good and the power that can come from a podcast. I hope Leo is soon released, like Asnan Syed, who’s story was told in Serial. The prosecutors involved in Leo’s case should all be behind bars. I don’t know how these people live with themselves.

Mind Blowing!!
This is an incredible story! EVERYONE needs to hear Leo’s story, and this podcast does an amazing job telling it!!

Beg for a chapter 10
Outstanding. Chapter 10 I pray is Freedom.

Outstanding podcast!
I don’t know how these judges sleep at night!! Leo Scofield is in my prayers always🙏🏻🙏🏻

Highly, highly recommend
I listen to a lot of podcasts. And wow, this might just be the best one I’ve ever listened to. This is a story that so badly needs to be heard, and I think Gilbert and Kelsey really did it justice. Also had me crying at the end when I realized the theme music was Leo’s own song the whole time 😭. I could not recommend this podcast more - in fact I’m telling everyone I know! We need to spread the word - Leo needs to be exhonerated!