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Oct. 29, 2021

How Do I Handle All the Holiday Candy? Feat Dr. Stefani Reinold

Candy is EVERYWHERE. Seems like October rolls around and the candy doesn't leave until January. But, then it only stays gone until February when Valentine's candy shows up, which rolls right into Easter candy time. How do we…
Oct. 27, 2021

What if I Really Need or Want to Lose Weight? Feat. Amy Carlson

This engaging and fun interview with Amy Carlson--an RD and Eating Disorder specialist for more than twenty years--will make you smile and encourage your heart. We have a straight talk about what to do if you walk away from …
Oct. 26, 2021

Amy Carlson, RD Shares What to Do if You Need to Lose Weight

This is the second part of a 2 part interview with Amy Carlson, RD -- a practicing dietitian and eating disorder specialist with more than 20 years of work helping those who have an unhealthy relationship with food restore p…
Oct. 19, 2021

4 Startling Thoughts About Body Image Idolatry

When I recognized that my body image had become my idol--it changed my life. This recognition was really the first step in my journey to freedom. All the dieting, all the over-exercising, all the striving --it all connected …
Oct. 15, 2021

Body Image, Trauma, & Healing ED: Featuring Dietician Tracy Brown

If you're like me, you may know so much about diets, calories, macros and food that the thought of talking to a dietician seems a little unnecessary. What more could you possibly learn about food and how to eat? But, today I…
Oct. 12, 2021

When You Wish Your 'Fearfully & Wonderfully Made' Body Was Better

Do you have Psalm 139:14 memorized yet STILL struggle with your body image? This famous psalm says we are, "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made." But. if you're like me, there are many days when I still don't feel like my body is…
Oct. 8, 2021

What 1500 Calories a Day Does to Your Body and Brain

My friend, Integrative Nutrition Coach, Erin Kerry and I have a candid conversation about what 1500 calories a day really does to your brain and body. Did you know that 1500 calories a day can put your brain and your body in…
Sept. 30, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 30 - Body Image

Today we wrap up this month long series with a quick prayer over our whole body image. What has God been showing you? Are there areas of your body image or aspects to your body image issues that you hadn't considered? If thi…
Sept. 29, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 29 - Favor

Today we pray for favor -- a concept that is different than seeking the approval of others. Favor is something that God tells us and shows us through scripture that he gives to his people. Favor doesn't come from us projecti…
Sept. 28, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 28 - Control

For those of us who struggle with body image issues, I've noticed through the years of talking and working with women that control can tend to also be a problem. Are you secretly a control freak?I have been. There are many r…
Sept. 27, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 27 - Love

Today's episode is not about how to grow in love for your body--rather, we're talking about how to love God and others well! Though it may seem like a backwards concept, I promise you that when your focus shifts to loving Go…
Sept. 26, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 26 - Friends

Do you have friends? Not the kind of people that always want to diet and do things to look hotter-- but a friend that is safe to talk to about the ways you struggle with body image and comparison and who will lead you back t…
Sept. 25, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 25 - Scale and Mirror Release

Are you held captive by the opinion of the scale or the reflection staring back at you from the mirror? Does the wrong number or a new wrinkle ruin your whole day? If you've ever felt enslaved to the opinions of the scale or…
Sept. 24, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 24 - Confidence

Confidence! We've been told it comes from having a great body or achievements, or worse -- some say we can have confidence just by having more self love. But is this really what the Bible teaches? I don't think so. I think t…
Sept. 23, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 23 - Divine Dietician

Can we trust God as our divine dietician? Today we talk about the truth that God's wisdom is good for ALL areas of our lives and the one who created our bodies probably knows best how we can take care of them. It's a simple …
Sept. 22, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 22 - Health

Health: It's good to be healthy. It's good to desire health. It's good to be a responsible steward of your body... But, health can become an idol. For many clients I work with and women I meet, health presents an area of con…
Sept. 21, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 21 - Purpose

Do you know what gifts God has given you? Do you know how he made you tick, what he wired you for? Finding our "purpose" doesn't have to be some giant, elusive, mission...but taking steps towards doing things that match how …
Sept. 20, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 20 - Freedom

Today we're going to pray that you can feel and embrace the freedom that God intends for you to have with your body, with food, and with exercise. We were not intended to be slaves to any earthly thing--including the scale, …
Sept. 19, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 19 - Comparison

Today we talk about Comparison -something that, if you've been around this show any amount of time, you'll know is a hot topic! Comparison is no joke, it's bigger than the memes, and it's hurting us more than we know. I talk…
Sept. 18, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 18 - Pride

I'll admit -- I like to be right. I like to have people acknowledge it when I do well. I like to be seen as good, the best, or admirable. And, friends--it's all my pride. Today we talk about how pride impacts our body image …
Sept. 17, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 17 - Covetousness

What does it mean to covet? Is coveting actually a problem in our body image struggles? Could our constant coveting be keeping us from body image freedom? Worse yet--what are we really doing when we covet another woman's bod…
Sept. 16, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 16 - Envy

Today's topic is a tough one-- envy! Sigh. Could envy be a stronghold in our body image issues? Yes, it can and often is. We get so stuck in envying how she looks or how she lost the weight or how she bounced back after preg…
Sept. 15, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 15 - Body Image Idol Part 2

Today we talk about body image idolatry one more time - looking at how body image idolatry can impact our daily lives and what it looks like to be lured into serving the body image idol on day to day basis. If you've never n…
Sept. 14, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 14 - Body Image Idol

Body image idolatry - What is that? If you're new to this show or my ministry, this episode will tell you about the number one reason why I believe Christian women get stuck in body image issues. It's so easy for us to make …