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June 19, 2021

Condemnation Vs. Conviction: Win the Mental Body Image Battle

If you're battling body image, chances are there are a lot of voices in your head telling you what you should do, making you feel bad for what you did or didn't do, and saying mean things about your body or your behaviors. T…
June 8, 2021

Ginny Owens, Blindness, Body Image, and Singing in the Dark

Ginny Owens is an internationally recognized Christian recording artist whose been blind since she was a little girl. Today I talk to Ginny about how body image and comparison issues present when you're blind (and can't look…
June 4, 2021

I'm No Longer a Slave to Food: Featuring Jenny Zentz

Anxiety, depression, weight issues . . . eating cheeseburgers in bed at midnight . . .sneaking food and overeating to numb physical and emotional pain . . .Today's guest has experienced it all but has found freedom from food…
June 1, 2021

Podcast: Do You Deserve to Wear Shorts?

Inspired by Mindy Pickens' brilliant post from a few years ago, "Do You Deserve to Wear Shorts?" , today I talk through this hot summer topic. We talk about what makes one "worthy" to wear shorts and why we get stuck believi…
May 25, 2021

You Tube Star Cambria Joy: The Difference Between Hot and Healthy

My guest today is a superstar on You Tube. She's a sweet, smart, and funny young woman who is poised to help a generation of women rise up and find freedom from body image issues. Her name is Cambria Joy and joy is exactly w…
May 25, 2021

Why Weren't We All Created Equally Beautiful? Listener Question

Today I'm tackling a listener question: "Heather, if we're all the Imago Dei, then why aren't we all, equally beautiful?" I loved this question and I hope you'll take a listen to the answer. She's right, we're all made in th…
May 18, 2021

Body Image Issues from the Perspective of a Christian College Student

I'm so excited to share with you a conversation with my intern-- Amber--who bravely shares her story of struggling with disordered eating and body image issues in high school. Amber's graduating this month from college and h…
May 14, 2021

What the Bible Teaches on Self Esteem, Self Love, and Body Image

Everywhere you look you can find a #selflove or #loveyourself mantra to "encourage" you and help you "improve" your body image. But is self love really the way? Is self love even biblical? What about self-esteem? Is that som…
May 11, 2021

Podcast: Life Through a Different Lens with Shawna Sullivan

My guest today is my friend Shawna Sullivan. We have a wildly fun conversation about how to start seeing your life differently--through, what Shawna calls, the lens of investment. Now, before you think this is about money or…
May 7, 2021

Body Image Coaching Changed Our Lives: With Clients Angela & Kim

Today's show is a must listen. It features a conversation with two of my coaching clients--Angela and Kim. You're going to be blessed by their stories! They're real women who had real body image struggles and are now walking…
May 6, 2021

Spring Break Free Finale Day 25: 3 Lessons To Carry With You

Well, you did it! You completed all 25 days of the Spring Break Free: Body Image Freedom Course! (I hope, if you cheated and watched this one first, I still love you. Just go back and catch up on what you missed when you hav…
May 5, 2021

Ways to Prepare for Swimsuit Season (Day 24 Spring Break Free)

Only 1 day left in the Spring Break Free Series. Today, we're going to talk about some practical ways you can prepare your heart for swimsuit season. Everywhere you look you'll find tips this month on how to get your BODY re…
May 4, 2021

Why You Need Community (Spring Break Free Day 23)

Community. What is that anyway? It's a bit of a modern Christian "buzz word" but what does it really mean? Let me break it down for you. Community requires you to be a part of a group of people who know your name. People who…
May 3, 2021

Stop the Comparison Habit (Day 22 Spring Break Free)

Are you guilty of comparison? Don't feel bad. Most of us are. It's hard, in our culture, not to compare ourselves to others. I mean, gracious, we see their lives in front of us all day long. It used to be you could only comp…
May 2, 2021

How to Break Food Addiction (Day 21 of the Spring Break Free)

Food. I'd rather not talk about food. Okay, I guess that's not true. I talk about everything--maybe a little too honestly. But, I just wrote this post confessing my affection for Bark Thins and how quickly they seem to disap…
May 1, 2021

Quitting this "Healthy" Habit (Day 20 Spring Break Free)

I taught fitness classes for over a decade and I saw it every week. One night though, it really scared me. That was the night when we got off the spin bikes to stretch and she fell over. She got off the bike and next thing I…
April 30, 2021

Do Clothes Help Your Body Image Struggles? Day 19

Ahh . . . clothes. I love clothes. Well, sometimes I love them. Other days, I hate them. I look at my closet and search through my drawers and physically feel like there's no possible way anything will fit. Clothes have this…
April 29, 2021

Sex & Body Image Connection

In today's episode of the Spring Break Free - we talk about sex and body image. If you've ever thought someone wanting you, physically, would solve your body image issues--this episode is a much watch or listen. Is there a c…
April 28, 2021

One Habit That Will Destroy Your Body Image: Your Media (Day 17)

Is there one habit that's potentially worse than all others for your body image? I think so . This habit will destroy your body image. Even if you make progress . . .if you slip back into doing this, you'll likely find yours…
April 27, 2021

One Habit That Will Change Your Body Image for Good (Day 16)

There's one habit that you need to do, every day, if you really want to experience lasting freedom and change in the arena of your body image. Want to stop comparing yourself to others? Want to feel truly free to love and be…
April 26, 2021

Why You Should Try a New Way (Spring Break Free Day 15)

We've all heard the over-used definition of insanity. "Trying the same thing, over and again, and expecting different results." No one really knows who said it, but we all know it's true. If you're like me, you've tried all …
April 25, 2021

2 Questions to Ask About Idolatry & Body Image (Spring Break Free Day 14)

It's Spring Break Free Day 14! Today we'll wrap up our talk about idolatry with a discussion about what questions you need to ask to see that those idols are ousted from your life. Listen above or watch Heather talk about bo…
April 24, 2021

Getting Rid of Idols of the Heart Part Two (Spring Break Free Day 13)

Once you've identified that your heart tends to make and worship idols, what do you do? How do you get rid of the idols of the heart? Should it be encouraging or discouraging to find and uproot these idols? Listen above or w…
April 23, 2021

How to Recognize an Idol (Day 12 Spring Break Free!)

God surprised me a few years ago with a concept I never learned about in church. Okay, that's not entirely true. Of course I had heard about idolatry in church. But, I knew I didn't have to worry about breaking that commandm…