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Sept. 13, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 13 - Idol of Self

What is the idol of self and what does our "ideal body" have to do with it? That's what we'll talk about in today's episode. Plus: We'll pray for the power and strength to release our ideals and to turn away from the idol of…
Sept. 12, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 12 - Others' Opinions

Do other's opinions of your body impact your body image? Of course they do...for most of us at least. So how do we free ourselves from the opinions (and perhaps approval) of other people? How do we keep their body image issu…
Sept. 11, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 11 - Fear

Can you believe that the root of most of our body image issues is fear? That may seem hard to believe. You may believe the root is that your weight is wrong or your body shape is not what you prefer--but under it all is a se…
Sept. 10, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 10 - Guilt

Today we're talking about guilt and how all of our rules about our bodies, our diets, our exercise can add extra guilt we were never meant to carry. Guilt leads to shame and condemnation (and if you check out our verse of th…
Sept. 9, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 9 - Body Shame

Struggling with shame related to your body or body image? Oh friend, we've all been there. That's why today we're going to pray specifically against shame. We'll pray that you'll feel and know what it means to live free from…
Sept. 8, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 8 - Feelings

What do you do if you wake up in the morning and don't FEEL like your body is worthy? What if your feelings are bouncing up and down and dictating how you feel about yourself each day? If feelings are where you get stuck--to…
Sept. 7, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 7 - Discernment

We all need discernment, don't we? It's hard to know what's real, what's not real... what voices do we listen to, what do we ignore? Today we talk about the gift of discernment as a blessing to your body image battle. If you…
Sept. 6, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 6 - Thanksgiving

Scripture reminds us to use prayer and petition to calm our anxieties and ask God for what we need. I don't know about you friend - but needing freedom from body hatred, body stress, body image woe--this is a real need that …
Sept. 5, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 5 - Surrender

Surrender seems like a negative word in most contexts -- like giving up ...or admitting defeat. But, when it comes to surrender in the biblical sense -- surrender is freedom! It's the sweet release of all that weighs us down…
Sept. 4, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 4 - Truth

In today's show we pray for God to open our eyes to see the truth beyond the scale and beyond the mirror. We'll pray that God will help us understand that he knit us together in our mother's womb and knew/knows EXACTLY how h…
Sept. 3, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 3- Peace

Today we pray for peace with your body. You've heard of body positivity, body neutrality, and you've probably even experienced body negativity - but what about body peace? What would it be like to look in the mirror or get o…
Sept. 2, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 2- Wisdom

Today we continue praying for our body image by talking about praying and seeking God for wisdom to reveal to you why and where you are stuck in a body image battle. Most of us have searched far and wide for "wisdom" on how …
Sept. 1, 2021

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 1 - Faith

Today starts a 30 day series of praying for your body image. Today we talk about having the FAITH that you can actually change the way you feel about your body. Many of us have been let down by faith placed in other things. …
Aug. 27, 2021

Control, Thyroid, Image, Introversion, & the Middle: 5 Lessons

Today I'll share 5 lessons I learned this summer about a wide range of topics from swimming with sharks to everything is hardest when you're in the middle to what happened to my Thyroid and Hashimoto's dis…
Aug. 20, 2021

How to Stop Treating Your Body (and Life) as a Project

This episode was originally called "How to Stop Troubleshooting Your Life" but it seems not many of you listened to I've included it in the Summer RePlay series so you can catch it now if you missed it back in Season…
Aug. 13, 2021

50 Ways to Beat Comparison Part 2

Today we continue with the last part of the rapid fire list of 50 ways YOU can beat comparison. We'll talk about proactive strategies to stop you from looking to comparison to figure out if you're doing okay and we'll talk a…
Aug. 6, 2021

50 Ways to Beat Comparison Part 1

Why do we stay stuck in comparison, what can we do to break out, in what ways is comparison ACTUALLY hurting us? This episode is a rapid fire list of ways that you can recognize and beat comparison in your life. Many of thes…
July 30, 2021

Podcast: Heather's Appearance on The Intertwined Life

Don't be confused by the music, friends! Today I'm sharing my interview on Jenny Zentz's podcast called "The Intertwined Life." You get to hear me asking the questions each week-but on this episode - you'll hear me share my …
July 23, 2021

Podcast: Watching the Olympics, Body Image, & True Beauty

Watching or planning to watch the Olympics this summer? Ever notice that the bodies of the elite athletes may not look like the bodies on the magazine covers? What does watching the Olympics teach us about our body image str…
July 16, 2021

Summer Replay: Dana White on Clutter and Body Image

Last year I did an awesome show with Dana White from "A Slob Comes Clean" about the similarities between body image and house clutter! The show has been a huge hit on You Tube where it's had thousands of views and hundreds o…
July 9, 2021

Podcast: The All or Nothing Mentality featuring Shawna Scafe

Do you have an "all or nothing" mentality? Today's guest, Shawna Scafe and I will talk about this common struggle to think about life and all the things in a black and white or give 100% or 0% type of way! We talk about this…
July 9, 2021

Podcast: Body Image--Separating Facts from Fiction of Culture

Do you battle body image? In today's show I talk about my own journey to figure out what the heart--the root of the problem was--behind my body image struggles. I share about the gas powered curling iron I used to carry with…
June 26, 2021

Podcast: What Does Modesty Really Mean?

What if modesty isn't about the length of our shorts or the amount of exposed skin? Could modesty be more than that? Could it be about something going on in our hearts? Even the most popular scripture passage used to encoura…
June 20, 2021

Body Image Wisdom for Christian Men

Men struggle with body image too. And, if you're a woman battling body image who lives with a man battling body image--finding your freedom can be even more challenging. Today I talk to author Sean Coons about how to best he…