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March 17, 2023

Dear Gwyneth: Your Wellness Plan is Not Food or Body Freedom

Today's episode is a compassionate letter to Gwyneth Paltrow who, on Instagram this week, talked about her "wellness plan" which included her sharing what she eats in a day. If you didn't get to see the interview, you can le…
March 14, 2023

What Happens in the Brain When You Binge Feat: Dr. Kari Anderson 2

Today Heather continues her conversation with Dr. Kari Anderson about binge eating. They discuss what's going on in the brain when we binge, how the brain sends signals that lead to a binge, how binges can connect with attac…
March 10, 2023

Binge Eating, Stress Eating, Food Issues & Our Brains

Today Heather interviews Dr. Kari Anderson, a licensed professional counselor, eating disorder coach, author, and a recognized authority in treating binge eating and Binge Eating Disorder (BED). Today, Dr. Anderson shares he…
March 7, 2023

6 Things to Do When You Feel Fat: Tips for Christian Women

What do you do when you feel fat? Of course, most know by now that "fat" isn't really a feeling. Yet, how many of us say it? It's what we say when we don't know any other words to express displeasure with how our bodies look…
March 3, 2023

What To Do If You Hate Your Stomach (2023)

Today we’re going to talk about what to do if there’s a part of your body that you hate–that you want to change or maybe even are obsessing over changing. In particular, we're going to talk about hating our stomachs. But you…
Feb. 28, 2023

7 minutes of Scripture: Numbers 13, 14 and Your Body Image

In Numbers 13 and 14 we read the story of Joshua, Caleb and the twelve spies that were sent out from the Israelites to scout out the land of Canaan. Canaan was the promised land - the land that God was leading them to and ha…
Feb. 24, 2023

Improving Body Image, Body Image Idols, and Compared to Who?

On today's show, Heather re-introduces herself, shares her story, and explains in more depth the ministry of Compared to Who? Heather tells of how God helped her overcome a lifetime battle with food, a likely eating disorder…
Feb. 21, 2023

How Do You Find Your Identity in Christ? Body Image, Identity, and Personality

Personality, identity, and image are topics that get fuzzy and blurred for many women who struggle with body image issues. We are told that we need to find our identity in Christ and root it in him, yet, it's difficult to un…
Feb. 17, 2023

Engaging Emotions Honestly, Three Chairs Model w/Travis Stewart

Heather continues her conversation with Travis Stewart, LPC - a leader in the world of Christian eating disorder treatment. In today's episode, Heather and Travis discuss a model Travis developed to help people work through …
Feb. 14, 2023

How Personality Connects to Food/ Body Issues with Travis Stewart

Today Heather talks with Travis Stewart, a licensed professional counselor and leader in the eating disorder recovery world. Travis and Heather discuss how understanding our core needs and motivations, which some may classif…
Feb. 10, 2023

Personality & Body Image Issues: Why We Manage Our Image

What if managing your image was about more than just your body? Have you ever felt yourself trying to manage your personality? Have you ever tried to portray an "image" of yourself that was more like your ideal than perhaps …
Feb. 7, 2023

Should I Be Sugar Free? Intuitive Eating Coaching Call

Today Heather talks to her Intuitive Eating Coaches — Erin Todd and Char-Lee Haze from the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast — about whether or not you can be “sugar-free” while practicing intuitive eating. Char-L…
Jan. 31, 2023

Praying for Body Image: Tune in to Him Finale

I pray that this month-long series to help you pray for your body image and "Tune in" to God while you tune out the voices of marketers and Diet Culture has made a powerful impact in your life. Today we finish the series wit…
Jan. 30, 2023

Praying for Holiness: Striving for Holy in a World that Wants Hot

Today we pray that God would make us more holy. It sounds like a strange thing to pray for. But, throughout the New Testament we are encouraged to be striving for holiness. There are many things we strive for on this earth--…
Jan. 27, 2023

Praying to Be More Loving Towards Our Bodies and Others

Today we pray to be more loving. There are many ways being more loving can help us overcome body image issues and insecurity, but today we talk about how believing and receiving God's love can help us feel more of that love …
Jan. 26, 2023

Praying for Grace for Your Body Image & Comparison Struggles

God gives us so much grace. When we're struggling with issues like body image or insecurity or comparison, his grace is our only cure. As Heather writes in the Burden of Better - she thought that she had a comparison problem…
Jan. 25, 2023

Praying for Peace With Boundaries of Your Body

Today we're talking about praying for peace with the boundaries of our bodies. One of the hardest aspects of our body image struggles may be accepting the way God made and "sized" our bodies. For some, there's frustration ov…
Jan. 24, 2023

Praying for Radiance from Psalm 34:5

Who doesn't want to be radiant? We all long to shine with a beauty that draws others to us and that those around us would describe as "radiant." While marketers promise that radiance comes from using the right skin care prod…
Jan. 23, 2023

Praying for a New View of Beauty, Body Image

Today we take time during our month-long series where we're praying for your body image issues to pray for a new view of beauty. Why do we feel compelled to try to look a certain way or be a certain "type" of beautiful? It's…
Jan. 20, 2023

Praying for a New View of Food to Help Body Image

Today we're praying for God to give us a new view of food. Some of us have feared food. Some have treated it like a savior. But the best way to interact with food is to see it as a good gift from God. God designed us to eat.…
Jan. 19, 2023

Praying for Truth and Clarity Around Food Rules

Like we talked about yesterday, an important part of this process is seeing and believing something new about your body and your value and even food and what it’s intended for. Today we are praying for truth and clarity arou…
Jan. 18, 2023

Praying for a Healthier Relationship With Food

Are you praying for a healthier relationship with food? Are you always restricting or binging? Do you obsess over food or feel like thoughts of food run your life? Do you fear food or what food might do to you? Are you caugh…
Jan. 17, 2023

Praying for Freedom From My Opinions of Myself

Yesterday we talked about praying for freedom from what others think of us, but today we're talking about praying for freedom from what we think of ourselves!! What happens when we have ideals or expectations for ourselves t…
Jan. 16, 2023

Praying for Freedom from Opinion of Others, Approval, Body Image

Today in our month-long series where we are praying for your body image, we pray for protection from the opinions of others (or approval) related to our body image. Worrying about what others will think of your body is a typ…